How bout remove pvp afk, problem sorted..
bg automate removed ye but not completly pvp like using routines for arena and rbg and pve raids is all good you only need to move manually
How bout remove pvp afk, problem sorted..
bad to hear you havent foudn the reason for the detection but i'm happy to be informed with the truth
To me one of the easiest things to look at and determine as a bot is simply the click to move or the turns. No human can respond with movement as fast as some of the bots are enabled to move. A reasonable detection scheme could begin with just sending back to Blizz a sampling of movements and times between movements. I am sure there are other ways as well-- ie server side detection of some kind of log as others have said numerous times.
Bottom line is when I come back, I will expect to be banned. I am willing to buy new accounts, play them as I like to play them (I never join real guilds and play with real people LOL). I play to enjoy designing the strategy of the bot to beat real life players. I don't farm, my bots are as good as a 1700 or so player in Arena, and they don't act bottish. Sad that Blizz banned my accounts, but I fully expected to lose the accounts at some point, so when I feel it's "safe" to come back, I'll come back, have my fun, and get banned again.
Giving money to Blizz is part of the cost for enjoying myself!
How bout remove pvp afk, problem sorted..
Mad kidthey won't do that because they would lose money. they will leave all features enabled so they can make as much money before the next banwave and the final nail is hammered into the coffin
Mad kid
I agree that PvP bots are the main reason why people are so pissed against bots.
I also agree. As a long time HB user I would love to see the PvP aspect of the bot removed. When youtube video's started showing up showing 12 vs 12 bot matches in the EotS or that one Warlock who posted a vid of every cast being instantly interrupted, you're just asking for the ban hammer. HB for just questing and some farming won't draw the ire of Blizzard so quickly if I had to guess.