i think there is a log missing, but not sure yeti think there is a bug, were its not using death runes.. but not sure yet.
LOL`ed hard!i think there is a log missing, but not sure yet
dunno, there is no log ... can't see a reason to have a the hotkeys to be pressed hundreds of times in 5 minsHotkey Modifiers just stop working after about 5 mins. Am i doing something wrong or is it honorbuddy?
LoL'di think there is a log missing, but not sure yet
This sometimes happens to me if I open Enyo config while the bot is running. Make sure to set Enyo settings before pressing start. Then, open Necrophilia config, save > close. Then press start in HB.Hotkey Modifiers just stop working after about 5 mins. Am i doing something wrong or is it honorbuddy?
*update delayed*
due to some issue while testing, i have to delay the update
i'll revert some changes (interrupt of off-targets) and will rewrite these snippets, they are causing to much fps drops atm (i've a solution in mind (well two solutions atm), but not yet implemented)
also the aoe rotation for UH is currently far from okay (after my changes, so i'm currently not happy with the rotation, and won't push this update to the public version)
i expect a new rotation (well ... not new, but reworked) tomorrow, so that i can test it in BRF
also the AOE-Fix seems to trigger to early atm, but the fights today where somewhat chaotic to have a proper assumption of the working or not of the change.
Routine worked well before the weekend. Now just casts Outbreak and Unholy Blight. Did a fresh install too to try to fix this.
View attachment 166962
Short fix: restart your computer (sounds stupid, I know....)I'm running BRF right now and the routine is causing major fps drops on spell usage on bosses ONLY...for some reason. Trash is fine, but bosses are horrible. This doesn't happen in Highmaul, only BRF. Log:View attachment 166944
Also, during the 2h Frost rotation, I noticed that the routine isn't prioritizing Obliterate with a Rime proc. It will go 2-3 GDC's ignoring Obliterate with Rime casting something else and by the end of the 2-3 GDC's there's no runes left to cast Obliterate so it will just waste the Rime proc on Frost Strike. Hopefully you can see this in this log: View attachment 166945
There wasn't any change since Monday last week.
What I can see is that the startup of hb is broken for you...
Try to restart your computer.
Looking for some consideration if I should rework my itemization and make the switch to unholy for DPS now. I have no luck with 2h weapon drops so I am using the 660 PvP 2hander. I do own two 670 butcher cleaver and could run dual weild if you feel that may be better for what I have?
last nights raid I did 29.7k dps on gruul normal as 2h frost. If this isn't the place to ask for this info just let me know and I can research elsewhere. Just trying to optimize my use of the CR
Current Stats as of gear I logged out in (running 2h frost with haste enchants):
668 Ilvl
876 Crit
884 Haste
741 Mastery
401 Multistrike
637 Versatility
Edit: also asking because it seems your unholy festerblight rotation is not yet optimized? Or you are just working on a new one.