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[Official] Honorbuddy down time discussions

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Please stop comparing Honorbuddy with other bots in the market. There is no other software that covers as much as Honorbuddy do in WoW functionality wise. Therefore, the more changes in WoW affects Honorbuddy the more.

Great point :) HB is also much bigger so takes longer to update. You can't release one part of a bot it all has to be working for a release to be made. People must appreciate this :D
I would just like to say Thank You too all those working on Honorbuddy and Honorbuddy products. I am really looking forward to using the new release and am excited for the new bots, Thanks guys !
Please stop comparing Honorbuddy with other bots in the market. There is no other software that covers as much as Honorbuddy do in WoW functionality wise. Therefore, the more changes in WoW affects Honorbuddy the more.

Update process for a big patch like this is not just about updating offsets. Honorbuddy uses hundreds of class structures from WoW while others use a few. All these structures needs to be updated to be on par with WoW client.

There is also the file format changes for game data and more. I guess I don't really need to tell anything about security measures.

We are all devoted to get a Honorbuddy build ready as fast as we can.

Untill then, im going out to get some chicks and get drunk, GJ Raphus :) see yall in a few days
I recomend to everone wanted a red/green light to subscribe to the thread above. You will get an instant email when there is a staus update. And no need to come here and ask if its up or not lol.

Can also get the discord app from thread - https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/241434-honorbuddy-discord-server.html

When Raphus updated sticky here he also did a notification so even though i was in wow i got a screen update letting me know he had posting something.
I've had one ban about 3-4 years ago, but definitely due to my own stupidity.

Likewise to KuthVe, I've been around for a while.

I am happy, though itching to use HB, to wait for a stable release.
I cant wait for legionbuddy. Honestly thats all I use honorbuddy for anyways. I will be very excited when HB is up again but im more excited about legionbuddy. I wish i could buy my way into the beta without spending 200.
I cant wait for legionbuddy. Honestly thats all I use honorbuddy for anyways. I will be very excited when HB is up again but im more excited about legionbuddy. I wish i could buy my way into the beta without spending 200.

it is very exciting times. nothing on the market will compare with legion buddy!
Please stop comparing Honorbuddy with other bots in the market. There is no other software that covers as much as Honorbuddy do in WoW functionality wise. Therefore, the more changes in WoW affects Honorbuddy the more.

Update process for a big patch like this is not just about updating offsets. Honorbuddy uses hundreds of class structures from WoW while others use a few. All these structures needs to be updated to be on par with WoW client.

There is also the file format changes for game data and more. I guess I don't really need to tell anything about security measures.

We are all devoted to get a Honorbuddy build ready as fast as we can.


Although this is taking longer then we expected, the majority of Honorbuddy is already updated. We are working on small fixes right now to get an internal test build ready for Community Developers.

Plans might change in case we hit a blocking issue and there might be more delays. Therefore, we can't really give an ETA for a public build yet.

That's great and all but begs the question why wasn't this done last week, or any number of weeks previously actually. Is the current build of WoW really that different from the PTR release build of last week? a whole week's worth of downtime of differences?

When your business model is built on subscriptions, uptime is something to really strive for. lets hope it's back by next wednesday at least.

That's great and all but begs the question why wasn't this done last week, or any number of weeks previously actually. Is the current build of WoW really that different from the PTR release build of last week? a whole week's worth of downtime of differences?

When your business model is built on subscriptions, uptime is something to really strive for. lets hope it's back by next wednesday at least.

I can agree with this, but PTR and standard game are 2 different monsters, and they might of wasted their time if they'd coded it all for the PTR, then they came out with some crazy new stuff that wasnt in the PTR but was privately tested and now honorbuddy wasted all that time getting the PTR details and still has to reverse the new release... So don't judge based on that...

Meaning : Shut the **** up you piece of meat spending money and times on our product. Never been complaining about HB, but you should seriously does not say the things like that.. We are not dog.

Bro if english isnt your first language please re frame from using it as a language -_- you don't make sense. I think your trying to tell people to stfu about the update, and to that I can say this : Everyone is going to have their own opinion on what is an acceptable downtime, and as long as they are not breaking any rules your flaming is only going to excite them more. But seriously... English isn't that hard. <3
Bro if english isnt your first language please re frame from using it as a language -_- you don't make sense. I think your trying to tell people to stfu about the update, and to that I can say this : Everyone is going to have their own opinion on what is an acceptable downtime, and as long as they are not breaking any rules your flaming is only going to excite them more. But seriously... English isn't that hard. <3


Bro, if English isn't your first language, then please refrain from using it widespread and to spout nonsense.
You don't make any sense. I think you're trying to tell people to stop whining about the update schedule, and to that I can say this; Everyone is going to have their own opinion on what is an acceptable downtime, and as long as they are not breaking any rules, your flaming is only going to excite them even more.
English can be hard sometimes, but I would suggest that you study some more to make it easier for people to understand you.


