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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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ok sorry diddent see that option <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > chance to false now it word tnx m8
hi, can anyone explain why the bot did not attack?
i'm lvl 80 and in sholazarbazin. this problem i've is since borean tundra. i startet there at lvl 71 and have done all quest in the profile. but since i was 75 (dragonblight) the bot runs to the hotspots but did not attack every mob that is in range. why?

i tried singular und fps cc for my ret-pally and change the pulldistance from 5 to 30 and back, but nothing solves the problem.
i've also a problem with restarting HB. everytime i load the profile new, HB tries to get a Quest in Howling Fjord (Fort Wildevar) but i have done all quest's there.
i also have HB new installt and load the profile new from svn-trunk

and sry for my bad english


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I have had nothing but problems with this. I came home and was dead and logged out. I'm training a new troll warrior. Before this problem there was a problem with 2 previous quests I had to do myself. I attached my log. Please help me out. I appreciate it. I hope attaching logs is what I'm supposed to do. If not I will post it here.

Edit # 1 : Another problem. It stopped working after it got to Orgrimmar trying to complete "Ride to Orgrimmar" as soon as it landed it stopped working. Shortly after my game crashed. I attached that log as well.

As far as i can see from the first log, then your wow froze (Injection got out of sync), and then Honorbuddy stopped, which doesn't have anything to do with the profile.

As for the second log, i will start off by saying, it is not smart to start and stop the bot every few minutes wihtout restarting it. to the point: Looks like you got disconnected as honorbuddy used lua to release your corpse, meaning again it wasn't the profile.
you dont take bur request here but this aint a bug if post this multi times your profile needs to be updated Q,H - 1-60 needs to be updated pls pl pls

No need to update the profiles, when you don't have anything which should be updated. Now write if you have a bug with the problem, but requesting a update, when you don't know what should be updated is pretty impossible...
hi, can anyone explain why the bot did not attack?
i'm lvl 80 and in sholazarbazin. this problem i've is since borean tundra. i startet there at lvl 71 and have done all quest in the profile. but since i was 75 (dragonblight) the bot runs to the hotspots but did not attack every mob that is in range. why?

i tried singular und fps cc for my ret-pally and change the pulldistance from 5 to 30 and back, but nothing solves the problem.
i've also a problem with restarting HB. everytime i load the profile new, HB tries to get a Quest in Howling Fjord (Fort Wildevar) but i have done all quest's there.
i also have HB new installt and load the profile new from svn-trunk

and sry for my bad english

Couple of things:
- HB sometimes doesn't attack every specific mob. Don't worry about it. As long as it gets the job done it doesn't need to attack everything
- HB sometimes has issues remembering what quests were done. Usually a stop/start will do the trick
- Ret pallies are b0rked at the moment. Since the insta-exorcism buff can't be detected you'll either only cast Exorcism running out of mana or never cast exorcism, doing very low DPS. I'd recommend going Prot instead
- I was looking for your bad english, couldn't find it. Your english is perfectly allright, no need to apologise for it :)
As far as i can see from the first log, then your wow froze (Injection got out of sync), and then Honorbuddy stopped, which doesn't have anything to do with the profile.

As for the second log, i will start off by saying, it is not smart to start and stop the bot every few minutes wihtout restarting it. to the point: Looks like you got disconnected as honorbuddy used lua to release your corpse, meaning again it wasn't the profile.

I woke up this morning disconnected again. I don't understand this. Why do I keep getting disconncted? I'll attach the new log. Thanks for the help.

Edit # 1 This is getting ridiculous now. I'v yet to see this bot run for more then 45 minutes without trouble. It stopped out of nowhere again with an error. See the first log.


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Thanks Tony, have sorted that out now, all wa working fine but now it just stopps for 10 minutes at a time then runs off and kills something, then stops again... dunno why this is tho ... im sure ill figure it out :)

*edit* - told ya id figure it out, theres a quest in northern barrens (cant rememeber name0 where u need to capture a razortusk guy but instead my botted toon kept killing it, standing for the respawn then killing again, instead of using the net and taking him prisioner.
Iv no idea hopw to rectify this in the coding etc so i just manually did this quest... but maybe someone who does can fix it :)
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as you can zip on profile folder there are 2 extra folder "Plugins" and "CustomBehaviors"

you have to copy the file from "Plugins" folder of the profile to the "Plugins" folder of Hb(and then enable the plugin on Hb plugin tab)

and you must also copy the files from the "CustomBehaviors" folder of the profile to the "Quest Behaviors" folder of Hb

in any case if you have problems open a thread on Support issues section including your log as attachment
and we will check it
Just want to say you did an awesome job on this! I do have one question. Is there a 1 to 5 quest pack for worgen?
Thank you for this. I'm going to try this profile since I'm having a LOT of trouble with my current one.
you want to see my Log ? :) my new undead just did the first quest then its says waiting for object to spawn.. dno why, what should i do ?

