Hey guys and thank you for sharing some informations which you gathered throughout your investigations.
My guess on all that stuff happened on May 13th is as following:
Imagine, there's Blizz always "carrying" a list of potential botters which they would like to ban. And this list is filled by us, as users, through our trust in CRs and profiles we use - nearly daily. So Blizz takes those hints and collects them. The "list" gets longer and longer. In this case, this could have been prepared for years. Some of us reported, that they did have a break during the last months. But they maybe were detected ages ago. In the end, all comes to the point, that Blizz has this list and knows, that we feel some sort of "safe" - always remember: you act against their agreements, no one is safe.
Then they lost a lawsuit against Bossland. And what's the best way to care a burning wound? Yep. Hurt the one who has hurted you. So they pressed the button and the banwave got us.
But how did Blizz detect us?
Simple, for my guess.
Let's imagine we all had accounts with at least 3 endlevel chars on it (100, 90 respectively back in MoP). And we used Kicks Profiles or some sort oft. Due to the open forums, even Blizz can have an eye into those scripts. In the end of the day, they simply watched some routes (and we all know, it looks stupid enough, if 20 chars run around the same spots over and over again) and flagged those people right after the character creation. And we all know, Kicks profiles sometimes walk a little strange in some situations. And those situations were exact the same. On every character botted with those profiles. Nonetheless they simply hat to script an "automatic flag a character as bot, as soon as he hits an amount X of checkpoints, which were most commonly used by those scripts".
Hope you can follow my thoughts
Still, I am happy to become the best DPS in my raid once again