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New Warrior CC - taking expressions of interest

Do we need a new Warrior CC

  • Yes - We need a new Warrior CC

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  • No - We DON'T need a new Warrior CC

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  • I don't really care I don't play a Warrior and havn't looked at whats available

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  • I just like voting in polls so I chose this option - and this poll has chocolate cake

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A bit of constructive help or critisim.
I have been running Lik Warrior until now. Im lvl75 and currently grinding SLOWLY at +-60K/h
So I was really happy you were making a CC and just been using it for the last hour, same place, same char, and my XP dropped to 47K/h

I know yours is still being worked on, and not tested on a high lvl char, but thought I would point it out.

The drop in XP/hr is understandable as I still need to add level 50+ abilities and a specific combat rotation based on spec. I'll be adding these abilities over the next day or two. Fingers crossed you should see quite an increase in XP/hr.
New build. 0.3. Lots of features and stuff. Sort it out for yourself.

Let me know how it goes at higher levels.
fpsware... you are the freakin' best. I'm getting better exp/hr with this CC than I was with Mordd's cc on my paladin when he was in the same area. My exp/hr also jumped about 7.5k. I really appreciate all that you do man. Thanks!
Thanks :D

For the first time since I started developing this CC (2 days ago). I saw it running on a level 80 Warrior - ITS FREAKING AMAZING! If I say so myself :D

I've made quite a few changes. There were a number of spells trying to cast in the wrong stance and some spells not being cast quick enough. The next build should be the final before release - all going well.

I still need more people to test it and give feedback before it hits release.

Feed back people, feeeeedback.
K using the current CC.. it is really good so far.. it is not using (Devastate) which is really important.. also (Shockwave) needs to come into play.. also as i said in my email it is not using (Defensive Stance).. good work so far.. im very impressed
Im not seeing it use
(Revenge) or (Berserker Rage)

If you make it to use (Shockwave) then make that only come into play when it pull extra mobs..

Need (Shield Wall) & (Shield Block).. would help keep downtime.. shorter
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Build 0.4. Full support for Defence spec grinding and all associated spells / abilities. This does not yet include RAF support - its coming.

All spells / abilities refered to by Chemdawg are now supported.

Shockwave is spammed when its off CD. This only has a 15 second cooldown.
FPSWare your ace man...
Really loving your CC's.

Just dont forget to put love into them ALL :)
Just a quick update...
Been trying this for the last little while and now my XP is WAY up over Lik Warror's CC...

Its up to 115K xp/h whereas Likwarrior was doing 57K xp/h at the same place and on the same level.
So great job... Could have done with this about 75 levels ago :)

Keep up the good coding im loving all your CC's.
Using your Mage & Hunter CC's :)
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just a short feedback from me...
tried likwarrior and the built-in warrior.cs before and both didn't work very well. now i'm using your warrior cc in version 0.4 and i really like what i see! very stable, far less deaths as likwarrior and much better mob handling.
Thanks for your work!
Working very well so far. I let it run overnight for about 7 hours and he went from level 14 to 20, with only 1 death per hour. I didn't check the exp/hour but it seems to be doing quite well.

I haven't had a chance to sit and watch it for more than 5 minutes, but I will test it extensively over the next few days. I do a lot of PvP on my bots, so I will also be sure to test battlegrounds as much as I can and provide feedback.

Thanks for all the hard work, FPS, your CCs are great!
So with this CC what do people think as far as spec for leveling my warrior is level 33 should i be going prot arms or fury?
So with this CC what do people think as far as spec for leveling my warrior is level 33 should i be going prot arms or fury?

With my CCs you can level in any spec. They support all 3 trees so it just comes down to how YOU want to see it level.
Working very well so far. I let it run overnight for about 7 hours and he went from level 14 to 20, with only 1 death per hour. I didn't check the exp/hour but it seems to be doing quite well.

I haven't had a chance to sit and watch it for more than 5 minutes, but I will test it extensively over the next few days. I do a lot of PvP on my bots, so I will also be sure to test battlegrounds as much as I can and provide feedback.

Thanks for all the hard work, FPS, your CCs are great!

Thanks for your feedback :)

While I've not personally tested it in PVP I've been told it does work, and it works well. But before I make that claim I'd like to do a lot of PVP testing myself.
Just a quick update...
Been trying this for the last little while and now my XP is WAY up over Lik Warror's CC...

Its up to 115K xp/h whereas Likwarrior was doing 57K xp/h at the same place and on the same level.
So great job... Could have done with this about 75 levels ago :)

Keep up the good coding im loving all your CC's.
Using your Mage & Hunter CC's :)

Really, that much more XP/Hr??? WOW!
If you need suggestions for how the skills should work in PVP, let me know.
I've been playing a warrior since WoW's release and know pretty much everything there is to know about the mechanics of PVP and arena as a warrior.
So with this CC what do people think as far as spec for leveling my warrior is level 33 should i be going prot arms or fury?
Arms is the best leveling choice in my opinion. As fury you are going to be dual wielding, so you are you going to miss A LOT! Plus the fact you have to keep 2 updated weapons. As arms, you only need one weapon and missing isn't really a problem. Maybe when you hit 60 for TG, but even then I don't know if I would do it.
I've got a number of warriors leveling while developing this CC, a couple are Arms and a couple are Fury. They are all leveling about the same speed.

EDIT: Except the one leveling as Protection. Its a few levels behind :)
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emmm.... PVP is being worked on now. I'm not at all happy with it.
PVP has had a bit of work. Its a lot better than it was, but still not fantastic. It will get you through.
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