skules, Thanks for the post. Support for Singular is obtained by following these steps
How to Report a Bug - Post #4 [CLICK HERE] that I have already linked once or twice. Additionally users posting their issues in the HonorBuddy Support Issues will be routed here. Users can make posts anywhere they like on the board, but if they are requesting support for Singular you can help them out by kindly directing them here. I'll go back through this thread and see if I possibly overlooked a Rogue post, but the only ones I recall at the moment are a settings issue pertaining to poison selection (fixed many moons ago) and support for Recuperation not available (added recently.) If you have a post that you spent a great deal of time preparing the detailed explanation and provided a log for that was unfortunately posted in the wrong forum and would like me to review, please post a link to it and I'll gladly research it in detail. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Rogue, -Bobby53