It's not a problem to go OOM with Invocation

It reduces passive MP regen but removes Evo cd.
Frostbolt costs 4% MP. Frozen orb costs 10% MP. Firing bolts one by one with no BL/IcyVeins OOMs me in 49 sec. Any haste buff ooms me faster

Being unlucky with procs leads to OOM.
Same thing happened with PQR Soapbox rotation so I just added Refresh Invocation if no MP for Frostbold on next GCD regardless of Invo time left.
Obviously I can't edit paid routines code by myself to fix it
Another issue:
sometimes Alter time is too delayed (waits for 2xFF+BF | trinket procs for too long?). I saw 3-4 BF
and 1-2 FoF procs wasted (overridden) while routine delayed AT usage

When it finally uses AT I already have IcyVeins/BL < 6 secs left, one trinket + jade spirit faded, only 1xBF + 0xFoF procs . It's a bit crazy

Have "on boss or player + BF/FoF aura" option for Icy Veins. One of my trinkets is RPPM based, another is ICD based.
Maybe it's another reason for OOM -- wasting zero MP procs while forcing Frostbolt filler with haste buff up.
If routine waits for trinkets, it should consume BF and FoF, may always leave 1xFoF while waiting. Refreshing Invocation at ninja BL / incoming IV up to cover full BL/IV duration is also a good idea.
I'm 550 mage mostly in PvP gear.
Here is my log. Some "nearly oom". Full OOM -- no MP for Frostbolt on next cast twice at the end of log:
6.9% MP Frostbolt means not enough MP to chain next bolt

You can see a bigger delay here between casts.
I have no raid spell haste here. With it go OOM is a lot easier.
View attachment 132321
100% oom is: fight single target -> refresh Evo -> use IV -> use Orb. Chaining: no managems (or CD > 60 sec) -> refresh Evo -> IV -> BL is a big fail for routine

Another log with BL. Just see this delay:
Frostbolt cast time 1.36 sec. Doing nothing for (3 - 1.36) + (5 - 1.36) = 5.28 sec.

Maybe it's better to refresh Evo + get MP instead of dallying?
View attachment 132323