Problem with shadow priest rotation
Hi Bobby,
I've been looking at your shadow priest combat behavior and there is a problem with it. I will NOT post a log here as there's nothing to see in the log. Instead I will refer to you code file, specifically
shadow.cs, from line 154 onwards.
There are several behaviors defined there, I will pick the first one, although this is relevant for all the cases where you cast Vampiric Touch.
new PrioritySelector(
1. Spell.Cast("Shadow Word: Death", ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 20),
2. // We don't want to dot targets below 40% hp to conserve mana. Mind Blast/Flay will kill them soon anyway
3. Spell.Cast("Mind Blast", ret => StyxWoW.Me.GetCurrentPower(WoWPowerType.ShadowOrbs) < 3),
4. Spell.Buff("Devouring Plague", true, ret => StyxWoW.Me.GetCurrentPower(WoWPowerType.ShadowOrbs) >= 3),
5. Spell.Buff("Shadow Word: Pain", true, ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Elite || StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 40),
6. Spell.Buff("Vampiric Touch", true, ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Elite || StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 40),
7. Spell.Cast("Mindbender", ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Elite || StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 50),
8. Spell.Cast("Power Infusion"),
9. Spell.Cast("Mind Blast"),
10. Spell.Cast("Shadowfiend", ret => StyxWoW.Me.ManaPercent <= SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.ShadowfiendMana && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent >= 60), // Mana check is for mana management. Don't mess with it
11. Spell.Cast("Mind Flay", ret => StyxWoW.Me.ManaPercent >= SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.MindFlayMana),
12. // Helpers.Common.CreateUseWand(ret => SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.UseWand), // we no longer have wands or shoot
13. Movement.CreateMoveToTargetBehavior(true, 35f)
I will refer to the line numbers i inserted in the code above.
2. The damage done by Mind Spike no longer depends on the Shadow Orbs present. It still consumes the DoT effects. The change that needs to happen depends on a talent called "From Darkness, Comes Light." As a shadow priest, whenever Vampiric Touch ticks you have a chance to gain a buf called "Surge of Darkness" that can stack twice. Whenever Surge of Darkness is up, you want to cast Mind Spike. It will not consume the DoT and will deal 50% more damage. This is really the first priority cast, and you should interrupt Mind Flay in order to cast it.
Because of this you want to always have Vampiric Touch up, as it has a good chance of proc-ing Surge of Darkness. This also pertains to your pull behavior, line 96
Spell.Cast("Mind Blast"),
Spell.Buff("Vampiric Touch", true, ret => !SpellMnanager.HasSpell("Mind Spike") || StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Elite),
If the talent "From Darkness, Comes Light" is used. You should pull with Vampiric Touch.
3. The talent "Divine Insight" gives a chance to reset mind blast and makes it instant cast and cost no mana, when the proc occurs you gain a buf called "Divine Insight".
12. If you equip a wand, you can use it to attack. The line should be uncommented
This means that your rotation should be:
1. IF Shadow Word: Death is up & Shadow Orbs < 3 ==> Shadow Word: Death
2. IF Shadow orbs < 3 & Divine Insight ==> Mind Blast
3. IF Shadow orbs == 3 ==> Devouring Plague
4. IF Diving Insight is up ==> Mind Blast
5. IF Surge of Darkness ==> Mind Spike
6. IF Shadow Word: Insanity is up ==> Shadow word: Insanity
6. IF time left on Vampiric Touch < 1.3sec ==> Vampiric Touch (this value really depends on your haste, but 1.3 should be a reasonable number)
7. IF Mind Blast is up ==> Mind Blast
8. IF Mindbender is up ==> Mindbender
8. IF no Shadow Word: Pain ==> Shadow Word: Pain
9. IF mana problem and Shadowfiend is up ==> Shadowfiend
10. IF mana problem and Dispersion is up ==> Dispersion
11. IF mana problem & has wand ==> Wand
Power Infusion is usually only useful in instances/raids.