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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

cc is acting odd its trying to cast damage ability on myself and other faction team members scared to post log since it also has my char name in it im alliance

[Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Lvl 90 Alliance Warrior (flagged: False)'s pet @

It shouldn't have your character's name in it, but I'll need a full log file to investigate this further.

Hey, Millz, I noticed that, using the free version of Portal, the routine seems to get stuck in a loop while using Blizzard for AoE, when FoF and BF pops. It'll cancel the Blizzard cast because it's got FoF or BF, but then it tries to go back to casting Blizzard again, and then interrupts it again because of the procs. Is this a problem only in the Free version, because I'm considering getting the premium version, but this problem is really annoying.

P.S. I'd already updated the version to revision 4, and it's still happening...

Sounds like a bug in the free version. I'll need to look into it.

i have other version and this does happen still

Post a log

Ok, wrote that post in a hurry last night between arena queue's.

Touch of Karma on a Monk is deadly to my team mates. As I don't pay attention to their buffs/debuffs, I am usually the one that is killing my own team mate when a Monk puts on Touch of Karma. I know that my mage will not cast onto a Hunter who has deterrence up, or a DK that has anti-magic shield up, or a Paladin that is bubbled. This should be more important for a Monk as my damage is transferred to who ever the monk targeted for touch of karma.

To be honest, I don't know if it is even possible as Tuanha's routines don't stop attacking at that point either. If it can be done, I think it should be top priority on your list to fix. I'm tired of being yelled at for killing my team mates lol.

Yeah I'm aware of the issue, it's a bit of a bitch to work out, as you need to decide whether or not the touch of karma was cast by a friendly or enemy unit - if it's friendly then keep attacking, if it was an enemy then stop attacking. There's no simple way to do it. I do have it on my list to resolve though.

So.. its rotation is rly slow and it barely casts any spells at all except ice barrier. And It doesnt move with dungeonbuddy? Isnt that supposed to be a automatic bot? Thank you for answer and if u can give me a solution.. I got free version btw

Slow running -> post a log file
Moving -> Free version doesn't support auto moving with dungeonbuddy (but you can try enabling dungeonbuddy's combat movement - it may work)
cc needs some real love atm for me this cc is very buggy and lowish dps love the lock cc from u though.

Post a log file. Probably an issue with your setup.

Ok, a couple of improvements to the free version (not sure if they're relevant to the premium) that I made for Frost Mages...



Looking through the code for Blizzard, I also found that while HandleBlizzardCancel() uses the amount of enemies around your target's location to determine if it should cancel, actually casting Blizzard uses the number of enemies around you. As such, if there are enough enemies around you, it will try to cast Blizzard, but if you're targeting a lone enemy in the distance, it'll cancel the Blizzard, resulting in a loop as well. Anyway to fix this?

Yeah this issue apply to the free version, just haven't been fixed. Both cancel and cast should be using the number of units around your target (i.e. Me.CurrentTarget.Location, as opposed to Me.Location). Haven't opened the code but pretty sure that's how it's setup now.

having a lot of issue with this atm in pvp.

1: ring of frost is never placed in time. keeping getting pounded on buy warriors and it's just useless at using this talent.
2: switched to ice ward thinking it would keep it up all the time but nope, no i cannot understand this since ice ward has a 30 sec duration and 20 sec cooldown so no reason why it is not keeping this up 100% of the time unless mounted ofc. example was running across to join a fight, go charged by warrior ofc no ice ward up= dead :/
3: incanters ward set to 1 person targeting me and use on my health 99% never goes off in time esp when getting raped.

got a feeling all these spells are far to low on the priority list or something. hating this routine for pvp tbh end up playing myself and I cant play pvp and I last longer!!

View attachment 130660

1) RoF is pretty high priority. I'll increase it a bit though. I use this manually with the hotkeys personally in RBGs / Arenas.
2) I'll increase the priority, seems like it's casting quite a lot in the log file - but it doesn't cast until you're in combat at the moment. I'll change it to always cast (including out of combat).
3) It seems to be using it a lot in your log file ?

As of today, the bot has began casting Frostfire Bolt in PvP as frost spec. Why would this be?

Post a log :P
My source repo login details keep changing.. Cant figure them out now. About to raid, how do I get them back??