Fixed it for you! <3

Might want to refrain from making such stupid comments as the for mentioned quotation. That is, if you - Yourself - Can't even handle basic grammar.
But hey, that is only my 2 cents :)

EDIT: I sincerely can't muster any more time to re-arrange the whole sentence structure, but should be good enough.
EDIT2: Fixed a more readable layout.
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That's great and all but begs the question why wasn't this done last week, or any number of weeks previously actually. Is the current build of WoW really that different from the PTR release build of last week? a whole week's worth of downtime of differences?

When your business model is built on subscriptions, uptime is something to really strive for. lets hope it's back by next wednesday at least.

This hasn't been done due to legal reasons that we can not disclosure.
This hasn't been done due to legal reasons that we can not disclosure.

You don't have to answer to this;
But has it to do with your recent fist fight with Blizzard and you making a promise as to not reverse engineer non-official live code?

I understand you might be under a NDA, hence I am not expecting an answer regarding the matter at hand :)
You don't have to answer to this;
But has it to do with your recent fist fight with Blizzard and you making a promise as to not reverse engineer non-official live code?

I understand you might be under a NDA, hence I am not expecting an answer regarding the matter at hand :)

We have no agreements whatsoever with Blizzard. Only the German courts can direct us on what we can and can not do.
Please stop comparing Honorbuddy with other bots in the market. There is no other software that covers as much as Honorbuddy do in WoW functionality wise. Therefore, the more changes in WoW affects Honorbuddy the more.

Update process for a big patch like this is not just about updating offsets. Honorbuddy uses hundreds of class structures from WoW while others use a few. All these structures needs to be updated to be on par with WoW client.

There is also the file format changes for game data and more. I guess I don't really need to tell anything about security measures.

We are all devoted to get a Honorbuddy build ready as fast as we can.

I am far from a fanboy in any sense, I will not jump to my knees and pray for the one true god, "Honorbuddy", and I'll happily jump ship if something better comes along, but Honorbuddy is genuinely the most advanced WoW bot I have ever seen, especially with it's completely open API (Which I worked on a few years ago and had no limitations with anything except switching characters -- and I can only assume it's become better since then). I love the way Honorbuddy (from my understanding) is 100% modular, and actually does nothing. Everything honorbuddy actually "does" is external code, like botbases parsing profiles and plugins preventing drowning, etc... Because of the huge amount of functions you support with your API, I can easily see how long this is taking, and while I'd like *snap* for it to be done instantly, I feel like anyone bitching saying "WHY ISN'T MY BOT OUT NOW? THIS IS A KICK IN THE FACE FROM THE DEVELOPERS WHO ARE OBVIOUSLY MONEY HUNGRY." has never actually attempted to develop any software before in their life.

So, thank you for the service you provide, paid or not, because in all honesty, it's the only bot on the market place (for MY usage, of 100% automatic botting with extensable open APIs) that can actually provide what I want/need.
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Kinda abusive to forum imo. Why not subscribe to update thread. Will email you instantly when there is a status update.
Hello, I downloaded the honorbuddy and when I login this comes up "We couldn't find a free WoW process to attach. Please make certain your toon is standing in game world and you are running latest version of Honorbuddy." what does this mean?


Bro, if English isn't your first language, then please refrain from using it widespread and to spout nonsense.
You don't make any sense. I think you're trying to tell people to stop whining about the update schedule, and to that I can say this; Everyone is going to have their own opinion on what is an acceptable downtime, and as long as they are not breaking any rules, your flaming is only going to excite them even more.
English can be hard sometimes, but I would suggest that you study some more to make it easier for people to understand you.


Fixed it for you! <3

Might want to refrain from making such stupid comments as the for mentioned quotation. That is, if you - Yourself - Can't even handle basic grammar.
But hey, that is only my 2 cents :)

EDIT: I sincerely can't muster any more time to re-arrange the whole sentence structure, but should be good enough.
EDIT2: Fixed a more readable layout.

You've made my day :D
Subscribing to a thread is easier...

Hello all !
I know that a lot of people (including me) are still refreshing the page, hoping a release.

So I wrote a litte Python program that check new message every 10 secondes, and send 3 beeps if a new one is posted.

You just need to have Python installed on your machine, rename legionbuddy.txt to legionbuddy.py (since I cannot upload a .py file directly, so you can see that this script is totally safe) then type on a terminal :
/path/to/python /path/to/legionbuddy.py

Please, don't judge me, my code is messy af.

Enjoy :)
View attachment 204774

Thanks for the contribution, but it really is a LOT easier just to use the forum's built-in "Subscribe to thread" functionality.


But, this is the 'discussion' thread, and is NOT the thread to subscribe to if you want [Official] updates. Instead, you should subscribe to the 'status' thread here:
[post=2226611]Honorbuddy Update Status - Patch 7.0.3 Build #22267[/post]

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