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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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My bot is stuck on this Fizzcrank quest.. There is no quest. Still It want to "Pick Up Quest" :( Can?t get anyfurther.. Thanks

I've run Kick's profiles enough to bet that the quest giving you problems is King Mrgl-Mrgl picked up from Mordel Cogspinner (by the Teleporter). If so, you will later run into a similar problem trying to pick up The Lost Courier from Private Casey.

The problem is not Kick's profile--he's done everything right. For some reason, Honorbuddy thinks these quests are incomplete, if you stop/start Honorbuddy anytime after you've completed them. Both of these are 'breadcrumb' quests, and Honorbuddy has a history of getting confused about quest state of 'breadcrumb' quests.

Your only recourse to repair the problem is to comment out the corresponding <Pickup...> lines in the profile.

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Hmmm, I don't know, I wish there was a way to run the updates automatically :( LOL
Especially with things like Singular, which breaks due to update every now and then, I would not recommend that.
It may be useful for Kick's and mine profiles but I definitely wouldn't use it on CCs or botbases.
why does it keep on saying this? 'Can not turn in quest His Heart Must Be In It (ID: 26573) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
Could not create current in quest bot!'
I have another problem. I was use bot in russian realm, boting by low lvl rogue. Now i go to Englush realm and create a new 55 lvl DK. I startet bot, but he try to make quests that my rugue is making! He stay in Acherus, but in info i see that he want to picking up Wesfall quest! How to refresh bot??
I have another problem. I was use bot in russian realm, boting by low lvl rogue. Now i go to Englush realm and create a new 55 lvl DK. I startet bot, but he try to make quests that my rugue is making! He stay in Acherus, but in info i see that he want to picking up Wesfall quest! How to refresh bot??
It shouldn't be doing this.
Did you name the DK the exact same thing you named the rogue?
Please attach your log.

Last question... did you restart HB after switching to the other realm and creating the DK?
The names of my DK and my rogues are different... And yes, i closed bot and after that i run it again. Here is the Log. My DK is staying in his starting location and do nothing! May be kick's profile did not supporn DKs?
 [12:46:39:577] Using WoW with process ID 4160
[12:46:39:577] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[12:46:39:577] Executable Path: C:\Users\user\Desktop\WP\Honorbuddy.exe
[12:46:42:929] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
[12:46:42:929] KillBetweenHotspots: True
[12:46:42:929] AdvancedSettingsMode: False
[12:46:42:929] LogoutForInactivity: True
[12:46:42:929] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
[12:46:42:929] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[12:46:42:929] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[12:46:42:929] FoodAmount: 0
[12:46:42:929] DrinkAmount: 0
[12:46:42:929] FormLocationX: 17
[12:46:42:929] FormLocationY: 7
[12:46:42:929] FormWidth: 389
[12:46:42:929] FormHeight: 302
[12:46:42:929] SelectedBotIndex: 0
[12:46:42:929] UseFlightPaths: False
[12:46:42:929] FindMountAutomatically: True
[12:46:42:929] UseRandomMount: True
[12:46:42:929] FoodName has no value yet!
[12:46:42:929] DrinkName has no value yet!
[12:46:42:929] MountName has no value yet!
[12:46:42:929] FlyingMountName has no value yet!
[12:46:42:929] LootMobs: True
[12:46:42:929] SkinMobs: False
[12:46:42:929] NinjaSkin: False
[12:46:42:929] LootChests: True
[12:46:42:929] HarvestMinerals: False
[12:46:42:929] HarvestHerbs: False
[12:46:42:929] UseMount: True
[12:46:42:929] PullDistance: 30
[12:46:42:929] LootRadius: 45
[12:46:42:930] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
[12:46:42:930] TrainNewSkills: False
[12:46:42:930] LearnFlightPaths: True
[12:46:42:930] LastUsedPath has no value yet!
[12:46:42:930] MountDistance: 75
[12:46:42:930] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[12:46:42:930] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
[12:46:42:930] FoodAmount: 0
[12:46:42:930] DrinkAmount: 0
[12:46:42:930] FormLocationX: 17
[12:46:42:930] FormLocationY: 7
[12:46:42:930] SelectedBotIndex: 0
[12:46:42:930] UseFlightPaths: False
[12:46:42:930] FindMountAutomatically: True
[12:46:42:930] UseRandomMount: True
[12:46:42:930] FoodName has no value yet!
[12:46:42:930] DrinkName has no value yet!
[12:46:42:930] MountName has no value yet!
[12:46:42:930] LootMobs: True
[12:46:42:930] SkinMobs: False
[12:46:42:930] NinjaSkin: False
[12:46:42:930] LootChests: True
[12:46:42:930] HarvestMinerals: False
[12:46:42:930] HarvestHerbs: False
[12:46:42:930] UseMount: True
[12:46:42:930] PullDistance: 30
[12:46:42:930] LootRadius: 45
[12:46:42:930] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
[12:46:42:930] TrainNewSkills: False
[12:46:42:930] LearnFlightPaths: True
[12:46:42:930] LastUsedPath has no value yet!
[12:46:42:930] MountDistance: 75
[12:46:42:930] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[12:46:42:934] Activity: Initializing.
[12:46:42:939] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
[12:46:42:983] Activity: Loading Spells
[12:46:43:087] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
[12:46:43:150] Activity: Initializing Plugins
[12:46:48:052] [WeigtSet] Selected weight set: Death Knight-Blood
[12:46:49:378] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\user\Desktop\WP\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Active1=True
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Active2=True
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Active3=True
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Active4=True
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Active5=True
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Active6=True
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Item1=58165
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Item2=38619
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Item3=38512
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Item4=38622
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Item5=38623
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Item6=38624
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Aura1=79651
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Aura2=54178
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Aura3=54176
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Aura4=51623
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Aura5=51623
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Aura6=51623
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest11=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest21=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest31=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest41=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest51=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest61=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest12=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest22=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest32=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest42=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest52=0
[12:46:49:380] ItemForAura: Quest62=0
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Quest13=0
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Quest23=0
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Quest33=0
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Quest43=0
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Quest53=0
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Quest63=0
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Combat1=True
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Combat2=False
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Combat3=False
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Combat4=False
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Combat5=False
[12:46:49:381] ItemForAura: Combat6=False
[12:46:49:388] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\user\Desktop\WP\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Active1=True
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Active2=True
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Active3=True
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Active4=True
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Active5=True
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Active6=True
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Item1=58165
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Item2=38619
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Item3=38512
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Item4=38622
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Item5=38623
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Item6=38624
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Aura1=79651
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Aura2=54178
[12:46:49:389] ItemForAura: Aura3=54176
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Aura4=51623
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Aura5=51623
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Aura6=51623
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest11=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest21=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest31=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest41=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest51=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest61=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest12=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest22=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest32=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest42=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest52=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest62=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest13=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest23=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest33=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest43=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest53=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Quest63=0
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Combat1=True
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Combat2=False
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Combat3=False
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Combat4=False
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Combat5=False
[12:46:49:390] ItemForAura: Combat6=False
[12:46:52:143] H: DF-57-71-D6-5A-96-7A-CE-51-D6-22-2F-4E-F0-56-A3-07-40-2D-70
[12:46:52:144] V:
[12:46:54:553] Activity: Initializing Navigator
[12:46:54:726] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
[12:46:54:736] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
[12:46:54:779] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
[12:46:54:835] Activity: Initializing Routines
[12:46:54:857] Compiling C:\Users\user\Desktop\WP\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
[12:46:56:787] Compiling C:\Users\user\Desktop\WP\CustomClasses\Singular
[12:46:59:231] Activity: Initialization complete
[12:46:59:236] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[12:47:03:982] Activity: Loading Profile...
[12:47:31:245] Cleared POI
[12:47:31:247] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[12:47:31:250] Cleared POI
[12:47:33:764] Compiling expression 'Me.IsHorde' @ line 3540
[12:47:35:696] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\WP\Quest Behaviors\UserSettings.cs'
[12:47:37:172] Goal: Grinding to level 11
[12:47:37:179] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\WP\Quest Behaviors\Message.cs'
[12:47:38:371] Picking up Hero's Call: Westfall! : 26378
[12:47:38:371] Goal: Picking up Hero's Call: Westfall!
[12:47:38:390] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[12:47:38:923] Activity: Loading Tile/s