Send me a PM if you still need this resetting :)

is there any way to use the routine the way that it only applies the dots(living bomb,nether tempest) on targets, and does nothing else? for fire spec (mage) since the rotation it does seems to ignore the trinket procs , which for fire mage is fatal though the doting system is awesome

Not possible - If you've got any suggestions to improving the fire rotation though, feel free to add your suggestions.

It shouldn't have your character's name in it, but I'll need a full log file to investigate this further.

heres the log iView attachment 131179 did edit my char name from log though and placed it with myfullcharnamewashere

Looks like it's trying to DoT a warriors mocking banner. I'll push a fix for this.
well, the rotation I use as a fire mage : I pre-pot + pre-cast Pyroblast 3 sec to pull, then I apply the the bomb, and the i keep casting fireball or scroch ,depends on if I'm moving or not,till I get the proc of heating up, when I have a proc of heating up I cast another fireball/scorch and instantly after it's cast ends I use Inferno blast, this way I'll have an instant pyroblast and a heating up at the same time, then I cast another fireball and use the instant pytoblast when fireball's cast finishes,this way I will get instant Pyroblast over and over again, coz I already have a proc of heating up . this should be the basic rotation of fire mage, well ofc without the basic things like refreshing the dots and invoker, but the most important part is the proc of ur wrath trinket(the one which drops from garrosh) u should manage to have a pyroblast and a heating up rdy when you have 6-7 stack of wrath trinket up, if such a thing happens I use macro consists of alter time + presence of mind + pyroblast and keep spamming my instant pyroblast till my trinket is at 10 stacks of wrath, then I immediately I use my alter time again to go back at 6 stacks of wrath and then again I use my instant pyroblasts. this way u gain ignite of +400k with +575 ilvl gear. sometimes when we use bloodlust/heroism at pull , I use mage armor(3000 mastery) instead of molten armor, and then change to molten armor after I use my combustion , this way u may gain around 500k ignite on a target , ofc if u have proper gear and if u get lucky. and Im sure u know effect of mastery on ignite :P

Not possible - If you've got any suggestions to improving the fire rotation though, feel free to add your suggestions.
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Dear Millz

The Engineer setting didnt work for me. It was Disable before, then i changed it but it still not use on Dummy. Do i need to refresh HB after update the setting ?? Thanks for you help.


well, the rotation I use as a fire mage : I pre-pot + pre-cast Pyroblast 3 sec to pull, then I apply the the bomb, and the i keep casting fireball or scroch ,depends on if I'm moving or not,till I get the proc of heating up, when I have a proc of heating up I cast another fireball/scorch and instantly after it's cast ends I use Inferno blast, this way I'll have an instant pyroblast and a heating up at the same time, then I cast another fireball and use the instant pytoblast when fireball's cast finishes,this way I will get instant Pyroblast over and over again, coz I already have a proc of heating up . this should be the basic rotation of fire mage, well ofc without the basic things like refreshing the dots and invoker, but the most important part is the proc of ur wrath trinket(the one which drops from garrosh) u should manage to have a pyroblast and a heating up rdy when you have 6-7 stack of wrath trinket up, if such a thing happens I use macro consists of alter time + presence of mind + pyroblast and keep spamming my instant pyroblast till my trinket is at 10 stacks of wrath, then I immediately I use my alter time again to go back at 6 stacks of wrath and then again I use my instant pyroblasts. this way u gain ignite of +400k with +575 ilvl gear. sometimes when we use bloodlust/heroism at pull , I use mage armor(3000 mastery) instead of molten armor, and then change to molten armor after I use my combustion , this way u may gain around 500k ignite on a target , ofc if u have proper gear and if u get lucky. and Im sure u know effect of mastery on ignite :P

Thanks, good explanation. I'll look into it.

Dear Millz

The Engineer setting didnt work for me. It was Disable before, then i changed it but it still not use on Dummy. Do i need to refresh HB after update the setting ?? Thanks for you help.

