A question, can this ignore players on ground mount/in the ground killing mobs.
And just focus on flying players around you? like 60yards from you.
Well, I understand why he would like that (and me too I guess). If you're farming ores/herbs in pandaria, most of the players that are on a ground mount are leveling players. And they won't stick around for a longer time and will probably not notice you're botting. But if there are other people farming the same spot they will more easily notice that something is odd if you fly around for hours and just farm the same route.
Looking forward to itOn an other note im happy to report that i got flight hovering working well in my current test build so that and the custom range is coming in the next release.
Parrot: How hard would it be to implement a /tar function of the player near you? I play on a PVE realm (so being flagged and dying isn't an issue) and most players would leave if you just /target them. Do you think this is something you could add an option for?
I'm sure that many other people would be happy to see this aswell.
Possibly a donator version?
Is there any way for this plugin to wait for "X" amount of time, before it triggers an alarm? Ideally, I'm looking for something that alerts me when the following holds true for 30 seconds or more:
A) Player follow
B) Very close player
C) Whispers
etc. In other words, just because a player came close for a second shouldn't trigger an alarm.
Could you make some kind of option to make a delay on HOW much time it should STOP, because until player is gone it's just stupid.
I have no idea what for is this plugin, you made a big work but this make no sense.
In first 10 minutes of using this plugin I just got stuck, because some sh1ty botter doing ground farming mode and just stuck around a node.. and.. me too now! Because after a while my bot is logged out.. Then log in, then stuck again! If you know what can I do about that, let me know please![]()
I can and I might do that.
The idea is simple. Ive monitored this bot a lot and the fact is that I do not trust it. Ive seen it get stuck and do all kinds of weird and telling behaviors often enough for me not to feel comfortable leaving it afk. By stopping when players are nearby at the very least no one will see it. Is it for everyone? Absolutely not, but some (including me) do want this functionality.
I think you may have the wrong expectations of this plugin. It will stop and if youre unlucky a player will stay within 100yrds from you long enough for the plugin to log you out. There are other plugins which do not stop. LogMeOut is an excellent plugin which doesnt stop at all. If you only want player alerts my other plugin AlertMe will play a sound when players are nearby but it wont stop.
There are some settings you can configure which would make it stop more seldom. You can delay the trigger, have the bot only trigger on flying players or reduce the triggering range to name a few. The last two options are only available in the test build released in the post before yours.
BlexX1 said:i use it combined with grind bot... ginding is no problem at night... but sometimes i want to grind at evening as well... in the evening when everyone plays it's hard to grind without looking like a bot... i saw a lot of players following my character und whisper a few seconds later "you are a bot, i will report you"
...than i found this awesome and simple plugin... it helps A LOT... no more whispers and a bit more safeness <3 Thanks a lot!
If I use this plugin when Im hunting TLPD, at the time the drake comes out, somebody is also trying to get it, would this plugin affect rarekiller's work?
Love this plugin! I use it at all times.
Any chance to add option for auto stealth/prowl for rogues/druids when out of combat?
"Superbad" combat routine for druids has this feature but its no longer supported. I think it would be great addition to this plugin.
Awesome! glad its of use to you
Im not quite sure if i fully understand what you're asking for. There is already a function which can cast stealth skills when other players are nearby, this is done out of combat. If you're asking for something which casts stealth before combat its better left to a combat routine