I really like this plugin, and i have gave it some testing.
My findings; this plugin does just that what is promised and as such it's just beatiful.
But i miss a few options that will make this plugin more realistic and effective (while using gatherbuddy). Theres 2 major things that i would like to see optional (tickable)
first :
[x] Finish gather/fight, mount up and move to next hotspot before going afk.
motivation : personnally when farming i never just go afk while on the ground, just in case of respawns, even when theres instant need for me to leave my pc, i manage to quickly mount up and wait in a safe spot.
[x] After <x> minutes of waiting while a player is detected move on to next <x> hotspot(s) and go afk untill default afk procedure is complete.
Motivation : Most of the afk's are caused by farmers and in that way the plugin delivers a solid job but in the case of fishing players, afk/players just haning around or players using the same addon the plugin becomes destructive to my operation. I would like to see this option just to probe if the detected player is stationary or really interested in me.
Admitted, these options do affect paranoia levels, but having both options can greatly customise the plugin to my personal paranoia level
I hope you consider these, but if declined i still be using this plugin..thats just because it's so good allready! Loving it!
Those are good ideas and I am glad you like the plugin

would be awesome if you could add a spell to cast just before stopping, i.e. rouge - vanish
I might add something like that, custom spellcast or similar. The only reason rouge stealth hasnt been hardcoded yet is because i dont have one