Does you gloves have Synapse Springs on them? May need to reload HB if you've equipped SS after loading the bot. Always worth a try reloading though if it's not working.
Minor problem - it doesn't conjure a refreshment table when waiting for a battleground to start. The option "conjure refreshments" in class abilities is ticked though. A couple of times people have asked me to conjure one while i've been afk.
I've pushed a change for the experimental fire rotation. Was giving me mixed results, some much better than the standard, and sometimes on par with standard. Interested to hear from others !
Well Fire mage is so stupidly RNG, so it's normal to get mixed result, but the thing is that ur CC DoTs the targets like freaking R1 PVE player, I mean normally when I play in raids the gap b/w my pyroblast dmg done and my bomb dots is so big, in the other hand when the CC does the rotation , this gap is much smaller, which means, I as a human fail to dot the targets properly, that's why I asked u at first that if there is anyway that CC only applies the DoTs :P

I've pushed a change for the experimental fire rotation. Was giving me mixed results, some much better than the standard, and sometimes on par with standard. Interested to hear from others !
ok I tried the new CC, it seems the bot forgets to refresh invoker on time sometimes though it only happened once maybe due to refreshing the dots , the other thing is that when I have an Instant pyroblast rdy with a heating up , the bot immediately uses the pyroblast, which is wrong, it should cast a fire ball and then use the instant pyroblast super fast , also it seems that the CC ignores the Proc of trinket like b4, the maximum ignite I could get with 578 gear is 120k which is super low, and the usage of alter time and combustion is totally messed up specially in mid fight. Let's say we use alter time + presence of mind + /cast pyroblast when we have both trinkets active and at 6 stacks of wrath trinket(garrosh trinket) then we will have3 min CD on alter time,and 1.5 min on combustion, normally after 1.6 min the Immersus trinket pops so u need to use combustion after around 1.6min(around 100sec after the first usage) ofc with ignite at least +150k . after that when u have alter time rdy for the 2nd time, the combustion should be still on CD, maybe for around 20-30 sec, the bot uses alter time for the 2nd time without waiting for combustion to become available to use again. which is so wrong. well I know nothing about programming and writing CCs and these kinda stuff, so I dunno how far are you guys through with putting logic into ur products. well sometimes just a human brain can detect things and do them right. but I hope what I tried to explain help u through ur work :P
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Hi Milz,
I dont think the arcane routine is casting and heavy aoe, i didnt see it cast Famestrike or Blizzard.

View attachment 131347

It doesn't use flamestrike as Arcane. It is using arcane explosion in your log though.

It'll use AE when there's more than 4 units in range of you (according to your settings). That range varies depending on whether or not you glyph AE.

ok I tried the new CC, it seems the bot forgets to refresh invoker on time sometimes though it only happened once maybe due to refreshing the dots , the other thing is that when I have an Instant pyroblast rdy with a heating up , the bot immediately uses the pyroblast, which is wrong, it should cast a fire ball and then use the instant pyroblast super fast , also it seems that the CC ignores the Proc of trinket like b4, the maximum ignite I could get with 578 gear is 120k which is super low, and the usage of alter time and combustion is totally messed up specially in mid fight. Let's say we use alter time + presence of mind + /cast pyroblast when we have both trinkets active and at 6 stacks of wrath trinket(garrosh trinket) then we will have3 min CD on alter time,and 1.5 min on combustion, normally after 1.6 min the Immersus trinket pops so u need to use combustion after around 1.6min(around 100sec after the first usage) ofc with ignite at least +150k . after that when u have alter time rdy for the 2nd time, the combustion should be still on CD, maybe for around 20-30 sec, the bot uses alter time for the 2nd time without waiting for combustion to become available to use again. which is so wrong. well I know nothing about programming and writing CCs and these kinda stuff, so I dunno how far are you guys through with putting logic into ur products. well sometimes just a human brain can detect things and do them right. but I hope what I tried to explain help u through ur work :P

Thanks - I've got a few more changes to go in tonight.

It's not tracking the trinket procs for alter time (yet). It's difficult to force the routine to wait for trinket procs due to everyone having different item levels, different trinkets etc. I have a system in place for Demonic to handle trinkets, however that won't work for Portal. I'll need to create a new system for this. The best option for now is to toggle manually enabling cooldowns using the hotkey when you're ready for them to activate.
Is Portal only for me working and react so slow? needs nearly 8min to initialize the routine and its cast and summonig 4 sec before arena is starting :D something goes wrong :D
Is Portal only for me working and react so slow? needs nearly 8min to initialize the routine and its cast and summonig 4 sec before arena is starting :D something goes wrong :D

Post a log please :)
A few suggestions Millz that WILL increase DPS if you can code them.

