i have this error:
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
No data for Azeroth_35_28.etm
No data for Azeroth_35_28.etm
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
No data for Azeroth_35_28.etm
and it goes on and how do I fix it?
Please post in the correct section of the forums. And somebody will answer you when they have a moment ----> Support Issues Also please provide a log for your issue http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log-kick.html
This is a problem with the bot. NOT his profiles
when i do hyjal bot just spams no data for kalimdor
im encountering the same thing. on both of my bots ones in azeroth the other in northrend and thier bot giving me the same message on different computers. anyone have any ideas. i have restarted hb and nothing same message.i have this error:
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
No data for Azeroth_35_28.etm
No data for Azeroth_35_28.etm
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
No data for Azeroth_35_28.etm
and it goes on and how do I fix it?
i do not accept issues w/o logsHey kick! Wonderful profile!I am having an issue where my level 79 horde hunter just right clicks Quest givers in Sholazar basin - once he clicks them, he repitively just stands beside them, clicks them, than unclicks them. I fly him to Icecrown, he flys all of the way back to the basin just to right click the same quest giver!
Please help!
2 bugs (im too lazy to put reports):
1. any class/race combo on horde bugs in quest where you are supposed to cast spell to dummies at around lvl 2-4. (Unknown spell id or something like that error)
2. most zepp/elevator/flight waypoints do not work. (the quite common bug around here)
Very annoying bugs though.. I wish you take a look at these :l thx bro and sry for no reports but im just too tired