-Bounty: kill ragus grimlow
Marker Hash: 490952466, Distance: 40.91489, Position: <890.2634, 618.856, -19.45393> Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
-Bounty: kill braluk grimlow
Marker Hash: 490952467, Distance: 73.04627, Position: <834.975, 710.137, 5.34375>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
-Bounty: kill captain cage
Marker Hash: -152093421, Distance: 112.1022, Position: <345.4096, 286.4517, 3.988>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
-Bounty: a stranger in need
Marker Hash: 2912417, Distance: 79.96909, Position: <520.6219, 1289.967, 0>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
-Bounty: crumbling tower
Entrance: Marker Hash: -1187439574, Distance: 251.4207, Position: <2295.898, 4504.81, -4.088893>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
worldid: 80057 levelareaid: 80116 name: a1trDun_Cath_Tower_Of_Power
first ritual: x="2020.565" y="2021.187" z="-3.126434" (new Vector3(2020.565f,2021.187f,-3.126434f))
second ritual: x="2019.245" y="2274.569" z="2.633116" (new Vector3(2019.245f,2274.569f,2.633116f))
third ritual: x="1720.692" y="2446.418" z="25.96828" (new Vector3(1720.692f,2446.418f,25.96828f))
-Bounty: kill the butcher
Marker Hash: 356899046, Distance: 103.1931, Position: <255.7032, 340.4518, -47.88895>, Closest Portal Loc: <255.7032, 340.4518, -47.88895> [Boss_Portal_Butcher-30146]
-Bounty: clear khazra den
southern most door:
Marker Hash: 2036518712, Distance: 62.5727, Position: <2235.596, 1053.903, -4.620636>, Closest Portal Loc: <2235.596, 1053.903, -4.620636> [g_Portal_Circle_Blue-34191]
middle door:
Marker Hash: 2036518712, Distance: 75.13175, Position: <2105.596, 593.9031, -4.620636>, Closest Portal Loc: <2105.596, 593.9031, -4.620636> [g_Portal_Circle_Blue-1316]
-Bounty: the cursed celler
Marker Hash: 1107870150, Distance: 60.33424, Position: <2284.176, 2557.326, 27.7173>, Closest Portal Loc: <2284.176, 2557.326, 27.7173> [g_Portal_Square_Blue-2827]
-Bounty: clear the cave of the moon clan
entrance: Marker Hash: -1187439574, Distance: 56.82051, Position: <2295.898, 4504.81, -4.088893>, Closest Portal Loc: <2295.898, 4504.81, -4.088893> [g_Portal_Square_Orange-3913]
-bounty: kill bludheonskull
Marker Hash: -820238703, Distance: 149.2626, Position: <568.1827, 628.0569, -18.12763>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
-bounty: kill treefist woodhead
Marker Hash: -820238701, Distance: 36.58624, Position: <543.8293, 1058.39, 6.872366>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
-bounty: kill queen araneae
Marker Hash: 1317387500, Distance: 112.1785, Position: <916.8171, 609.7488, 15.06546>, Closest Portal Loc: <916.8171, 609.7488, 15.06546> [Boss_Portal_SpiderQueen-10901]
-Bounty: kill the skeleton king
Marker Hash: -267501088, Distance: 59.33334, Position: <343.4454, 483.9485, 0.01501465>, Closest Portal Loc: <343.4454, 483.9485, 0.01501465> [Boss_Portal_SkeletonKing-8088]
-Bounty: the matriarch's bones
entrance: Marker Hash: -1965109038, Distance: 33.34291, Position: <2233.954, 1793.8, 6.619959>, Closest Portal Loc: <2233.954, 1793.8, 6.619959> [g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-2389]
quest lady: Marker Hash: 2912417, Distance: 95.93865, Position: <857, 596, -4.645752>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
lefturn: Marker Hash: 0, Distance: 24.59772, Position: <802, 530, 2.311952>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
middleurn: Marker Hash: 0, Distance: 12.8925, Position: <766.5, 595, 2.359185>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
righturn: Marker Hash: 0, Distance: 12.02886, Position: <802, 670, 2.254658>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>
sarcophagus: Marker Hash: 0, Distance: 86.64943, Position: <933.3776, 594, 4.978361>, Closest Portal Loc: <0, 0, 0>