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[Profiles] Adventure Mode Bounties - Community Edition

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I would like to try out the Act 1 profile, how well is it working? :)

Can i let it run on my computer wile i work on osme other stuff?
I would like to try out the Act 1 profile, how well is it working? :)

Can i let it run on my computer wile i work on osme other stuff?

Pretty sure it functions okay for some of the profiles, but I don't think it's very efficient and it's definitely not ready to AFK. If you're going to be at your PC anyway you may as well give it whirl and see how it does. If you have problems you can post the logs here for sycho to look at after he's finished work on Act 4.
Fresh install, all updated to trinity 0.20. Receiving error

[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_Fields_Event_FarmBesieged (347062) unsupported or invalid.

Last bounty to do on the map.
GREAT PROFILE, working well at ACT4
but I got a problem. after finish all 5 MISSONs, my character sometimes wont PORTAL to tyreal for gift box.

he will portal to town. sale rare. stash、Legend and portal back to the final mission , then log out. gift box is missing,

so, Should I tweak the pack size or other way to solve it? thx!
which diffuculty are u guys running this profile on? i mean for the caches it doesnt matter if its T6 or normal, right? just wondering if u guys are doing it on like T1 to get extra legendaries/craft mats.
which diffuculty are u guys running this profile on? i mean for the caches it doesnt matter if its T6 or normal, right? just wondering if u guys are doing it on like T1 to get extra legendaries/craft mats.

I'm running it on T3 because the game time is only prolonged with about 10 minutes per game compared to normal but include more gold/exp/legs and gems.
I didn't even bother checking if cache loot are affected by torment or not because I do bounties solely for rift fragments.
I run it on normal for testing.

@Keirne, that quest just isn't supported yet.

I hope you guys are enjoying the profiles and thanks to the guy that donated today! I am going to be taking a break today to play a brand new Adventure Time game that came out yesterday. If you guys are interested, I will be streaming it here Twitch

Hope to see you guys in there ;) Also, please try to keep the questions/bug reporting in my chat to a minimum lol
Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A1_SpiderCaves_Kill_Venimite (345524) unsupported or invalid.

Last bounty.
I'm running it on T3 because the game time is only prolonged with about 10 minutes per game compared to normal but include more gold/exp/legs and gems.
I didn't even bother checking if cache loot are affected by torment or not because I do bounties solely for rift fragments.

the caches loot is indifferent to which difficulty you are running it on. There are no torment or class specifik items in the caches.
Db has an issue, in the sense that it's unable to sell / salvage gear when inventory is full. happens only with this profile though. any tips on how to fix that ?
which diffuculty are u guys running this profile on? i mean for the caches it doesnt matter if its T6 or normal, right? just wondering if u guys are doing it on like T1 to get extra legendaries/craft mats.

was running t3 and t2 - swapped to t1 - works and seems to be alot more faster obviously but alot less buggy and just seems abit more flawless.
Yes. People are experiencing problems with Act 4 at the moment other than possibly a pathing issue on Izual, please either ensure you are 100% updated on the SVN with the newest DB Beta, or do a fresh install to ensure that this is true. Act 4 SHOULD be mostly stable excluding Izual pathing.
Db has an issue, in the sense that it's unable to sell / salvage gear when inventory is full. happens only with this profile though. any tips on how to fix that ?
Use TrollGoblinRoS custom rule.
Anyone experiencing D3 freeze/crash when using this profile or the rift one? The profile works but I just can't afk cuz I need to set back everything up when it freezes :(
If you're not crashing plz tell me what version you're using

The crashing doesn't happen with any other "normal" profile, so I'm currently running FoM :l
Is there any chance anyone could help with a tweak to check if "kill Diablo" is one of the bounties and if it is leave the game and create a new one?
Blah Done.
Blah Done. spam after talking to Tyrael and getting the cashe
not restarting the game.
Have you disabled/deleted the zbounty plugin?

I'm having this same issue, was working fine when we were on tortoiseSVN but ever since changed to EZupdater was having this issue.

Followed the guide on: Setting up 'Adventure Mode Bounties - Community Edition' by Sychotix

Downloaded newest DB Beta build rather than updated DB Beta.

Also running newest:
-Trinity .19
-Questools .23
-zBountyProfile 102

Getting the following error:

[Trinity] Bounties complete returned null.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A4_GardensOfHope_Event_Juggernaut (369900) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A4_GardensOfHope_Kill_AspectPain (357129) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A4_HellRift_Kill_Hammersmash (364333) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A4_Spire_Kill_Pyres (349278) unsupported or invalid.
[Trinity] Bounty X1_Bounty_A4_Spire_Kill_Diablo (349288) unsupported or invalid.
Leaving game, reason: No more bounties that we can do. Resetting game.

All plugins - EZupdater, Questtools, Trinity, and BountyProfile are enabled.

I however do not have a Bountyprofile.cs in my zBountyProfile folder ever since the updated to 102.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure the newest version of zBountyProfile updated via SVN has issues at the moment I reverted to an older version. Here and it seems to work...
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