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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Just curious is Kick even still active on these forums, havnt seen posts from him for awhile now just curious, maybe his busy IRL no idea but yeh
having a problem in hellscream's watch in ashenvale my character is just sitting at the fc opening it like he's about to fly somewhere but just sits there and afks...
if i walk him to where the quests need to be done he does them but after a while when they go to turn in he goes back to the flight path

flight paths name is Thraka
I don't know if this is a problem with the questing bot or kick's profiles (I don't know cause I've only used kick's profiles so far) but often when turning in quests, the bot keeps talking to the NPC, the "complete quest" option shows up, but instead of completing it just closes the window and talks to the npc again, and gets stuck in a loop doing this. The log just shows "moving to type: quest turn in" (just once, not over and over again). This has happened on both the uldum and hyjal profiles. I haven't used any other ones yet.

Anyone else have this problem?
Kick's Mega Profile Packs 1-85


I have a simillar Problem with my 72 rouge.
After starting the LK profile it flies to the kaluak post in borean but the quest is allready done and he tries over and over again to get the quest.

Is there any way to avoid this and disable this questhub?
Always have problem whit profile BC, too many bugs, now i have lv 64 and he no go to questing in terokar forest, he go zangarmsh and bug flaying above mushorroom all time..whit all my players have always this problem whit profile and need leveling by hand this zone to 65
Worked like a charm till Booty Bay lvl 36. Log says:

Can not turn in quest Call of Booty (ID: 26665) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: True)
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!

When i go to the location where the Questgiver should stand.... but wasnt there.

After Stop and Start the Bot it worked again and goes to QuestTurnIn.
There is a problem with a vendor named Ornag at level 20-24ish i located the vendor in the profile and found out that his location is wrong code:

<!-- The Mor'shan Rampart Vendors -->
<Vendor Name="Ornag" Entry="43645" Type="Repair" X="1236.83" Y="-2233.08" Z="91.90651" />
<Vendor Name="Ornag" Entry="43645" Type="Repair" X="1236.83" Y="-2233.08" Z="91.90716" />

The green colour is the new location which i filled in and now it works. Just change this and it will work. Remove the red line and replace it with the green and you should be fine would be nice if someone that is used to doing theese this could test it and see if it works 100%.
My shamy have some problem. He just try and try and try... to pick up quest but he cant, just target Nazgrel (Thrallmar NPC - first quest) and click nothing, target and click nothing etc. Help me plz!
Can you tell me what needs to be changed to make you Alliance Hollows End bucket quest into Horde? I will work on it and submit it with credit to you. I want to run this on multiple toons.
You'll have to edit the profiles; each xml file has


So make False <SellGreen> and make sure you a mail recipient setup... also you may want to make your own non svn copy of the profiles or when you svn remember to reset the False
yeah i click on the files and nothing..not sure how exactly to change them.?
"Love it or lump it" quest doesnt exist anymore

[H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]

had to edit it out from this profile (the pick it and so on)

Also EVERY SINGLE ONE (I have tested all horde races - class combinations) bugs at beginning where you have to test your second skill to dummies:

"[CastSpellOn-v249(fatal) @line 376]: Toon doesn't know SpellId(0, "unknown")
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy."

giving this error. Always. Doesnt matter what race - class combination you do on horde.
Last edited:
I keep having problems with "[H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick]"
Its telling me there is "No data for Azeroth_37_52.etm". any sugestions on how to get this fixed.
Just curious is Kick even still active on these forums, havnt seen posts from him for awhile now just curious, maybe his busy IRL no idea but yeh
I'm still here... I read the bug reports and send some stuff to the dev team and some behavior / plugin fixes to other people. I'm here, don't fret :o
Can you make it so that it will just skip vehicle missions and if the char comes up short on exp just have it grind it also would be nice if there was some way to make it that professions will keep pace with char level
Need help Kick

View attachment 2924 2012-10-18 22.43.txtHi Kick, Thanks for ur profiles, they are fantastic, but i'm having lil problem with that 12-58 profile. the toon is a lvl36 lock of Horde. while doing quests inDustwallow Marshm it kept saying "No data for Kalimdor_39_37.etm", and my character then just stand there doing nothing, plz help. And i should have attached the log, the message about the problem is somewhere at the very bottom. Thanks again Kick
i have this error:

Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
No data for Azeroth_35_28.etm
No data for Azeroth_35_28.etm
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
No data for Azeroth_35_28.etm

and it goes on and how do I fix it?
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