Edit: Did not see that last bounties list post. So i guess they are aware of the problem
EDIT: Also, new plugin version! I think this time, it will now (at least try to) turn into Tyreal if all 5 bounties are completed.
public class ActBountiesComplete : Trinity.XmlTags.BaseComplexNodeTag
public override bool GetConditionExec() {
var b = BountyCache.getBounties().Where(bounty => bounty.Act.ToString().Equals(Act) && [B]bounty.Info.State != QuestState.Completed[/B]);
My bad^^ you!Who is this, "they" =P I'm working on this project by myself, minus the two people who have given profiles which both weren't tested much lol
Just updated mine, will be running it all afternoon, I'll post back if I find anything.NEW PLUGIN OUT! (0.0.6) Make sure you put the new version in trinity root folder.
Also pushed out a couple new profiles. Hopefully they will work for you. I'm still testing profiles as we speak.
You should not need to. Make sure you have Adventure Mode (never know), and select it just in case. Maybe you are trying to create it on torment+ and you don't have torment unlocked?
Are you sure that you have profile.xml selected as your current profile?