Hello. I have a few issues when i use quest bot. First of all, I have to watch like every single step my character take, and everything it do. Because if i leave the computer for maybe 30min? It will just stand there and do nothing. idk if this is ur profile kick or if its just the bot that have a few issues atm. And sometimes it can just stand close to the fly character and do nothing. Same with the zeppelin it wont enter that either, and i have fresh update for everything, profiles etc.
Hello. I have a few issues when i use quest bot. First of all, I have to watch like every single step my character take, and everything it do. Because if i leave the computer for maybe 30min? It will just stand there and do nothing. idk if this is ur profile kick or if its just the bot that have a few issues atm. And sometimes it can just stand close to the fly character and do nothing. Same with the zeppelin it wont enter that either, and i have fresh update for everything, profiles etc.
how do i get my bot to stop vendoring green boe's. hes been doing it all the time and i would like to stop him from doing so.
Using kicks TBC Horde leveling profile. Never had a problem before, but this is the first Post-MoP character I'm leveling through it.
After hitting start, bot loads the CC up, goes to start profile and log shows nothing. Bot just sits there displaying "Initialization complete'. Sits there just like that until my WoW logs out for inactivity. I've restarted WoW, HB, Computer, fresh install. Always the samething.
Yeah this is a CC issue. I had the exact same one. Use this CC, it works perfectly for me! http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...s/druid/75889-fpsware-druid-shapeshifter.htmlBeen leveling my druid with the bot tauren druid. got to a part of leveling where he needs to grind to 23 of mobs, but he is starting to only use auto attacks? anyone having this problem or anyway to fix this bug