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Ok, I'll test when I get home this evening, Parrot! Thanks for the quick, concise replies!
It shouldnt be hard to do but ive yet to do any experimenting with it, i have thought about it though and i will look into it at some point.
I will look into the flying thing but i probably wont do random hearths and such, thats being to paranoid imo
I understand your concern though and if this plugin was used by most botters and its behavior was well known by legit players then i suppose a player could look for certain behaviors when trying to identify a bot. I dont think its very likely though and this plugin doesnt have a lot of downloads to begin with so its pretty much a non issue.
Ideally when the bot stops it happens before a player has even noticed you so to them it would seem like you were afk to begin with. I have the plugin trigger as soon as a player becomes "visible" to honorbuddy, there is no radius/distance check (ever seen a player become invisible while they are moving away? thats where i try to trigger). Now getting the player objects can sometimes be a little bit sluggish and you can be in combat or what not so its not always the case. It is what i aim for though and i think that in a lot of cases if not most it will already seem like youve been afk for a while.
Nah all i did was update the old release so it would work when honorbuddy becomes available again. The new option to ignore afk players was already implemented in my test build so there was no point in removing it. The code snipped i gave you should work with this release as well and i will add the option at some point, probably in the next "real" release, i make no promises though
If you cant get the mod to work ill send you something complete.
pirox had this feature so it should be able to be done,
can you have an option to stop everything ONLY when i player is in XX yards from you
and another option to stop only if they are targeting you?
would really make this addon perfect!
Close wow can pretty much be disabled by entering an unrealistically long wait time before shutdown. (edit: ah its set at max 100 as well. Il change that at the very least)btw can you edit to where we can put more than 100 sec, or disable the close wow feature? thx
other than that works great
Thank youI?ll test it tonight and tomorrow,
very little time atm, since helping someone to move atm. But I?ll give feedback!
Thank u very much.
Its definitely possible but i dont think I have time to implement it into this release.
I increased the delay time max value to 1000, is it enough?
I let it run yesterday for some time, and afaik its working as intended! Great success![]()
The only thing i?m wondering about is, how to make it perfect to move out of combat areas at first, before pretending to be afk etc.
I havent thoroughly tested yet, but atm he often stops in some combat situations and then often triggers longer chain dying sessions, because of stopping in the middle of a murloc spawn point etc. This is maybe because of the resurrect logic of hb isnt perfect at the moment, I don?t know who decided to resurrect when and where with hb. Is it the CC, HB or even a plugin, which decides? I assume HB.
So maybe - in the future - one could do a check against enemies nearby and delaying the stop because of number of enemies... understand what I mean? (no native speaker![]()
Oh, and thanks for the editing idea - I had originally taken a look into it via notepad++ and tried to exclude goldshire as well, but somehow it didnt work.
Maybe I got the wrong area id.
I?ll give it another try.
This plugin doesnt do whisper alerts, are you perhaps using AlertMe? they both use the same sound since it was the only one i had laying around. If you go into either plugin directory youll find a folder named Sounds. inside there is a file called beep.wav . You can replace that file with any .wav sound file of your choosing. just remember to rename it to beep.wav.Is there a way to play a different sound on a whisper or say than a player nearby?
Heyho, so - some more feedback after using it for some days (while movingAnd yes, the plugin is awesome and works very well, so never change a running system, better leave it reliable and we die now and then
Anyway: the "stopping in a bulk of mobs"- problem has lessened since I used the delay function much more. When using the delay-function, both problems are somehow lightened: I use 150 sec atm for getting notice when someones following, but am never stopped to take up quests in a village.
So this helps with the problem "is someone following" AND BTW also with the problem "is there another bot around running the same profile" - because then youre simply waiting until its gone (maybe even for battlefields interesting). EDIT: Stupid idea w battlegrounds..
But maybe that?s not how the plugin was intended to use since it shall pretend to be afk - for getting that running it might be really helpful to setup the "mountup-and fly up"-Function someday for getting rid of camps.