When I buy something than I expect a professional answer because I am the costumer who purchases a product.
And without the input from the customers a product would only be good for the one who produces the product nothing more.
So please I need a serious answer. Thanks
Ask professional questions, and U'll get professionell answers.
Atm every question was answered when it was done right. Every request was implemented,when requested right, and every issue was solved when done right.
Every input was recognized so far, and if u calm down and rephrase your question in a more nice manner, we will answer it the way you expect it.
Back to topic: stupidly using cooldowns without looking at other stuff is useless and will waste your spells....and lower the dps. That's why each spell, no matter of the setup, is bound to some conditions.
The settings you are doing are there to enable / disable the usage in auto mode,or in manual mode (when hotkey for cooldowns is pressed once). The keys are there to enable the categorized stuff when routine thinks it is best.
If you want it exactly when u want, play by hand. Since you are requesting a completely different behavior...you're asking for a key that will use a spell when u press an action key, but this wasn't ever the intention, and the routine had no spell queue system to put a spell (assigned to a key, which isn't possible currently) in front of the next iteration of the logic.
Even though we already thought about such a system in the past, we haven't implemented it and it wouldn't be a solution to your current issue, cause of the misunderstanding of the current functionality.