1. For all specs - on trinket or meta proc (Immerseus trinket, toxic totem) - refresh bomb 1-2 seconds before it expires. This WILL increase dps.
2. For Garosh Trinket proc - wait until 8-9 stack and refresh and code in something so it isnt refreshing at stack 3, 6,9 etc.
3. When Arcane AOE in fights like Galakras - should still get 4 stacks of Arcane Blast before going wild on AOE i would think. Also, use arcane barrage as soon as only 4 mobs as a 4 stack arcane barrage on AOE - is like over 2Million damage if crit.
4. Alter time offensive use in Arcane doesn't make sense. It just uses it, automatically. No waiting for four stack etc...is this by design?

A few suggestions Millz that WILL increase DPS if you can code them.

1. For all specs - on trinket or meta proc (Immerseus trinket, toxic totem) - refresh bomb 1-2 seconds before it expires. This WILL increase dps.
2. For Garosh Trinket proc - wait until 8-9 stack and refresh and code in something so it isnt refreshing at stack 3, 6,9 etc.
3. When Arcane AOE in fights like Galakras - should still get 4 stacks of Arcane Blast before going wild on AOE i would think. Also, use arcane barrage as soon as only 4 mobs as a 4 stack arcane barrage on AOE - is like over 2Million damage if crit.
4. Alter time offensive use in Arcane doesn't make sense. It just uses it, automatically. No waiting for four stack etc...is this by design?


I've only just started working on Portal's trinket tracker. I've been playing with it in the fire experimental rotation. Just pushed a change for it to start working in arcane too. This will allow me to add the refreshing dots on trinket procs dropping thing soon.

- Evading units are now blacklisted for 10 seconds (up from 5).
- Will now stop attacking units with an enemy applied Touch of Karma.
- [Arcane] Arcane Power and Alter Time will now cast when trinkets are active.
- [Arcane] If Glyph of Loose Mana is selected, will now use Mana Gem before activating Alter Time.
- [All] Will now cancel Alter Time if Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp is activated AFTER we've activated Alter Time.
- Kill Totems will now also destroy Battle Standards.
- [Fire] Change to prevent experimental rotation from pausing.
- Improved trinket aura detection code.
I still having problems i think they are bugs My char name is still being put in the logs i will post it with my char name edited.

1.Blizzard is not finishing the cast it will cast it then stop like right after it cast thentry and cast again

2.as i said it seems to try and cast spells on myself like freeze and such as in the log my char name is in it look at 18:14:31.525

3.mirror image is being cast on trash some times even thou set to boss/player
I've only just started working on Portal's trinket tracker. I've been playing with it in the fire experimental rotation. Just pushed a change for it to start working in arcane too. This will allow me to add the refreshing dots on trinket procs dropping thing soon.

- Evading units are now blacklisted for 10 seconds (up from 5).
- Will now stop attacking units with an enemy applied Touch of Karma.
- [Arcane] Arcane Power and Alter Time will now cast when trinkets are active.
- [Arcane] If Glyph of Loose Mana is selected, will now use Mana Gem before activating Alter Time.
- [All] Will now cancel Alter Time if Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp is activated AFTER we've activated Alter Time.
- Kill Totems will now also destroy Battle Standards.
- [Fire] Change to prevent experimental rotation from pausing.
- Improved trinket aura detection code.

Awesome -ill let ya know how it goes after raid on Tuesday.

I was reading in other threads that Lazy Raider is better than Tyrael right now...anyone confirm? They say up to 25% better, faster. A lot of folks commenting.
I still having problems i think they are bugs My char name is still being put in the logs i will post it with my char name edited.

1.Blizzard is not finishing the cast it will cast it then stop like right after it cast thentry and cast again

2.as i said it seems to try and cast spells on myself like freeze and such as in the log my char name is in it look at 18:14:31.525

3.mirror image is being cast on trash some times even thou set to boss/player


1) Found the issue. It was checking for units within 10 yards to check there were enough units to cast Blizzard, but cancelling when the number of units within 9 yards dropped below the value. This should be cast 10, cancel 11 (i.e. to give a little bit of room for the unit moving out and back into range). Just pushed a fix for this.

2) Can you send me the full (unedited) log via PM please? If it's printing your character's name then it's a bug with Honorbuddy that will need fixing urgently.

3) It's cast on only boss units in this log correctly - which units are you not expecting it to cast on?