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New Warrior CC - taking expressions of interest

Do we need a new Warrior CC

  • Yes - We need a new Warrior CC

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  • No - We DON'T need a new Warrior CC

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  • I don't really care I don't play a Warrior and havn't looked at whats available

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  • I just like voting in polls so I chose this option - and this poll has chocolate cake

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Working very well for me so far, I'm running it as arms and I've been very pleased with the overpower timing. I really tear down mobs. :)

Only apparent issue I've seen from watching it (and I'm not entirely sure this isn't an issue with HB itself) is that when it fights a humanoid that runs, after it hamstrings like it should, it runs in the direction the mob is running, but even when the mob dies, the bot keeps running for like 5 yards and has to double back to loot. Looks pretty bottish if you're in an area with a lot of runners.

Just thought I'd add that in. :) Thanks again, you really saved the warriors who bot.

This is a bug I recently introduced. In order to chase runners and stay on top of them I made some changes to the movement code, this bug is an unexpected side effect. I've noticed its a 50/50 chance of running past the mob once its dead. I'll see if I can smooth this out a little.
I used likwarrior from 60-71 and it ran semi ok, ATM im lvl 71 pulling 150k a hour in arms spec... will give this a try later tonight once i shut one of my GBs off =)

Cant wait to see the final product.
been running this for the past hour and its great so far! the warrior really knocks em dead.

nvm, saw it does use bladestorm on adds. great CC!
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Bladestorm on adds.

Multiple pull is the same as adds. If more than 1 mob has aggro on you "you've got adds".
This is the final build before public release. A number of spells only cast when in correct stance. Will perform a rage level check before attempting to cast spells. It will do a minor stance dance when approaching a mob, if you're in Def or Berserker it will quickly swap to Battle stance in order to cast Charge - some logic checks are performed before doing this.
This is the final build before public release. A number of spells only cast when in correct stance. Will perform a rage level check before attempting to cast spells. It will do a minor stance dance when approaching a mob, if you're in Def or Berserker it will quickly swap to Battle stance in order to cast Charge - some logic checks are performed before doing this.

I'm sure it will be great FPS! Your a god!
Hey, just wondering is first aid implemented yet? And also what spec is the best way to go any one got a talent tree to show me? Would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
working very well for me as 66 fury. making about 20k xp/hr more than likwarrior in same area on bliiiks horde 58-68. much faster killing = )

i never see execute go off?

nvm ... i turned it on and now its working = )
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FPSWARE is god.. new build rocks about 20k increase now.. even after leveling.. at 71 atm.. looted 2000 times last night only died 3 even in a area were it pulls up to 4 mobs commonly..

only died 3 times bc i was out of food..
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Hey, just wondering is first aid implemented yet?

Hoping it will be added soon. My Warrior is dying alot in the late 20s. I think it's mostly due to the profile I'm using, not the CCs fault.

But having First Aid will certainly increase survivability.
Made a few changes to your arms logic. All changes I made in ordering were to make it match elitistjerks arms warrior ability priority

In Combat()

Changed so it doesn't zerker arms warriors in pvp, we dont do that.
if ( InBattleGround() && IsKnownSpell( "Berserker Stance" ) && IsArmsSpec == false)

removed overpower, it is spec specific
removed rend ,it is spec specific
removed CheckProcAbilities in favor of individual checking in CombatArms
removed VictoryRush to prioritize it in CombatArms

Made a few other changes removing some functions that were being called several times (ie addcheck before and after thunderclap). Waiting to make sure no bugs are present and then I'll detail changes.

Here is the new CombatArms() - note: just added victory rush to it and haven't tested that - assumed working. Also it needs a regular overpower slapped in there.
public void CombatArms()
                slog("START CombatArms()", true);
                if ( ShouldRend ) { Rend(); }
                if ( IsBuffOnMeLUA( "Taste for Blood" ) && !IsSpellOnCooldown( "Overpower" ) ) { slog( "Taste for Blood PROC!" ); Overpower(); return; }
                if ( IsBuffOnMeLUA( "Sudden Death" ) && useExecute ) { slog( "Sudden Death PROC!" ); Execute(); return; }
                if ( ShouldMortalStrike ) { MortalStrike(); }
                if ( ShouldExecute ) { Execute(); }
                if ( useBerserkerRage ) { BerserkerRage(); }
                //Change - arms warrios do not have death wish
                //if (useDeathWish) { DeathWish(); }
                //Maybe with a distance check, otherwise waste of rage
                slog("END CombatArms()", true);


ElitistJerks FAQ outlining the arms rotation (it assumes you have imp slam, i did not)
Overpower (If <1.5 seconds before a TfB proc), Rend (Do Not Clip) > Mortal Strike > Overpower > Execute > Slam. Heroic Strike at 80+ Rage. Every GCD should be used for something; waiting for a cooldown or proc is lost DPS.

