Made a few changes to your arms logic. All changes I made in ordering were to make it match elitistjerks arms warrior ability priority
In Combat()
Changed so it doesn't zerker arms warriors in pvp, we dont do that.
if ( InBattleGround() && IsKnownSpell( "Berserker Stance" ) && IsArmsSpec == false)
removed overpower, it is spec specific
removed rend ,it is spec specific
removed CheckProcAbilities in favor of individual checking in CombatArms
removed VictoryRush to prioritize it in CombatArms
Made a few other changes removing some functions that were being called several times (ie addcheck before and after thunderclap). Waiting to make sure no bugs are present and then I'll detail changes.
Here is the new CombatArms() - note: just added victory rush to it and haven't tested that - assumed working. Also it needs a regular overpower slapped in there.
public void CombatArms()
slog("START CombatArms()", true);
if ( ShouldRend ) { Rend(); }
if ( IsBuffOnMeLUA( "Taste for Blood" ) && !IsSpellOnCooldown( "Overpower" ) ) { slog( "Taste for Blood PROC!" ); Overpower(); return; }
if ( IsBuffOnMeLUA( "Sudden Death" ) && useExecute ) { slog( "Sudden Death PROC!" ); Execute(); return; }
if ( ShouldMortalStrike ) { MortalStrike(); }
if ( ShouldExecute ) { Execute(); }
if ( useBerserkerRage ) { BerserkerRage(); }
//Change - arms warrios do not have death wish
//if (useDeathWish) { DeathWish(); }
//Maybe with a distance check, otherwise waste of rage
slog("END CombatArms()", true);
ElitistJerks FAQ outlining the arms rotation (it assumes you have imp slam, i did not)
ElitistJerks FAQ outlining fury rotation(I didn't make any fury changes other than removing rend/overpower from Combat())
Unsolved issue - Bladestormed after fearing, not sure if it happens in your version but mine just did it. Perhaps a check on the target for a fear debuff before bladestorming?
Props on a great beta for a custom class, already leaps and bounds above the default. Was so sick of default I was just starting to write my own, but changing your logic saved me tons of time

. After you release the next version I'll see if there is anything else I can find.