[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: Azenius Questing Profiles (Eastern Kingdoms = Tirisfal Glades Profile Loaded).
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: Compiling Quests.
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: -----
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: Turning off auto-train.
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: Setting UseFlightPaths to false.
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: -----
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: Setting LearnFlightPaths to true.
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: Setting LootMobs to true.
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: -----
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: Setting UseMount to true.
[22:00:42:261] [Profile Message]: Setting PullDistance to 30.
[22:00:47:381] Picking up Fresh out of the Grave : 24959
[22:00:47:381] Goal: Picking up Fresh out of the Grave
[22:00:47:382] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[22:00:57:880] InteractDebug:852820600
[22:00:57:900] Interact Done:852820600
[22:01:00:208] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[22:01:00:208] Cleared POI
[22:01:00:315] Goal: Turning in Fresh out of the Grave
[22:01:00:315] Changed POI to:Type: QuestTurnIn
[22:01:00:412] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[22:01:00:413] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[22:01:00:413] Loading Azeroth_28_28
[22:01:05:007] InteractDebug:656762448
[22:01:05:023] Interact Done:656762448
[22:01:07:174] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
[22:01:07:174] Cleared POI
[22:01:07:297] Picking up The Shadow Grave : 28608
[22:01:07:297] Goal: Picking up The Shadow Grave
[22:01:07:298] Goal: Goal: Collect Thick Embalming Fluid x 1
[22:01:07:298] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[22:01:07:298] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[22:01:07:298] Loading Azeroth_29_28
[22:01:07:395] Successfully generated path from {1690.555, 1677.309, 135.6384} to {1669, 1693, 121.0273} in 97 milliseconds
[22:01:07:578] Unloading tiles!
[22:01:07:579] Loading Azeroth_28_28
[22:01:07:679] Loading Azeroth_29_28
[22:01:07:781] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest
[22:01:07:877] Moving to Type: Harvest
[22:01:20:468] InteractDebug:662697344
[22:01:20:473] Interact Done:662697344
[22:01:22:123] Looting Thick Embalming Fluid Guid:0xF1132997000024FD
[22:01:22:173] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[22:01:22:173] Cleared POI
[22:01:22:597] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest
[22:01:22:707] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
[22:01:22:707] Cleared POI
[22:01:22:826] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest
[22:01:22:945] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
[22:01:22:945] Cleared POI
[22:01:23:064] Goal: Goal: Collect Corpse-Stitching Twine x 1
[22:01:23:064] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[22:01:23:192] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest
[22:01:23:600] InteractDebug:662696648
[22:01:23:607] Interact Done:662696648
[22:01:24:974] Looting Corpse-Stitching Twine Guid:0xF1132998000024FC
[22:01:25:024] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[22:01:25:024] Cleared POI
[22:01:25:438] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest
[22:01:25:667] InteractDebug:662696648
[22:01:25:674] Interact Done:662696648
[22:01:35:757] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[22:01:35:757] Cleared POI
[22:01:36:166] Goal: Turning in The Shadow Grave
[22:01:36:166] Changed POI to:Type: QuestTurnIn
[22:01:36:276] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[22:01:48:796] InteractDebug:656762448
[22:01:48:812] Interact Done:656762448
[22:01:51:479] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
[22:01:51:479] Cleared POI
[22:01:51:586] Picking up Those That Couldn't Be Saved : 26799
[22:01:51:586] Goal: Picking up Those That Couldn't Be Saved
[22:01:51:587] Picking up The Wakening : 24960
[22:01:51:587] Goal: Picking up The Wakening
[22:01:51:588] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[22:01:51:699] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[22:01:55:261] InteractDebug:656861048
[22:01:55:277] Interact Done:656861048
[22:01:57:393] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[22:01:57:393] Cleared POI
[22:01:57:893] Goal: Interacting with Valdred Moray
[22:01:58:134] Activity: Moving towards - <1737.335, 1674.335, 125.724>
[22:02:13:057] Activity: Waiting for object to spawn
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