I came across an inetresting post in russian section of official Blizzard forum:
original in russian
google translation (only the source post and the following blues)
The topic author thoroughly describes how to identify & report bots. Though such things cannot be called extraordinary, this particular guy is quite zealous, he's even spending his time to create a special site to list all the bots on his server & making several youtube videos showing most common bot behavior.
What is special about it is that he mentions all the problems I've mentioned in my
previous post: dismounting in air, pauses, precise landing - the things that are specific to HB only and the things that other commercial bots on the markets lacks.
I just hope that Bossland will address the issue. I like other components of the bot a lot, especially PB, and I don't wan't to be forced to buy other bots just because there are evident issues with player detection.
I understand that Bossland's resources are somewhat limited, but those problems has been around for a while. Seeing people starting to work out easy counter-action tactics that will identify GB bots and won't identify competitors products just makes me sad.
Here's the
video the guy made & posted on blizz forum.
One of the most interesting part is 4:43 - 5:00, where the author does a couple of simple steps to clearly identify HB user.
If the link is against the forum rules - please remove it but use the video to improve behaviour logic (e.g. adding an option to blacklist a deposit with player around for a longer period of time so there's no returns like the ones on the video).