After 2 weeks using this profile, running it AFK and not I would like to post some feedbacks (I play a monk on T1 while I can do Rifts at T4 by myself, so, I never die):
The quest selection is great, you can stop your bot and then start it again during bounty and he will take the quest from when you left it.
The act 4 is 99% afkable, I just see him got stuck once during the first days.
The act 1 Is very good but there are some problems:
-it gets mayor lags (fps drops to 1 or less) during butcher encounter. It causes the log to be full of red "action xxx took to long..." messages. I can't understand why, I think it is due to the dashing strike build, I'm not sure
-during the bounties on northern highlands sometimes he run down to the southern and he get lost and reset the game
-sometimes on random maps it doesen't recognise the end of the bounty and keep cleaning the area. the log shows the correct "bounty complete" but he keeps going
I'm using the last version (I SVN update everytime before using it) with a clean DB beta (updated) installation.
I'm using act 1 afking it while I work and it worked all the times, but it is really slow some days (probably it gets stuck)