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- Apr 10, 2014
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still dont work or ?
trinity .19Delete this plugin and update Trinity.
dont work
still dont work or ?
trinity .19Delete this plugin and update Trinity.
When you say 'delete zbountyprofile' plugin..that folder contained files .svn, Act1(folder), Act4 (folder), BountyDumper(folder), act1.xml, act4.xml, bountyprofile.cs and readme.txt, you want me to delete ALL of that?
I've tried that and DemonBuddy gives me an error saying 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Path to profile element is not valid; file not found
File name: 'C:\Users\Josh\Documents\DB Beta\Plugins\zBountyPlugin\Act4/act4.xml'
at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Profile.Load(String path)
at Zeta.Bot.ProfileManager.Load(String profilePath, Boolean rememberPath)'
is act 1 bounties still not afkable?
Nope, not yet. Act 1 is a HUGE task to undertake.
Let us know if there's anything us plebs can do to help.
all removed and placed again, but the error persists
Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
[Trinity] Starting up Generic Cache Manage thread
[Trinity] Starting up Generic Blacklist Manager thread
[BountyProfile] Refreshing Cache!
[BountyProfile] Active Bounty returned null during timer_tick, hope that is OK
[Trinity] Bounties complete returned null.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Fields_Event_FarmBesieged (347062) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_FesteringWoods_Event_Last_Stand (345502) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_SpiderCaves_Kill_QueenAraneae (345528) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Highlands_Clear_CaveMoonClan2 (344547) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_LeoricsDungeon_Kill_Garrach (347027) unsupported or invalid.
Leaving game, reason: No more bounties that we can do. Resetting game.
Last run acquired 0 gold.
[Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
That's weird I delete everything from previous EZUpdater and click the link to 0.1.6 and still get 0.1.5 which still downloads the zBountyProfile folder and pluginYour EZUpdater is apparently out of date as well. and error code 316611 might be something completely unrelated. I don't know what that error is.