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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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not sure what this error is im geteting if you could let me know what i need to do that would be great

[11:10:50 AM:445] Could not generate path from {10309.8, 2441.79, 1329.835} to {-266.369, 1028.86, 54.4067} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly

Anyone else getting a error along the lines of "cannot find the quest giver ID ###### in the database." Other than a few minor kinks in Hyjal/Deepholm it's running swimmingly. It just won't even start at the moment. I did a fresh install and updated everything.
1-5 human profile does not work with paladins. On the second quest it will start attacking training dummies instead of killing blackrock spys.
The bot FUCKING stops MIXED mode (questing, bgbotting)........so then I do quest only. Now it stops again. I'm done with this bot.View attachment 49330

do not run questing + bg, it will bug out (as clearly stated in the first post)

[9:01:38 PM:773] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Pilot Marsha
[9:01:38 PM:773] Loading Expansion01_20_34
[9:01:38 PM:962] Could not generate path from {-2146.01, 6352.667, 96.17687} to {-1480.122, 6357.977, 34.26571} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly

it looks like you are on a flying mount. dismount and let it go sell / repair

and P.S. - this is the only bot out there that is fighting the lawsuit. If you don't want to use it, that's fine - but please do not be disrespectful and act like a 12 year old on these forums, especially since you did not thoroughly read the first post.
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Starts fighting Sylvanar guards while on the Deeproot Treelimb quest

[07:20:05:283] Changed POI to:Type: Sell, Name: Orgatha

sometimes the bot acts retarded when it needs to go sell / repair / mail. Do this and press start
Here is the full thing from the screen,

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 42469 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!

Is this a section that has to be done by hand?

[Edit: This is Kor the Immovable]
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Here is the full thing from the screen,

Is this a section that has to be done by hand?

this happens when you upgrade to the new bot w/o copying over your data folder from old copy of hb. Just fly to that npc and press start

Kor the Immovable - NPC - World of Warcraft

if you get me his location (target him, developer tools, copy xml) - i'll add it into the profile so no one has this issue anymore

use this profile and it will fly to him for you:
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="1626.116" Y="1298.218" Z="27.55789" />

but please target him and get me the exact location of him :)


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<Vendor Name="Kor the Immovable" Entry="42469" Type="Repair" X="1631.01" Y="1310.04" Z="5.009744" />

I found him, targeted him, and it worked again. For future updates, what exactly do I copy over? Just the folder?

Thank you for responding so quickly! I bid you a good day.
I found him, targeted him, and it worked again. For future updates, what exactly do I copy over? Just the folder?

Thank you for responding so quickly! I bid you a good day.

/hb/data (if you want to keep npc's and stuff in your bot cache)
/hb/settings (if you want to keep your key and window positions)

i've added the location to the profile, ty
Any plan to correct the flying in the BC area's?

Bot doesn't seem to register that he can fly anymore (he did for the first 1 and a half levels, now he can't seem to generate a path anywhere in the air)
whenever i try to run this to finish outland for loremaster, it flys to shatt, portals to ogg and then gets the blimp to northend :( any idea why kick?
hi first of all want to say your profiles are the best i always love to see a profile from you.

also im using the questing bot and in searing gorge and a few quest before that all he does is run around to hot spots doesnt attack anything just runs around

the quest are lunk's adventure spider rider and all the ones in that area every now and then it will grab the ash chickens required for another quest but wont attack anything attacking him it just keeps running from hotspot to hotspot even when it dies and rez's

and sorry that im kinda new to this but i dont know how to upload a log for you but id be glad to if you could tell me how

again thanks for everything and hope this can help you to help me :)
Hi, can we use the your Kick's profile, with two toon at the same time with the idea of a party between the two toons.
Doing the same quests at the same time, killing the same monsters, giving back the quest at the same time, so we can cumulate 3x more XP on each toon, with the RECRUIT A FRIEND ?

if so, how ?
Dark Ritualist Zakahn

Hello Kick and everyone else,

I've met a problem on Dark Ritualist Zakahn in Uldum, who is an objective of The Defilers' Ritual quest. Using the Uldum questing profile my toon (a feral druid with two heirlooms and the rest of questing greens) comes to Zakahn, kills one of the guards and then attacks Zakahn himself. Since the other guard comes to assist and in addition Zakahn summons a half dozen of serpents my druid happened to die (not mentioning the fact it didn't even use Swipe to kill the adds, which it usually does) and the weird thing happens: instead of releasing and running for the corpse the bot endlessly tries to perform unstuck for some reason. Frankly, I'm not sure if it is the problem of the profile itself, or the Zakahn.cs helper script or anything else, but I've never seen this behavior anywhere else, so I suppose it is unique to this single situation. I attempted to stop it and start it again, but it continued to do the unstuck thingie. Please, see the log attached.

Note: I was running the questing bot only, no mixed mode, no additional plugins were enabled.

PS: I can confirm that Tatiana & horse bug mentioned on the previous page.


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