everyone keeps saying its the cc aka combat routine your using blah blah blah...but no one if helping with where to get a decent cc. i have stopped using the questing profile. my monk is level 54 and getting his ass tore up now. doesnt matter that i have all the boa's possible. he just auto attacks and get face raped if more that one mob is attacking him... if someone knows of a good combat routine for the monk plz do the rest of us a that need it favor and post where to get it. just posting a dumb answer like..."uh its your cc" is just stupid. not all of us are wizz's at using honerbuddy. not that im stupid but i dont know where a good cc is and i would like to download it so i can figure it out.its not the profile its the cc your using. aka combat routine.
[21:51:11.486 D] [FlyTo-v241(debug) @line 1487]: Flying to 'Pickup Quest': <5034.701, -1735.252, 1322.46>.
[21:51:16.185 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[21:51:16.937 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[21:51:16.944 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 25940, QuestName: Last Stand at Whistling Grove].
[21:51:16.948 D] Picking up Last Stand at Whistling Grove : 25940
[21:51:16.948 D] Goal: Picking up Last Stand at Whistling Grove
[21:51:16.953 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[21:51:17.153 D] InteractDebug:901304688
[21:51:17.166 D] Interact Done:901304688
[21:51:20.572 D] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[21:51:20.572 D] Cleared POI
[21:51:20.694 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[21:51:20.887 D] InteractDebug:901304688
[21:51:20.903 D] Interact Done:901304688
[21:51:24.252 D] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[21:51:24.252 D] Cleared POI
[21:51:24.372 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[21:51:24.560 D] InteractDebug:901304688
[21:51:24.576 D] Interact Done:901304688
[21:51:27.911 D] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[21:51:27.911 D] Cleared POI
[21:51:28.045 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[21:51:28.233 D] InteractDebug:901304688
[21:51:28.249 D] Interact Done:901304688
[21:51:32.060 D] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[21:51:32.060 D] Cleared POI
[21:51:32.182 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[21:51:32.374 D] InteractDebug:901304688
[21:51:32.389 D] Interact Done:901304688
[21:51:36.162 D] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
<PickUp QuestName="Grunt Work" QuestId="28245" GiverName="Quartermaster Kaoshin" GiverId="48085" />
Hey Kicks! Thanks for your amazing profiles! I leveled my priest to 85 just by using your guides.
It worked excellent on my monk from level 12-62. But after that, it just started grinding only - the goal says "grinding to level 64", after that it said "grinding to level 68". It is level 68 now and it compiles the borean tundra quests, but it just keeps grinding instead of questing. It doesn't work as fast as questing, and I'm pretty sure the 60-80 quests worked fine before MoP. Is my bot just supposed to grind through these levels instead of questing?
Hi Kicks!
First of i wanna thank you for a sweet quest profile
I am stuck though. It hammers a npc which cant hand out a quest. Its stuck in "northern stranglethorn, npc name:Lieutenant Doren". I have tried to remove all my quests and empty the cathe and done a few quest myself to see if it helps without any results. :/
Any ideas of what it can be?
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [A - Quest] Human 1-5 [Kick]
[Profile Message]: Compiling Elwynn Forest Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Northshire Abbey Quests
[UserSettings-v246(warning) @line 348]: Attribute 'LearnFlightPaths' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-v246(warning) @line 348]: Attribute 'TrainNewSkills' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[CastSpellOn-v249(fatal) @line 532]: Toon doesn't know SpellId(0, "unknown")
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior CastSpellOn-v249.
Why does my bot (it's on "Questing" ) Just grind mobs on the 58-70 profile. Up to 58 it worked like a charm. Now it just skips all quests. Would love an answer please.
And yes, I use the Quest profile.
Btw I'm a Panda Monk EU server 64bit system but playing the 32bit client.
Using CC TuanHA Monk
/Edit, seems like he acts normal in Zangarmash on the Alliance profile, but I''m horde. Anything weird in the script because I'm a panda?