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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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hey kick what was that line of code we need to change so that our guy doesnt do low level quests, for boa gear and crap

edit: nvm it was <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="true" > change to <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="false" >
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Somehow my bot was AFK for 2 hours last night in the Tauren starter area. Please fix it! Here is the log:

View attachment 29054

I've shortened it a little because it was too large to upload and somehow the upload module didn't recognize the zip.

Kind regards,


For some reason it tries to turn in a non-completed quest. I believe I haven't even coded that quest yet (Kyle's gone missing!). I'll have a look later today in the profile. Thanks for the feedback, try to just restart the bot though and see if it corrects itself.

Your profile is running great! I am level 22 already with my horde pally, /played 12h without heirlooms or guild perks.

I did not use any interraction. The bug i have posted before was probably because i needed a fresh install of HB, so i did. I got a completely fresh install and reinstalled the plugins i use and its running flawlessly. Love it that it also heartstoned in the beginning, i also though it would'nt train skills either. It was riding the paladin tauren mount last time i checked lol ^^ love it!

Edit: Just noticed my bot doing the imp quest in Ashenvale. Everything was okay, he was running up the tower using the quest item to kill the attackers ( ancient trees and normal night elf mobs ). After i got:
4/5 kills trees
20/30 kills ashenvale night elf mobs

the bot just walked down and started to battle those mobs and kill them ( even though these kills do not count towards the quest ). I think the profiles tells the bot like: use the quest item 10x on 2 different coordinates, then complete the quest. But the quest wasnt completed. Cant provide a full log atm since i am at work, but i will complete the objective manually and then start the bot again hopefully it will continue.

Other then that it was doing great.
940 kills
3 deaths
I ran the bot from like 09:00 to 16:00 and only checked the bot, it was doing great never had to interract.
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Hey I started this at lvl 70, my DK finished Borean at 72 1/2 then went to Howling Fjord now he is 73 and still in Howling fjord, what's the point in this? Can't he just go to Dragonblight at 73, right now the bot is at 340k xp/hr in borean it was ~500k/hr cuz everything was at approximately my lvl and Howling Fjord is like -5lvls, so is there a way to skip it?

Dropped down to 220k/hr, how to skip howling and go Dragonblight? :>

Edit: I got it into Dragonblight and I encountered a problem with the quest Rifle the Bodies, it just keeps looting the bodies but doesnt open the bags so it can't get the quest item when I checked my bags I was full with those bagies from the quest and none of them was opened.
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I've had a level 12 pally sitting around for a long time, i decided to use the level 12 barrens profile. Currently level 33 in STV area. Working great so far!
Well the bot are always trying to learn new skills when they are none to learn ...
Log :
View attachment 28329

And in the bot it says :
Blacklisting Nutral for 5 minutes because we can't navigate to it!
[ForceSetVendor-v192(warning)]: The VendorType attribute has been deprecated.
Please replace it with DoMail/DoRepair/DoSell/DoTrain='true'

I'm getting the same error... it's a bit annoying if you want to stop the bot. And every time you start the bot you fly off to the Hunter Trainer in shattrah... every single time.

Oh, and also... in Nagrand... tries to go to Halaa for the vendor... really annoying..
Goblin profile could use some serious work. I babysat a shaman to lvl 5 and gave up. switched to tauren and only had to deal with the dog quest or whatever it is where you have to manually use the item.

A goblin setup would be great without babysitting it, just as a suggestion or request.

Hey there! I am currently using the grind profile for my paladin. I set her to use consecration when there are 4 or more enemies around, however she keeps using it when fighting only one enemy. It totally drains my mana and creates a lot of down time! Any way to fix this ?
Hey there! I am currently using the grind profile for my paladin. I set her to use consecration when there are 4 or more enemies around, however she keeps using it when fighting only one enemy. It totally drains my mana and creates a lot of down time! Any way to fix this ?

cc issue - ask for help in the support forum
bug plz try to fix

i have noticed a couple of bugs in the profile although the profile is great i forgot the quests name but the bug i just noticed is quest called : its a scourge device the quest is in howling . the bot kept over 8 hours on this npc after he took quest and quest is done now its time to turn the bot kept 8 hours talking to the npc and closing the npc window ,, talking to npc then closing window ,, so it cant turn the quest thx bud for this imba profile
i have noticed a couple of bugs in the profile although the profile is great i forgot the quests name but the bug i just noticed is quest called : its a scourge device the quest is in howling . the bot kept over 8 hours on this npc after he took quest and quest is done now its time to turn the bot kept 8 hours talking to the npc and closing the npc window ,, talking to npc then closing window ,, so it cant turn the quest thx bud for this imba profile
How To: Attach your HB log file [with pictures]
can't help you without a log
I had a problem with the quest "Stranglethorn Fever". Even my toon didn't have the item to start the quest (Gorilla Fang), it kept going out and back in the cave trying to start the event over and over again talking to NPC.

and btw sometimes bot gets stucked if your class is a ranged one because of line of sights. You can solve it by setting the pulling distance to 0 but it looks very bottish for a ranged class to go near mobs in every single combat. Idk if it has something to do with profile, I'm new to these stuffs. I just wanted to say.

Definately not a bot for afking. When I leave it, It gets 2 levels max and get stucked somewhere.

Anyway thanks for the great work and for your efforts.
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having problems with both the quest and grind profile, my character moves to the flightmaster but doesnt fly anywhere, just says, "learning new flight path" and its quest "[H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]" and grind "[H] 1-60 Orc TopK [Kick]" also bottomK, the problem persists throughout it just wants to learn a new flightpath all the time.

18:18:20:532] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[18:18:20:532] Cleared POI
[18:18:20:829] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[18:18:21:374] Stop called!
[18:18:21:378] Cleared POI - Reason FlightPaths.Reset()
[18:18:21:378] Cleared POI

Edit: NVM it i was dumb.
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I'm getting pretty tired of solid community-submitted profiles getting archived while this profile as well as the Horde 1-58 profile in Kick's repo somehow pass as a "tested" profile. The 1-58 profile you used from Tuba has significantly more bugs than the one I made 10 months ago (the LowHangingFruit AFK profile that's now archived), and now this. Why are we not able to download the well-tested profile back from Eddie's archived post? http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/honorbuddy-archive/21577-[fly][h-quest]-58-69-outland.html

I'm all for having a central repo for all profiles, but at the very least make sure you're picking the cream of the crop if you're not making the profile yourself.

- Ben
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