hi kick.
im in ashenvale, lvl 40, just below demon fall canyon 1825.038, -2987.693, 119.5127, and am just sitting.
if i restart HB, i run a lap and come back here, verbose says im moving to hotspot.
i hearthed to Og and restarted HB, ended up here again.
i can manually move to EPL.
i have riding.. got it earlier...im running around on my blood elf ostrichy looking mount.. have been since lvl 20
I really don't see much in the log, but since you can't drink in water - casters have minor issues with dieing there :\Hi, i ran into a problem with the "[Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick] R.xml" questing profile.
Quest: The end of the line.
Objective: "Ley line focus information retrieved."
You need to swim down to the bottom of the lake and use the quest item.
cc: singular
class: mage
The bot swims down to the coord, waits a bit then swims back up to the starting coord and starts all over again.
I am using honorbuddy .5965 and the profile, questbehaviors and itemforaura are all from the svn repository (revision 1564). On a side note, honorbuddy was freshly installed earlier today and i also cleared my mesh folder.
i am not 100% if this is a profile bug but it seemed most similar to one so I am reporting it here
I rebooted hb and tried once more but it didnt help. the smaller log file is from that attempt.
Getting stuck using the [Fly][A- Quest] Twilight Highlands 84-85 profile. Was working up until a quest located at Dunwald Market Row, and then toon just stopped and won't go any further. I've tried changing to different profiles and then reloading this one, but it still comes to this point and stops.
View attachment 49768
Hello. I try to clear the Quest "Magnets, How Do They Work?" in TB but the Bot don't collect the "Siege Engine Scrap". He goes arround, use the quest Item, klick the Scrap on the ground, but when the loot window opens he don't collect it. He only wait a few seconds, then he go to the next one and try the same. Maybe the problem is my German Gameclient. In the attached log u can see that Honorbuddy try to loot "Belagerungsschrott" but ingame the item is known as "Belagerungsmaschinenschrott". Autoloot is activated. I have a problem like this with no other item or quest. To solve the quest its possible to klick the item by myself when my char have looted it.
The Log entrys for this problem start at [09:09:56:060]