Does anyone know what this means?
"Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
The type initializer for 'Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception."
View attachment 49493
It stops Honorbuddy completely, and where I am currently in my questing, it doesn't seem to want to continue farther until whatever this is is fixed.
[Horde] 5-12 Durotar Questing issue:
Level 9 Druid keeps talking to 'Gail Nozzywig' (Goblin NPC next to Razor Hill flight path at [53 43]). Honor Buddy says Quest Pickup, but she has no quest and no matter where I go or how many restarts, toon continues to return to same NPC for quest pickup.
No quests from Sen'jin. All quests from there have been completed.
if i get something like this. i cancel all Quests in Questlog and restart the Questprofile. The Profile will go on again.
Hey kickazz006,
I am trying to level old quest areas with your profiles with my level 85 toon.
I changed "<QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="False" >" to "<QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" >" in 12-58k but it does not start to pickup the quests in the area I am.
How can I do this to let my toon do old quest areas?
Alright, so I've redownloaded HB from scratch twice now, and I'm still getting the message:
"Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
The type initializer for 'Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception."
Which stops my HB. So I don't think Honorbuddy is the problem.
View attachment 49576
"This profile doesn't fly until Zangarmarsh. This is coded intentionally to not fly in Hellfire"