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[Profiles] Adventure Mode Bounties - Community Edition

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[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="129305"

Silver Spire level 1 right at entrance. Couldn't get it unstuck for the life of me lol.
So this happened during the Kill diablo bounty, not sure why

[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #9 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="129305"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1509.08ms.
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1524.92ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #10 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="129305"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1508.39ms.
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1525.77ms.
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1533.50ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="129305"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1508.64ms.
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1525.24ms.
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #2 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="129305"
[Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1507.69ms.
Generated these errors. Logging has stopped to the window but bot continues seemingly unaffected.

Edit: Upon completion of bounty logging is generated again. Seems to be a cosmetic error.

Act 4 Bounties
Loaded profile Gardens of Hope 2 Kill 100 and boss
Using Waypoint. Number:42
Using Waypoint. Number:42
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 00000198, Size: 12
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
at Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_Position()
at Zeta.Bot.InactivityDetector.(Object , EventArgs )
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
at Zeta.Bot.Pulsator.(Delegate , Object[] )
Is there any point in doing bounties above normal difficulty?
As said above, the highest difficulty that your character can handle really quickly will be good, as you get better exp/gold then.
I've been trying to run at least expert, just because the bloodshards get doubled then. Not much of an improvement, but if you oneshot expert you might as well do it.
Found a bug. Basically if you have a character that you powerleveled to 70 and it has no quests done but adventure mode unlocked and you try to create an avdventure mode game, it will give you the 316611 error indidcating that you are trying to start a quest that you dont have unlocked. I am going to cross post this into the DB beta thread as well, but I wanted to add it here in the event that its a profile issue.

Having the same problem.

GREAT PROFILE, working well at ACT4
but I got a problem. after finish all 5 MISSONs, my character sometimes wont PORTAL to tyreal for gift box.

he will portal to town. sale rare. stash、Legend and portal back to the final mission , then log out. gift box is missing,

so, Should I tweak the pack size or other way to solve it? thx!
Im having this same problem as this guy, anyone knows whats wrong? :(
Using the newest profile, all I get is this with both act 1 and 4:

Loaded profile Act 1 - Loader
[BountyProfile] Bounties complete returned null.
Blah Done.

Trinity is .20 and other plugins are updated..
Using the newest profile, all I get is this with both act 1 and 4:

Trinity is .20 and other plugins are updated..

I was getting this same error over and over again.
After playing around with all the plugins, i updated Ezupdater.
It ran once and updated everything, now the profiles are working perfect. Its what worked for me, might be worth the try.
so the cache issue not solved yet? anyone know which tab from the stash should I empty? Wake up today from sleep and saw bot running to stash the cache whole night. :mad:
I was getting this same error over and over again.
After playing around with all the plugins, i updated Ezupdater.
It ran once and updated everything, now the profiles are working perfect. Its what worked for me, might be worth the try.

Well, not sure why I never think to update Ezupdater, but this seems to have worked so far..
Guess I was just being lazy with that plugin being there.
Silver spire level 1 stuck

[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #6 of 10 attempts) Act="OpenWorld" questId="312429" stepId="2" worldId="121579"
so the cache issue not solved yet? anyone know which tab from the stash should I empty? Wake up today from sleep and saw bot running to stash the cache whole night. :mad:

Then learn to clear your 4th page out before going to sleep. People have said the new trinity uses the cache at the start or something like that. These are profiles now, not a plugin.
Yea, the new trinity opens your caches. It needs some logic work as it will open them on a townrun before it empties its bags resulting in spaz out.
Trying to test but its not working at all for me. Getting this:

[Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
Loaded profile Act 1 - Loader
Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
[BountyProfile] Refreshing Cache!
[BountyProfile] Active Bounty returned null during timer_tick, hope that is OK
[Trinity] Bounties complete returned null.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Cathedral_Kill_CaptainCage (361341) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Wilderness_Kill_MiraEamon (347099) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Fields_Clear_KhazraDen (347065) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Highlands_Northern_Event_VendorRescue (350529) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_LeoricsDungeon_Kill_Butcher (347032) unsupported or invalid.
Leaving game, reason: No more bounties that we can do. Resetting game.
Last run acquired 0 gold.
[Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
Waiting 7.1 seconds before next game...

and it just keeps repeating it. Any ideas?
Trying to test but its not working at all for me. Getting this:

[Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
Loaded profile Act 1 - Loader
Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
[BountyProfile] Refreshing Cache!
[BountyProfile] Active Bounty returned null during timer_tick, hope that is OK
[Trinity] Bounties complete returned null.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Cathedral_Kill_CaptainCage (361341) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Wilderness_Kill_MiraEamon (347099) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Fields_Clear_KhazraDen (347065) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Highlands_Northern_Event_VendorRescue (350529) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_LeoricsDungeon_Kill_Butcher (347032) unsupported or invalid.
Leaving game, reason: No more bounties that we can do. Resetting game.
Last run acquired 0 gold.
[Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
Waiting 7.1 seconds before next game...

and it just keeps repeating it. Any ideas?

Had that too, completely remove everything from bounty profile and reload it using the svn
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