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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I can now confirm that loading tiles is largely dependant on computer speed. I recently bought a new motherboard, quad core processor (3.4 GHz) and 16 GB of RAM and playing WoW, starting Honorbuddy and loading tiles is now way, WAY faster than it used to be on my old and shitty Pentium IV.
My Bot stops so freaking often cuz of quests he can't find or idk...
My WoW Client is german, could this cause bugs?
Also I'm woundering why he does so low lvl-quests, is there a function that reads my item lvls and quests by this? Or is it choosing the quests by the zone I'm in now?
I recently bought this bot so I don't know alot about it. Just heard it's good for lvling. (So far I could better lvl by hand cuz the bot stops that often)

Log file attached.
(Btw, is this the right section to post?)

View attachment 08.11.2011_18_04 2808 Log.txt
looks like you deleted something there or the quest is already done

[18:08:12:326] Can not turn in quest I Think She's Hungry (ID: 26739) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
[18:08:12:326] Could not create current in quest bot!
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if you did quests manually in stv ... you may have issues. work around those issues and get 'back on track' and it should work fine thereafter

make sure the hasitemforaura plugin is in your plugins folder and enabled in HB
How shall I work arround them? The plugin was enabled.

Also how is the profile/bot choosing the quests he's going to take? The quests are for lvl 25/26 and I'm 31. Is there any way he makes higher ones?

Sorry if this sounds stupid but I don't really understand this bot ^^
How shall I work arround them? The plugin was enabled.

Also how is the profile/bot choosing the quests he's going to take? The quests are for lvl 25/26 and I'm 31. Is there any way he makes higher ones?

Sorry if this sounds stupid but I don't really understand this bot ^^

the answer is in the first post =) thoroughly read it and you should be able to proceed

as far as working around them... this is made for bots, so if you did quests manually - you may have to go back and get other quests and do them in a different order
Oh, now I understand it. (Sorry, english isn't my native language)

Anyways, is it possible to skip quests in the profile or removing them? That'd make it way easier to handle this ^^
				<GrindTo Condition="(HasItem(36958))" />
			 <If Condition="(HasItem(36958))" >


				<GrindTo Condition="(HasItem(36744))" />
			 <If Condition="(HasItem(36744))" >
still trying to sell when i have nothing in my bags

this is the second time( never finished the first one) I've leveled a character and he stops at 20-24 and wants to sell.. no matter how many times i restart or fly to another location he tries to go back to Orgrimmar and sell . my bags are empty....

View attachment 11-8-2011_2_17 PM 5292 Log.txt

View attachment 11-8-2011_2_31 PM 7300 Log.txt

Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
[Profile Message]: Compiling Mount Procedures
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Orgrimmar, Durotar
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
Taking flight path to Orgrimmar, Durotar
Stopping the bot!
Here what is happening with me. Through the questing line from level 1 till by now 62 there were such issues that the char stood right over flight master with the opened flight routes, and stood there a lot without doing nothing till I tried to do something, mostly tried to disable "use flight path" or "learn new skills", mostly it helped but not always. This is the first issue.
The second one is when it tried to repair, sometimes it just stood in the middle of nowhere with the notes in the debug that it is estimating the cost of the repair, or it to tried to repair by the innkeeper, so in the latter situation it interacted with the inkeeper npc, selling some stuff and go away for some yards and come back again, interact with that npc, this routine repeated endlessly till the manual interruption.
Here is the log. Is there any way to remove these bugs or am I doing anything wrong? Thank you.
Still, the done work impresses.
The logs of the problem is at the end of the logfile.
View attachment 09.11.2011_1_23 2104 Log.txt
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Am i the only one who ain't able to continue in Eastern Plaguelands? it says Moving to questpick up, and keep presses on a woman who doesn't have a quest.. any who solved this problem?
Am i the only one who ain't able to continue in Eastern Plaguelands? it says Moving to questpick up, and keep presses on a woman who doesn't have a quest.. any who solved this problem?
Probably a breadcrumb quest. Basically a , go the next area, quest.
Just go and edit the profile to remove that turnin tag.
Im leveling a night elf druid and its taking me back to the first town for the NE, is there a way to change it to stormwind? or something...
I got a question. I am leveling my second character and it is going well. I am not into doing profiles and whatnot, but I have an Idea. Would it be possible for the profile to Hearth and train each time your toon learns a new ability as it levels? Lets say you just set your hearth to the main Hub's (Stormwind/Org). Then whenever you have a new ability to train, you would just hearth instead of manually going there. Any chance this could be implemented? It would reduce leveling time quite a bit.

I disagree with you this will INCREASE leveling time cuz the bot has to do it every 2 levels or so for unneeded abilities. Like for example if you are a rogue you get your blade flurry at 10 lvl, you got your sinister strike, stealth and eviscerate what more would you need? Going back every 2 levles just will take more time. Killing mobs in <80 takes like 2 hits and now spells dont have ranks like before the dmg scales with your lvl/gear.
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