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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Go and Mesh Worgen Startingzone :) I think you have something to do.

That one is already in the process, will take time though as we have to work on phasing systems. He needs more to do while waiting.
actually he walks back and forth, so he could be at either

He used to walk back and forth, but they changed it in 4.3.3 and now he stands at the beginning of the ambush path. I've had all my toons get stuck at this part of your profile and that's why I posted that solution. And another user posted confirming that he was having the same problem.
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He used to walk back and forth, but they changed it in 4.3.3 and now he stands at the beginning of the ambush path. I've had all my toons get stuck at this part of your profile and that's why I posted that solution. And another user posted confirming that he was having the same problem.

hrm, alright. Remember, I do stuff when it first comes out... so sometimes blizz changes stuff :(

fixed and committed
and please insert more Sell Items / Repair Items in Deepholm. Or kick the devs for an exclusiv moveto,flyto for NPCs :)
And something would be nice. If Item of the Toon are RED, dont walk to the same place, because there is something wrong, always use Spirithealer the Res if Armor is red.
The Log shows, Armor is Red, Toon runs always to Corpse, when i res, always 3-5 Murloks are around, and toon get killed.

give me places to add in forcevendor's and i'll add them in (line #'s please)
Hi Kick - another fix for the Alliance Twilight Highlands profile.

My toons won't ever complete "Potential Energy" - they keep moving Southwest and sometimes end up in Loch Modan. Here's a fix for that quest.

Add this at the top above the QuestOrder tag:

<Quest Id="28215" Name="Potential Energy">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="63285" CollectCount="10">
<Hotspot X="-3339.497" Y="-5445.023" Z="43.31424" />
<Hotspot X="-3300.561" Y="-5476.13" Z="52.48209" />
<Hotspot X="-3336.235" Y="-5531.063" Z="42.67989" />

Replace lines 781-793 with this:

<Pickup QuestName="We All Must Sacrifice" QuestId="28242" GiverName="Eye of Twilight" GiverId="206569" GiverType="Object" X="-3336.709" Y="-5491.562" Z="46.50623" />
<Objective QuestName="We All Must Sacrifice" QuestId="28242" Type="KillMob" MobId="46322" KillCount="10" />
<TurnIn QuestName="We All Must Sacrifice" QuestId="28242" TurnInName="Eye of Twilight" TurnInId="206569" X="-3336.709" Y="-5491.562" Z="46.50623" />
<If Condition="((HasQuest(28215)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(28215)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-3203.647" Y="-5428.478" Z="65.47736" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<Objective QuestName="Potential Energy" QuestId="28215" Type="Collect" CollectCount="10" ItemId="63285" />

I placed the hotspots close to "The Eyes Have It" quest pickup so it requires less travel time.

Here's a full version of the edited profile in case this is confusing.

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HI Kick, Just a quick post to say Thank you very much for these profiles, You helped me get all my characters 85, Unfortunately i can't donate but i will + Rep you :-)
I was just thinking... how hard should it be to add some class quests to your 10-17 Corusant profile.
i think it was the azenius plugin that bugged out questing im trying now without activate that plugin and see how it goes.
No worries Kick. Your profiles are my favorite part of HonorBuddy and if I can help to fix them I will :)

Hi Kick - another fix for the Alliance Twilight Highlands profile.

My toons won't ever complete "Potential Energy" - they keep moving Southwest and sometimes end up in Loch Modan. Here's a fix for that quest.
fixed and committed

HI Kick, Just a quick post to say Thank you very much for these profiles, You helped me get all my characters 85, Unfortunately i can't donate but i will + Rep you :-)
There is a little team working on class quest. We are working our way through Empire side, then will most likely move to Republic side.
Over time all 8 class quest will be done.
So is there something ready? Can smb advice me witch Class to pick, so it will work closer to afk mode. I gues its Warrior for Empire.
I love the profile and the bot...but it fricken disconnects too much =( I did fresh install, NO ADDONS whatsoever. What can assist me in re-logging upon disconnect?
I'm pretty new to using this, but I keep having a problem. My warrior keeps going to the vendor Aaron Hollman, and just stands there. I'm trying to get the bot to quest, but she'd rather just derp at a vendor and do nothing.

I've gone to advanced settings in Tools & Settings, but nothing about selling anything is checked, and Bot Config only brings up a check-box window that says "Ground mount farming mode."

Can someone help me?
Started 68-80 while standing in SW. Bot does not want to take the boat to Northrend, would rather try to fly there and then dies from fatigue. Doesn't pick up Hero's Call: Northrend! quest either. Had to manually pick up quest and manually take boat to Northrend

*EDIT* After starting the bot up when I stepped off the boat, it picked up and ran just fine.
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