SO many settings that seem to not be used..??
What do we do for pets without logic? Also how can we favorite like 10 pets and have it grind them 1-25, biggest issue i have is getting it to CHANGE PROFILES past level 4........PetArea doesn't work!??
Not much needs to change in PB. It is a test version, after all, so the possibility exists to change things radically or improve. It is not finished.
When WoD pops around, we might need a few alterations (aura checks, menu and LUA changes, gender checks,etc.) but the code is fine. Another pet plugin or bot could always be written, but the die is cast.
The other thread where they put the older PB code into a bot, it looks interesting, but it has some of the same problems from 2012. And 2013. And 2014. (It has been that long...)
As for logic,
The logic collection isn't extremely hard to build, it's just filling the 600 pets in the database. 5-10 a day, for 2+ months, etc.
Perhaps the logic sharing thread should be resurrected...
The quick logic works for the initial swapout, it's not ideal, but it only needs to work briefly. And it does.
favouriting works, I'd recommend starting with getting the 40+ pets listed on the wowhead celestial tournament guide, and putting those in the short list for favourites, warcraftpets forums also has a good short list of competent alternates, or go with color and family, etc. whatever works.
Then, set the options in BPS to use favourites, wild and rares, and it should boost the lower levels up. The pets listed are some of the more overpowered and tactical pets to choose from , and if you ever get to the tournament, you'll probably need about 40-60 pets to get a solid win, unless you ...follow the guides...
As for petarea,
Petarea is an old plugin, it can be updated to support using more profiles, more frequent zone changes, and so on. Yes, it's a bit broken, but most of the functionality should very likely not be used as is, because it relies on static gb2 profiles, a definite no-no.
Yes, pet battles are safer than grinding or gather profiles, due to the slow pacing, frequent and random pauses, gaps between navigation movement, but the detection issues are the same, mostly with the gb2 nav and flying between nodes triggering bot detection.
Will people level pets for 18 hours a day ... Yep. Have they ? Yep. Does it ruin it for everyone else ? Yep.
Still, Battle pet collector should work, I can't recall if it needed updating, but it should be the better option, as it swaps profiles frequently and doesn't stay in a zone for more than an hour.
Both plugins can be integrated into one, it's a probable step forward, Both have advantages, negatives. Etc.
For what people want to use it for, Pokehbuddy is fine as a plugin, it just needs a profile for horde/alliance to nav between areas, (probably a quest profile) and a few LUA macros to scan the overall lowest /highest pet level so it will move to the next area or trainer quest. It's nothing too overwhelming, a quest behavior that scans the pet journal for the lowest level pet, and moves to the next grind area, moving from zone to zone.
Won't really replace pet area, since the quest would have to use static grind areas, so same problems as before. And people will still use the static profiles way longer than they have to, or should.