Just to let you know:
The Seismograph is working perfectly now!
Do i have to use "Kill between Hotspots" if ran this profile? Must "Auto Loot" be eanabled int the interface?

I have reached one thing, I'm using the Released version.. the quest [Gammothra the Tormentor] it goes forth and backwards inside the cave, seems like it can't find to the bottom in the cave where he is.. i walked manually inside, it used the quest item, voila. quest completed, then on the way out it tried to mount up on the flying mount + it flight back inside the cave, so there i had to move out manually again. After that no problems! and from the start quests at Warsong hold no problems at all. Unless it has to get up to the flight path where it cant it seems to have problems with Elevator like someone said earlier, but it's just common, it's a bot :) and you have to babysit it sometimes ^^
im now level 58 and all quests done and for bc the profile said i habe to 60 -.-
Okay I just started using this profile few hours ago (started at lvl 65) and I changed that option that u said for characters in the middle way.

The bot started off in Terokkar and from what I can see it completed only 6 quests I was away from home but it was stuck on "picking up quest item" or something like that, he was farming the Cabals near the Ring of Observerance, but this could be my fault since the option for looting wasnt set on. A quest item that starts a quest if I recall corectly.

Beside that after I stopped/started it again it flied to Nagrand and started farming ogres, I guess that's for the reputation with Kurenai? If that's the case there's no point in doing that because there is a quest that's available in Kurenai at Unfriendly its 2 quests actually and they bring you all the way up to friendly so you might want to skip the farming ogre part ^^ .

Do my eyes deceive me is the name of the quest
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Especially with things like Singular, which breaks due to update every now and then, I would not recommend that.
It may be useful for Kick's and mine profiles but I definitely wouldn't use it on CCs or botbases.

agreed, I would only use it for profiles.
maybe rapidsvn?

i know Smarter uses a svn program that checks quite often and auto updates (or at least i think he does)
Lol oops.
Kick doesn't have that supported in this profile.
To do the DK you'll need the newest HB release, and load the profile in the "Featured Profiles" folder within your HB Directory.
I have reached one thing, I'm using the Released version.. the quest [Gammothra the Tormentor] it goes forth and backwards inside the cave, seems like it can't find to the bottom in the cave where he is.. i walked manually inside, it used the quest item, voila. quest completed, then on the way out it tried to mount up on the flying mount + it flight back inside the cave, so there i had to move out manually again. After that no problems! and from the start quests at Warsong hold no problems at all. Unless it has to get up to the flight path where it cant it seems to have problems with Elevator like someone said earlier, but it's just common, it's a bot :) and you have to babysit it sometimes ^^
I did notice this. If I find time I could go back and get some CTM points for you kick, obviously after I complete the other profile.
I've leveled several toons with this profile and, without heirlooms, it hits 60 with several quests to spare in Winterspring.
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