yep, just fired up A1 and hopefull it all runs smooth xD. Are you running a1 or a4? If you've had a smooth experience with a1, would you mind sharing your trinity setting? Thanks!
I'm running all.xml
Im not sure my settings would help much considering im running with a crusader, so the settings are a little wonky.
however for the most part my settings are basically default except for a few things such as Pack size, I have that set to 1 to ensure the bot kills everything, really helps with the cursed chests, and of course meeting the required amount of kills needed in some bounties.
other then that, i have keep my legendaries unidentified, and dont open caches.
I've allowed my first and second bags to be protected and allowing 1 protected inventory slot for my bottomless potion.
minimum gold stack is set to 2500 as im not gold hungry, im cache box farming. I cant think of anything else so far off the top of my head but thats basically the gist of it.