Changelog 404
API Changes
BloodshardCount added in CPlayer.
MarkersManager now includes open world markers. ( bounties / rift bosses )
MainGridProvider is now fully reset whenever the world changes.
Translated into:
1. Support for bloodshards
2. Map marker support for bounties and rifts
3. No more stucks caused by map corruption
Can you make a profile that uses the most rewarding bounties, like kill all monsters in one area, used by Alkaizer?
bounty does not work with simply follow why?
so this guy posted some videos on youtube teaching/sharing the fastest way to farm specifics bounties of Act 1 and Act2.. I figured this would be handy to our dear bots cuz if they know exactly where to go TrinityExploreDungeon would not be necessary thus the time of each bounty would be significantly reduced.. Please a take a look devs, although i have a feeling that such technique is already implemented in some bounties but not all, it would be very nice to see this well implemented. Respect for your work anyways. Here are the vids/maps:
Stinging Winds
Weeping Hollow
Southern Highlands
Northern Highlands
Howling Plateau
Fields of Misery
Festering Woods
Desolate Sands
source: Less than 1 Minute Video Act 1/2 Bounties Guides, Should improve bounty speed. : Diablo
Now that we could access the map markers. How do we proceed so that the bounty profiles actually make use of it?
We have some prototypes already, and it looks very very good. Its going to change everything - My tests indicate that you can see the location of the objective marker pretty much straight away after loading the world and run straight there, its in the markers collection even when not visible yet. Working with rrrix to get trinity / quest-tools using it asap.
We have some prototypes already, and it looks very very good. Its going to change everything - My tests indicate that you can see the location of the objective marker pretty much straight away after loading the world and run straight there, its in the markers collection even when not visible yet. Working with rrrix to get trinity / quest-tools using it asap.
bot does nothing stands stillLoaded profile Fixed Path Kill on Southern Highlands
[TownPortalTag] TownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=366148
[Logger] Town Portal timer finished
Using Waypoint. Number:13
[Logger] TrinityMoveTo is depreciated. Use MoveTo or SafeMoveTo instead.
Same here. Happens with Tri 1.9NEED FIX ACT 1 @profile Fixed Path Kill on Southern Highlands@
bot does nothing stands still
15:54:45.948 INFO Logger [TabUI]
Gizmo ActorSNO: 225272 Name: a4dun_Garden_Purification_Well_Frenzied-9565 Type: PowerUp Radius: 15.34 Position: x="2717" y="2336" z="-15" (2717, 2336, -15) Distance: 11 Animation: a4dun_Garden_Purification_Well_FX_closed AppearanceSNO: 189193 has Attributes: Level=70, TeamID=1, HitpointsCur=981668463, HitpointsMax=981663744, HitpointsMaxTotal=1065353216, ProjectileReflectDamageScalar=1065353216, MinimapActive=1,
<TargetBlacklist actorId="225272"/> <!-- bugged well a4dun_Garden_Purification_Well_Frenzied-9565 -->