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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

Anyone gotten the fire routine to work properly when raiding?

Iam currently 14/14hc with frost, and thats the specc that works flawless imo with the correct settings.

But i want to switch over to fire because this is the "bis" specc when it comes to dps.

Pretty sure Arcane is top dps isn't it?
Yes i mean whether it cast all automatically, so that o nly have to control the movement.
Can someone tell their average and top DPS with their speccs (free and paid version)
I consider in buying the paid version, but first I want to make sure that everything seems to be like I expect.

Btw: What about translating the plugin? I am not a pro, but I would like to volunteer as a german translator :)

EDIT #1:
My current setting:
GS: 511
Specc: Fire
Average DPS in LFR: 85-90k​

EDIT #2:
Testing new specc
GS: 511
Specc: Frost
Average DPS on Dummy: 110-130k (with HT a maximum of ~160k :D)
Average DPS in LFR: 130k (with raid buffs and HT a maximum of ~180-185k)
Minimum DPS: 105k (due to movement and debuffs)​
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Hey is there actually someone who can type a few words to help me? cause I really tried to use the Search function but it shows like 1billion Threads which is hard to find what I need if Im really really clueless.

So im new to all of this and wanna Load one of this advanced combat routines but Im really starting at 0.
I dont know if its enought to download only this files im able to in this Thread or if I maybe need something like Tyrael (not evening know what this is ;)
And I also dont know how to activate this Combat Routine files I just downloaded.
Someone may Link a Guide or type a few words? Would be much appreciated.

is the free version worth using in arena? if so what sort of rating do you think is possible with it

Don't think it'll work very well in arenas - it's not setup for that.

Yeah, arcane seems to be the best:

Spec Score 25H - DPS Bot - RaidBots - Web Tools for WoW Nerds

So frost is now the worst???
Any chance someone wants to share their settings file?

Depends on gear levels - frost is most forgiving, but once you're at 560+ you should be looking into arcane or fire.

Hey is there actually someone who can type a few words to help me? cause I really tried to use the Search function but it shows like 1billion Threads which is hard to find what I need if Im really really clueless.

So im new to all of this and wanna Load one of this advanced combat routines but Im really starting at 0.
I dont know if its enought to download only this files im able to in this Thread or if I maybe need something like Tyrael (not evening know what this is ;)
And I also dont know how to activate this Combat Routine files I just downloaded.
Someone may Link a Guide or type a few words? Would be much appreciated.


Hey - Follow this guide (but entering Portal as the folder name instead of Demonic).

The SVN link is in the first post of the this thread.

Shout if you're still having issues.
Pretty sure Arcane is top dps isn't it?

If you can tunnel the boss arcane wins hands down, multi add fights frost is best apart from spoils arcane rocks there, fire is great but the routine is -5% damage as fire atm. I know some guys saying they top ranked with this routine in fire I do not beleave this I know pretty much all the top 15 ranked fire players and know for sure they are not using this routine.
The best setup for SoO atm is frost/arcane most guys playing fire now like myself are doing it for shits and giggles.
Dont get my wrong I am a big supporter of mills and all his routines rock I use them for farm all the time, But lets clear this up, no routine are a equal to a top player because they follow a pattern a real player makes changes on the fly and is a lot faster at reacting and better skill.
Hey thanks for the nice Guide,
and how about this Tyrael and LazyRaider thingys you mentioned in your Post?
And if I use this advanced Routines is this only to for example in PvE or PvP in special or does this also effect if I just let my Character Grind something for example?

You can find Tyrael or LazyRaider on these forums too (use the search :))

The free version of the routine only works with Tyrael/Raidbot/LazyRaider - i.e. you need to control the movement and the routine will do the rest. It can be used in PvE/PvP/grinding/questing etc - but wont work with afk bot bases, like Questing or Gatherbuddy.

If you can tunnel the boss arcane wins hands down, multi add fights frost is best apart from spoils arcane rocks there, fire is great but the routine is -5% damage as fire atm. I know some guys saying they top ranked with this routine in fire I do not beleave this I know pretty much all the top 15 ranked fire players and know for sure they are not using this routine.
The best setup for SoO atm is frost/arcane most guys playing fire now like myself are doing it for shits and giggles.
Dont get my wrong I am a big supporter of mills and all his routines rock I use them for farm all the time, But lets clear this up, no routine are a equal to a top player because they follow a pattern a real player makes changes on the fly and is a lot faster at reacting and better skill.

This is the main thing to remember, a skilled player can make decisions the routine can't, but for 99% of players the routines will perform better.
Hi there, down garrosh 25hm just this evening with this CC, but the problem is, in fact, the pull is totally fucked up, and the P3 Phase can get also fucked up because the bot spread LB on the Seides.. So the dps can be really, really low, any way to improve that ?
Arcane and Frost, i tested both. So, in arcane, the routine *****s all his cd, then make an stupid Alter time.
In frost, he do no wait to finger of frost procs ( i test with manual/auto orb ) an make also a stupid Alter time.

If i said an "stupid alter time", i mean he is not in optimal condition, no arcane charge or arcane missile stacked up. Btw, in high level frost gear, the mastery imposed to us to make ice tickle without proc just for profite of the mastery.

In phase 3, Minion of Y'Shaarj doesn't have to be touched, or bombed, so i had to stop the bot for doing it.
Arcane and Frost, i tested both. So, in arcane, the routine *****s all his cd, then make an stupid Alter time.
In frost, he do no wait to finger of frost procs ( i test with manual/auto orb ) an make also a stupid Alter time.

If i said an "stupid alter time", i mean he is not in optimal condition, no arcane charge or arcane missile stacked up. Btw, in high level frost gear, the mastery imposed to us to make ice tickle without proc just for profite of the mastery.

In phase 3, Minion of Y'Shaarj doesn't have to be touched, or bombed, so i had to stop the bot for doing it.

Alter Time -> You'll need to provide a log file so I can see why it's doing it. The code is set to wait for procs/trinkets etc.

Minions -> It's not a bad idea to DoT them because you'll get FoF + BF procs. You can always just toggle AoE off though to stop the multi-dotting and focus on your target.
Hey bro, any chance we could get some love for Fire PVP? Maybe checking out Hansol's (Hansol @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft) oneshots kids on a regular basis? :) He has several Youtube vids explaining exactly what and how he does it. Please for the love of GOD, take the time to check out his combos and give us Fire mages some PVP love'n.

It has his "one-shot" rotation already built into it.
Hey, I am running a few farming profiles (Nothing fancy just a few mobs, basic stuff) and every now and then the bot targets a mob and stays still. It looks like this http://4st.me/bpzIo.png

This problem only happens with this combat routine.

Also it doesnt like facing the mobs. I know I have not provided the best information, if you need anything else just ask :)
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Hey, I am running a few farming profiles (Nothing fancy just a few mobs, basic stuff) and every now and then the bot targets a mob and stays still. It looks like this http://4st.me/bpzIo.png

This problem only happens with this combat routine.

Sounds like you're using the free version of Portal? That one doesn't support movement/targeting/facing etc - so wont work with Questing bot base. It's for use with Tyrael/LazyRaider/Raidbot etc
evocation is not working probably with german client and fire experimental pve rotation
he cast sometimes 2-5 fireball/pyroballs before recasting evocation and buff is faded for this time. Looks like Pyroblast has a higher priority than evocation.

english client is working great
I wish folks would just learn to use the hot keys and control when they have the burst going. If you have issues then post a log file otherwise you are shooting yourself in the foot.
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