I'm glad to hear HB will be up again soon.
I won't be playing for the duration of the ban and might not even come back after it, unless Blizz improves the content of the game, even 6.2 on the PTR feels the same to me as the original expansion and 6.1.
On all the speculations, I'd like to say that in the response of my appeal it said:
We do not tolerate any use of third party bot or character automation software on the realms as it is not fair to other players.
We have detected and verified that you used these from your location.
It might be scare-tactics or a bluff, but I just want to throw it out there.
If it was up to me I would have waited with releasing HB until after the launch of 6.2, if only to give Blizz the idea that there was no solution to be found. But I understand the statement this will make as well.
Just before the ban-wave I had created a new account and had to click an accept button to allow Blizz to perform scans on my computer. This is also mentioned in their legal documentation so I doubt how much a lawsuit would benefit anyone trying to make a court case out of this. But I'm no lawyer, so I could be way off there.
One last point, I do believe that it would be of great use to drastically change BGBuddy. I have stopped using that one years ago, when I realised it did even worse on the actual battleground mechanics than I would myself. If we could, at least as far as HB users are concerned, lessen the burden on the BGs, We might also lessen Blizz's wrath against bot users. I know this requires a lot of long term thinking, but I think it would greatly improve the bot as well as the game.
Once again, good luck everyone! And cheers to the Devs!