This is a fun addon, thanks for making it.
I'm having trouble with it when using mixed mode + bg bot (bgfarmer actually). When it comes back from a battelground, it prints this sometimes then refuses to pulse:
[PB] Pulsing BPS
[BGFarmer] Currently Queued for 0 Battlegrounds. We want to be signed up for 1. Signing Up!
[PB] Pulsing BPS
[PB] Pets Equipped 0
[PB] This is NOT ENOUGH for this plugin to function. Equip 3 pets and learn the rez pet skill.
Not in game
3 pets are equipped though, and all in full health.
Thanks for any help
If you're using BG's, you need to slightly modify the pokebuddy code when it has the pulse update section,
edit the file pokehbuddy.cs , line 290 or so,
and modify the first section in the Pulse() code ( copy and paste over the if ( ...) section so it looks like the code section
this will "stop" pokeh from acting when in a battleground, and some other cases when it behaves badly.
public override void Pulse()
if (!StyxWoW.IsInGame || !StyxWoW.IsInWorld || Battlegrounds.IsInsideBattleground || Me.IsInInstance || Me.IsOnTransport || Me.Combat || Me.PetInCombat || Me.IsGhost || Me.IsDead || GroupInfo.IsInParty )
this will prevent Pokehbuddy from trying to start a pet battle when
in a loading screen, or changing levels
in a bg,
in a dungeon (or a garrison... so far),
on a taxi,
in combat or the pet has engaged in combat,
DEAD or in ghost form, (will prevent a lot of grief with PB trying to battle dead pets... )
or in a raid / party.
in most all those cases, if you try to apply LUA code, the pet journal is usually locked anyway, or will provide inaccurate results
(this happens a fair bit, due to the number of times PB pulls the same data out of the journal, and doesn't cache the results)
you can also delete the later code that looks like
if (Me.Combat)
because that one line checks for all of the above conditions in one bundle.
and what happens when the journal is locked, is you get LUA errors, like
[PB] Pets Equipped 0
[PB] This is NOT ENOUGH for this plugin to function. Equip 3 pets and learn the rez pet skill.
Battle Pet Swapper, has the same issues, but it's not showing the debugging info as frequently.
hope that helps.