ElitistJerks FAQ outlining fury rotation(I didn't make any fury changes other than removing rend/overpower from Combat())

Bloodthirst > Whirlwind > Slam (Bloodsurge). Heroic Strike when you have 50+ Rage.

Unsolved issue - Bladestormed after fearing, not sure if it happens in your version but mine just did it. Perhaps a check on the target for a fear debuff before bladestorming?

Props on a great beta for a custom class, already leaps and bounds above the default. Was so sick of default I was just starting to write my own, but changing your logic saved me tons of time :D. After you release the next version I'll see if there is anything else I can find.
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Made a few changes to your arms logic. All changes I made in ordering were to make it match elitistjerks arms warrior ability priority

In Combat()

Changed so it doesn't zerker arms warriors in pvp, we dont do that.
if ( InBattleGround() && IsKnownSpell( "Berserker Stance" ) && IsArmsSpec == false)

removed overpower, it is spec specific
removed rend ,it is spec specific
removed CheckProcAbilities in favor of individual checking in CombatArms
removed VictoryRush to prioritize it in CombatArms

Made a few other changes removing some functions that were being called several times (ie addcheck before and after thunderclap). Waiting to make sure no bugs are present and then I'll detail changes.

Here is the new CombatArms() - note: just added victory rush to it and haven't tested that - assumed working. Also it needs a regular overpower slapped in there.
public void CombatArms()
                slog("START CombatArms()", true);
                if ( ShouldRend ) { Rend(); }
                if ( IsBuffOnMeLUA( "Taste for Blood" ) && !IsSpellOnCooldown( "Overpower" ) ) { slog( "Taste for Blood PROC!" ); Overpower(); return; }
                if ( IsBuffOnMeLUA( "Sudden Death" ) && useExecute ) { slog( "Sudden Death PROC!" ); Execute(); return; }
                if ( ShouldMortalStrike ) { MortalStrike(); }
                if ( ShouldExecute ) { Execute(); }
                if ( useBerserkerRage ) { BerserkerRage(); }
                //Change - arms warrios do not have death wish
                //if (useDeathWish) { DeathWish(); }
                //Maybe with a distance check, otherwise waste of rage
                slog("END CombatArms()", true);


ElitistJerks FAQ outlining the arms rotation (it assumes you have imp slam, i did not)

ElitistJerks FAQ outlining fury rotation(I didn't make any fury changes other than removing rend/overpower from Combat())

Unsolved issue - Bladestormed after fearing, not sure if it happens in your version but mine just did it. Perhaps a check on the target for a fear debuff before bladestorming?

Props on a great beta for a custom class, already leaps and bounds above the default. Was so sick of default I was just starting to write my own, but changing your logic saved me tons of time :D. After you release the next version I'll see if there is anything else I can find.

not bad for a first post. = )
Ive been running your newest build all day and its great. But after watchin it for the last hour I've noticed the target system is really erratic. It will target a mob, start running twards it... Switch to a new mob and switch direction... Switch back to the orignal mob and then sometimes it will just turn around and go the other direction. Also a few times it will target a mob, run past it and keep going until it gets argo from a 2nd mob.. then turn back around and drag it back to the first.

Its been a few releases since I've used HB so i'm not sure if this is CC, HB, or Profile problem.

any advice you can give me would be great though.
Switched to this CC, and it really is a good upgrade :O Way better combat routine, and it actually changes stance to charge.. .:> But, one thing I havn't seen it do yet, is Execute, no idea why. But this is the typical combat routine:

Battle Shout
Victory Rush
Heroic Strike
Berserker Rage
Heroic Strike

(Copied directly from HB window)

NVM! I was being a retard. Didn't spot the setting for usage of execute. Sorry.
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Yes of cause. Why wouldn't I be?

I'm still working on it, still tweaking a few settings before releasing it.
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