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[Official] Honorbuddy down time discussions

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No point in complaining about downtime vs other bots....just use both...SBR is always up within 3 hours so I use that until HB is ready because HB is 10x better but takes longer to update because it does 10x more than SBR can.
Although I've gotten nothing but help from people on this forum, I couldn't agree more. Very disappointing with this extensive downtime. Just don't want to moan too much about it! :p

The only bot website i've only known was this one. And buddy store is kind of screwed up also. The developers aren't really up to date anymore. So it's kind of dying down.

But if there was an alternative.... Been posting on the dev forums, but most have moved on to either making their own websites and selling services there. Or at another website.

I would love to know other alternatives, instead of coming here everyday and looking at dead threads.
HB is still significantly cheaper than other bots, specifically ones that start with S and end with R. I mean, you're talking about a required monthly subscription, and then you have to pay for every SPEC of every class. That's just silly. Granted, the results seem to speak for themselves with regards to quality...but I don't need to prove myself in Mythic raids, so I think I'll pass for now.
Ofc they gonna release it when Legion launch. I see it coming like a train on my face, to boost the legionbuddy sales.
why do people say this. HB is the sole target of blizz banwaves. The other bots dont do even 10% of the things HB is capable of therefore blizz virtually ignores them.

All Other bots had banwaves recently :) They are also very insecure bliz could wipe them out in 2 mins if they wanted
Hey, so I noticed some guy swearing about how all these other bots have been working, and his post was removed. Now, all cussing aside, I did a little research, and all these other bots ARE up and running the same day of the patch, or within hours. And here we are getting up on a week, and nothing. I'm a pretty patient person, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed that I've sunk so much money into your product, for all the down time I've had (including patches past). I'm nobody in the "community", but as a customer, I'm extremely dissatisfied, and think I'll be cutting my losses on your project. Thanks.

Good, we don't need haters here. HB is the best when it comes to updating and keeping people informed, there was already explanation of why HB takes longer to update, if you are so blind not to see that its your own fault! :) Learn a thing or two about how bots work because you just embarassed yourself :D
Although I've gotten nothing but help from people on this forum, I couldn't agree more. Very disappointing with this extensive downtime. Just don't want to moan too much about it! :p

The buddy team is working hard and doing a great job to bring us a stable release for Legion, the are the best in the business if this is how long it is taking to update rest assured there is NO ONE who could do it faster
I would be willing to bet the team is more focused on getting things ready for the actual release of legion and not the pre-patch. I think its a great idea to focus on that more, its way more important imo.
So, tomorrow will probably be the day that HB can be used again. Great!

But keep in mind, there's a big chance that this wednesday a new (mini)patch will be released by Blizzard, meaning HB will also need an update.

You might ask yourself if you want to open the 'botting closet' again for those two days. I for one will probably await it and see what happens wednesday!

Just a friendly tip :)
well i use -snip- as it is (for me) as good as HB... and its updated fast as hell...

Haha no chance :) No way it has all the amazing profiles and CCs that HB does :D

No bot is comparable to HB in what it can do, these guys are the best in the business if they cant fix HB by now rest assured no one else could

any other developers would probably still be updating a month from now where as the buddy team are hoping to be ready by tomorrow! :D
Haha no chance :) No way it has all the amazing profiles and CCs that HB does :D

No bot is comparable to HB in what it can do, these guys are the best in the business if they cant fix HB by now rest assured no one else could :D

Ohh it does. And then some Just saying
Or your trolling/trying to snipe customers from hb.......for an inferior bot.........thinking thats more logical.
Or your trolling/trying to snipe customers from hb.......for an inferior bot.........thinking thats more logical.

I never once said any bot name. Nor would I do that. Its against tos.

I also think HB is a great bot as long as you realize its limitations. So stop putting words in my mouth. Thank you very much.
After going back i see it wasnt you that mentioned name but you refered to that users post a few times so anyone reading last 2 pages of this thread know exactly what your refering too and your still praising it....like it does everthing hb does plus some. That is simply not true.

Anyway im done discussing this with you.

Happy botting!
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