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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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i only support 'at level' questing

your DK is at least 58 - so... you'll have to delete any hero's call or 'go to xx zone' quests

good luck
why does it keep on saying this? 'Can not turn in quest His Heart Must Be In It (ID: 26573) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
Could not create current in quest bot!'

hb is sometimes dumb and forgets it has a quest - try reloading the profile and pressing start
The bot went into an infinite loop around the Heart of Mokk quest. I reset the bot by starting and stopping, but I don't know if it was the profiles fault or not, or even the log will help.

After the bot was reset it worked normally (soft reset)


i may have fixed it
I got a question. I am leveling my second character and it is going well. I am not into doing profiles and whatnot, but I have an Idea. Would it be possible for the profile to Hearth and train each time your toon learns a new ability as it levels? Lets say you just set your hearth to the main Hub's (Stormwind/Org). Then whenever you have a new ability to train, you would just hearth instead of manually going there. Any chance this could be implemented? It would reduce leveling time quite a bit.
Kick, you should probably update this thread (1st post).
Such as LogMeOut and any/all other additions that can handle the additions listed. :)
I came across an inetresting post in russian section of official Blizzard forum:
- original in russian
- google translation (only the source post and the following blues)
The topic author thoroughly describes how to identify & report bots. Though such things cannot be called extraordinary, this particular guy is quite zealous, he's even spending his time to create a special site to list all the bots on his server & making several youtube videos showing most common bot behavior.
What is special about it is that he mentions all the problems I've mentioned in my previous post: dismounting in air, pauses, precise landing - the things that are specific to HB only and the things that other commercial bots on the markets lacks.

I just hope that Bossland will address the issue. I like other components of the bot a lot, especially PB, and I don't wan't to be forced to buy other bots just because there are evident issues with player detection.
I understand that Bossland's resources are somewhat limited, but those problems has been around for a while. Seeing people starting to work out easy counter-action tactics that will identify GB bots and won't identify competitors products just makes me sad.

Here's the video the guy made & posted on blizz forum.
One of the most interesting part is 4:43 - 5:00, where the author does a couple of simple steps to clearly identify HB user.
If the link is against the forum rules - please remove it but use the video to improve behaviour logic (e.g. adding an option to blacklist a deposit with player around for a longer period of time so there's no returns like the ones on the video).

the only thing this shows me is the importance of MAKING YOUR OWN PROFILES and NOT using the publically available ones
Awesome profiles so far. I'm 44 with 1 day 13 hours played. Wanted to let you know that the folder for Badlands says 44-47 but when you load the profile it says 39-44. It's nice to have a profile that I can start and actually go do other stuff and come back and it still be running. Things like this make HB worth it. Keep up the great work.
Should add something like
			<If Condition="((HasQuest(11397)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(11397)))"		>
					<Factions>14 16 18 21 188 1975</Factions>
						<Hotspot X="1917.293" Y="-2727.348" Z="3.719012" />
						<Hotspot X="2006.71" Y="-2747.503" Z="3.731775" />
						<Hotspot X="1917.293" Y="-2727.348" Z="3.719012" />
				<GrindTo Condition="IsQuestCompleted(11397)" />


			<If Condition="((HasQuest(11397)) &amp;&amp; (IsQuestCompleted(11397)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="2130.052" Y="-2977.59" Z="148.6016" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
Because it will bypass this, and attempt to spam turn in the quest even tho its not completed.
defend object works fine - but fpsware cc's have issues with it's pull command - so he needs to fix that
<GrindTo Condition="(HasItem(36958))" />

Needs to be changed to
<GrindTo Condition="(HasItem(33345))" />


<!-- Vrykul Scroll of Ascension -->
Since I receive an average of 5 negative rep per week without any remarks or information on what is so bad about all this, I've decided to withdraw my work.
Obviously people don't like what I'm doing here so I'll just keep my work to myself in the future.
stupid people ...
@croga can u update me via pm with your work? :)
i like the work, and use them sometimes ... my next toon is now 83, so i'll need your profiles again
I got this, anyway if anyone else posted this, sorry :(
Or if it is fixed.

[SetPullDistance-v184(warning)]: *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and may be retired in a near, future release.
* SetPullDistance adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the UserSettings behavior.
* Please update the profile to use the UserSettings behavior. Your replacement
* line is:
* <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="0" />
Since I receive an average of 5 negative rep per week without any remarks or information on what is so bad about all this, I've decided to withdraw my work.
Obviously people don't like what I'm doing here so I'll just keep my work to myself in the future.

I feel you. thats why i stop doing things for the public!
Really excited to try this profile out on my new character. I used Kick's profiles but some times my bot just dies, needs interraction and other annoying anti-afk stuff. I hope this bot can provide a lot of levels for me without interfering.

Kind regards,

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