Greetings Buddies,
We will soon release Honorbuddy again - we expect it to be by the end of this week.
Its been a week since we closed down the authentication servers for Honorbuddy. In this time, we tried to figure out what happened. We must say that we have no idea what really happened and all we have are speculations.
Greetings Buddies,
There have been rumours, spread by Blizzard, that over 100,000 WOW Accounts have been banned during the ban wave on 13th May 2015 and that they are most likely all Honorbuddy users. We have to dispute this; there has never been that many active Honorbuddy users. We are still unaware if this was a real detection or some shady malware that was injected into everyones computer for a short period of time.
We must say that we have no idea what really happened
End of botting with HB for many users.
They still ban for *****ed hb versions,. its mean detect still online. And u say - "we have no idea what really happened " ???
Personally i think it would be nice to have a 64bit client being worked on even if they bring it back up.. they know that HB uses 32bit and anyone using it would prob already be flagged...
Personally i think it would be nice to have a 64bit client being worked on even if they bring it back up.. they know that HB uses 32bit and anyone using it would prob already be flagged...
Despite that you have no Idea and still release the bot again (this shows to me that HB is indeed gone for ever. There will be the next banwave soon I guess), how you wanna know that there werent over 100,000 Accounts? For Example: I own 3 Sessions and could have 8 WoW Accounts. I can use the 3 sessions on 100 Accounts if I want (of course not at the same time...). They all could have been banned in the wave. So this number is even a worse guess, than what some people say at the forum. Sorry but thats just a wild guess Bossland....
Lets see what is going to happen, for me I am sure done with WoW![]()
And how many people do you think own more than 3 wow accounts per HB account? 1%?
And how many people do you think own more than 3 wow accounts per HB account? 1%?
i wont get more accounts anymore once i have my new pc one account at a time is enough i dont wanna use honorbuddy on my old pc even that i have 7 honorbuddy i wont get more accounts because i dont wanna spend that mutch money again
And how many people do you think own more than 3 wow accounts per HB account? 1%?
i have to applaude the full disclosure policy of bossland. He just told it like it is; straight up. "we do not know, we will release a new hb anyway, you might get banned again".
Frankly guys/girls, has it been different at any given time? You bot, you take the risk. Plain and simple. I never used hb whilst thinking that hb was undetectable. I logged on every day hoping all was fine. It has been for many years.
If blizzard wants to find hb running on a machine, they will. They work with top developers who also have access to hb and other bots, just like us. The question is, can they do it in a legal way... And that's a thin line. It would not surprise me if they did use some sort of malware to get information they should not be allowed to get. Something they had on standby, just in case the court ruling was infavorable.
Tldr; glad hb is coming back. Many of you say "i won't use hb anymore because now it's unsafe" do not realise it has never been safe. As long as your fine with that, with losing your account, all is fine. I can't wait to start using it again. Yolo! :d