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[Plugin] Parrot's Paranoia Plugin

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I really like this plugin, and i have gave it some testing.
My findings; this plugin does just that what is promised and as such it's just beatiful.
But i miss a few options that will make this plugin more realistic and effective (while using gatherbuddy). Theres 2 major things that i would like to see optional (tickable)
first :

[x] Finish gather/fight, mount up and move to next hotspot before going afk.
motivation : personnally when farming i never just go afk while on the ground, just in case of respawns, even when theres instant need for me to leave my pc, i manage to quickly mount up and wait in a safe spot.

[x] After <x> minutes of waiting while a player is detected move on to next <x> hotspot(s) and go afk untill default afk procedure is complete.
Motivation : Most of the afk's are caused by farmers and in that way the plugin delivers a solid job but in the case of fishing players, afk/players just haning around or players using the same addon the plugin becomes destructive to my operation. I would like to see this option just to probe if the detected player is stationary or really interested in me.

Admitted, these options do affect paranoia levels, but having both options can greatly customise the plugin to my personal paranoia level ;)

I hope you consider these, but if declined i still be using this plugin..thats just because it's so good allready! Loving it!

Those are good ideas and I am glad you like the plugin :) I have been thinking about adding options to delay the triggering which could work i similar ways to what you suggest (dont trigger unless player is around for 20 sec for example). An option to ignore afk flagged players have already been implemented in my current test build so it will be available in the next release. I will look into other possible player flags which might be interesting to watch out for as well.

would be awesome if you could add a spell to cast just before stopping, i.e. rouge - vanish

I might add something like that, custom spellcast or similar. The only reason rouge stealth hasnt been hardcoded yet is because i dont have one :P
I really like this plugin, and this idea. Thanks much for the effort and the share. I also second bunzing's ideas for improvement. Yesterday I kept flying directly over someone who was long term parked but not afk waiting for a rare spawn so every time I got there I perma stopped until I manually made my own distance. Having either one of bunzing feature additions would have kept the profile flowing.

I'd also like to add my own personal paranoia flair, have an option to make it open the map when you stop? "Uh, no, I stopped on a dime for a very good reason. Where the hell am I going?"

I know that for me personally this alone would go a long way to making my bot look EXACTLY like I am playing by hand! :rolleyes:

Edit: Must learn to refresh pages I was looking at the day before before posting....
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You would never be able to use this on Illidan Horde. Ever. It would shut off all the time :D
Those are good ideas and I am glad you like the plugin :) I have been thinking about adding options to delay the triggering which could work i similar ways to what you suggest (dont trigger unless player is around for 20 sec for example). An option to ignore afk flagged players have already been implemented in my current test build so it will be available in the next release. I will look into other possible player flags which might be interesting to watch out for as well.

Looking forward to see those options, would be great additions in keeping sessions alive. Thanks for your dedication!
Thank you all for the words of encouragement :)

Comments on 0.24:

Ive played around with the developer preview of the new version of honorbuddy and updated the plugin to work with it (so it will hopefully work well when the full version starts rolling out). Ive done a little bit of testing and think ive caught everything which broke. Still, if you find something which is not working right please report it.

Now, as for the new function to ignore afk players. I dont keep two accounts and i really dont want to keep registering trial ones so ive just given it a quick test where i changed the code to only look at "me". Im pretty sure it works as intended but im labeling it as experimental for now.

I may as well also mention that there is a simple little easter egg in the settings window. Im going to redesign the gui so unless the next release is just a bugfix this will be the last version where its still in.
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This is going to be the first plugin i'll install and setup when the new hb is released. Thanks!
hey parrot! awesome plugin, i farm cloths with your plugin as druid,

let me ask u something:

is hard to make a option like: player is near: mount up then fly up, wait player till he is gone, then back to farm?
so we can use that plugin for every thing like: rep farm with no druid char :D

thanks friend for the plugin :D
Did you add the sound notification only without stop moving option?
Btw thx for updating this nice plugin.
hey parrot! awesome plugin, i farm cloths with your plugin as druid,

let me ask u something:

is hard to make a option like: player is near: mount up then fly up, wait player till he is gone, then back to farm?
so we can use that plugin for every thing like: rep farm with no druid char :D

thanks friend for the plugin :D

It shouldnt be hard to do but ive yet to do any experimenting with it, i have thought about it though and i will look into it at some point.

