[quote="optico89, post: 1483862"]EDIT:
Confirmed Trinity .25 is broken.
Please revert back to version .24.
To Obtain version 2.4, you can get it by downloading the NON-BETA DB client, it comes default with the .24 version of trinity.
Use the Trinity Plugins folder from the Non-beta DB client, and put it in the BETA DB client ( Latest version is .394 )
Turn off EZUpdater to prevent automatically updating Trinity to it's latest broken version .25.
QuestTools .50 works perfectly fine, so no need to downgrade at the moment.
Keep your profiles up to date manually for now via the SVN, which is described in the original post by Sychotix.
I'm sure a fix for trinity is coming soon, give RRIX some time to adjust things, and play wheel of fortune with the code.
mean time downgrade trinity using the above mentioned description.[/QUOTE]