Blizzard used parts of the World of Warcraft client that acted in a hidden manner like malware. Then they scanned everything they could scan on a given computer and flagged the ones they thought were operating against their TOS/EULA. They are fine to install any such malware-type hidden software at any given time according to their End User Agreement.
that's a shitty speculation and goes directly against everything HB devs have being saying for years. In USA at least Blizzard CAN NOT introduce "malware" that "scans everything on everyone's computer". and if they could I seriously doubt they would given the unreal outrage that would produce, as shown numerous times by other companies trying the same shit.
The tripwire monitors changes to the warden (and game client, though that's never updated live without a patch). Blizzard has not used the warden to detect major bots for many many years. Warden is for hacks and kiddie-scripted bots. Blizzard HAS used warden-like functionality *inside* the game .exe (slipped in there during a regular patch), which is how they got Glider a couple of times. But that should be noticeable as well, especially after a week's investigation.
My "speculation" is that this is all server-side. Same way you couldn't fly around in MoP gathering herbs and ore for more than a couple of hours a day without getting a ban within a few weeks. HB always said this was all 100% reports and greediness etc, but please. There was something detectable from logs in GB2's behavior, all the random hotspot generators etc didn't do shit to address that, and once blizz ran thru all the logs of accounts farming for several hours a day they could reliably separate the humans from honorbuddy.
They finally invested enough money into automatically scanning logs, and the HB client is doing something that's detectable on their end, without actually detecting it on our computers.
Anyhow this is all guesswork. Thank you buddy team for being honest that you have no clue wtf happened, but this WAS directed at HB and no other major bot, and this DID get a vast amount of HB users, perhaps 100% and they just haven't yet banned 100%.
For those planning to restart botting - don't use on main accounts, I hope that's obvious. I expect another banwave in 6-8 weeks, and so on forever.
The real miracle here is that they came up with the 6 month suspension idea. as annoying as that is, it's NOTHING compared to getting perma banned on a 10 year mythic account, no warning