Jaladhjin said:
Including Shadowmeld? ^_^

Jaladhjin said:
My idea is add random variation..totally random..
Sometimes it hearths..
Sometimes it goes to the nearest town if such a thing could be done..especially if you were using a gathering profile with a ToTown waypoint..
Sometimes hey yeah sure why not it just stops dead & stands there like a stripper pole..
Sometimes it mounts & flys up far enough to be out of range of ranged attacks & hovers..

I will look into the flying thing but i probably wont do random hearths and such, thats being to paranoid imo :P
I understand your concern though and if this plugin was used by most botters and its behavior was well known by legit players then i suppose a player could look for certain behaviors when trying to identify a bot. I dont think its very likely though and this plugin doesnt have a lot of downloads to begin with so its pretty much a non issue.

Ideally when the bot stops it happens before a player has even noticed you so to them it would seem like you were afk to begin with. I have the plugin trigger as soon as a player becomes "visible" to honorbuddy, there is no radius/distance check (ever seen a player become invisible while they are moving away? thats where i try to trigger). Now getting the player objects can sometimes be a little bit sluggish and you can be in combat or what not so its not always the case. It is what i aim for though and i think that in a lot of cases if not most it will already seem like youve been afk for a while.

bend1 said:
Did you add the sound notification only without stop moving option?
Btw thx for updating this nice plugin.

Nah all i did was update the old release so it would work when honorbuddy becomes available again. The new option to ignore afk players was already implemented in my test build so there was no point in removing it. The code snipped i gave you should work with this release as well and i will add the option at some point, probably in the next "real" release, i make no promises though :)

If you cant get the mod to work ill send you something complete.
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Nah all i did was update the old release so it would work when honorbuddy becomes available again. The new option to ignore afk players was already implemented in my test build so there was no point in removing it. The code snipped i gave you should work with this release as well and i will add the option at some point, probably in the next "real" release, i make no promises though :)

If you cant get the mod to work ill send you something complete.

thx parrot :)
Compiler Error: c:\xxxxx\xxxxx\Plugins\PPP\PPP.cs(47,16) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

With last HB version.
thx for the reports. there was apparently a small change in the api in the new hb release. Ive uploaded a new version which solves the issue. You can either download that one or open ppp.cs with notepad and delete: "using Styx.Combat;"

Also, if anyone missed it ive uploaded another plugin on the site, http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...gin-alertme-whisper-player-notifications.html . it has whisper monitoring and will also do player alerts without stopping the bot among a few other things. Most if not all of that stuff will be added to the paranoia plugin later but right now it was more convenient for me to make a separate plugin.

Warren Robinett


Great job in finding it! ^^
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This looks like exactly what I'm looking for. One question though.

Can I use this with someone in my party, or does it recognize someone in my party and stop?

I'd love to use this to RaF in Icecrown, but if it doesn't function with someone in my party, I'll have to look for an alternative.
This looks like exactly what I'm looking for. One question though.

Can I use this with someone in my party, or does it recognize someone in my party and stop?

I'd love to use this to RaF in Icecrown, but if it doesn't function with someone in my party, I'll have to look for an alternative.

Hi, your concerns are valid. The current version will trigger if your party members are near you. Whitelisting players have been on my todo list since i released the plugin but since i need other toons at hand to properly test it ive delayed it since its troublesome.

Im taking a break from wow soon due to financial reasons but im aiming to get an update out with some nice new features before i do. Ill try to get the whitelist done as well.
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As far as distance goes, Parrot, how far are we talking? I usually park my guys on the roof of the cathedral, so they stay at a constant 75-90 yards. Would this still trigger the stop?
As far as distance goes, Parrot, how far are we talking? I usually park my guys on the roof of the cathedral, so they stay at a constant 75-90 yards. Would this still trigger the stop?

I dont really do a distance check. As soon as they pop into the objectmanager i trigger. should be at viewing distance by which i mean if they get any further away they'll be invisible to you.
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