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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Bootybay just stands around and "waiting for object to spawn"

There's a typo in the ID of the BootyBay Pumpkin. Change line 220 from:
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="109103" ObjectType="Gameobject" />

<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="190103" ObjectType="Gameobject" />

Kick is asleep (its that time of year again). I'm sure he'll fix it when he returns.

There's a typo in the ID of the BootyBay Pumpkin. Change line 220 from:
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="109103" ObjectType="Gameobject" />

<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="190103" ObjectType="Gameobject" />

Kick is asleep (its that time of year again). I'm sure he'll fix it when he returns.


<3 chinajade - i can fix it for the rest of my toons - bogpaddle is def bad coords for entrance to inn cause i did it manual n profile just continued.
Modified for Bloodsail admirals/achievements only.

all credits go to kick.

i merely deleted a few spots...you will have to get them manually...if your a bloodsail admiral you know what i mean.

I might have deleted a few that i have already been to in EK, if that is the case, please send me a pm and i will completely remake this.

Update 1: fixed a few that i noticed, anything else missing please pm me.

Update 2: have noticed northrend profile(mainly in area around dalaran) is pretty buggy...no idea how to fix it. leaving that up to kick.

Final note unless kick updates: kick if you update these, please send me a pm(or ill check your svn log at random), then once yours are completely done, you can put them on your svn, thanks a lot for the work, once again any bugs pm me, ill fix em.


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All those hordies out there be on the lookout for a H version thread in the next couple hours :)
Hey kick what do I need to take out of the profile so it won't attempt to train

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Hey I made a new pally and started this badboy up. Is there a way i can get it to skin mobs while it runs through this profile? Do i need a plugin? Im still kinda newb.
There's a typo in the ID of the BootyBay Pumpkin. Change line 220 from:
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="109103" ObjectType="Gameobject" />

<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="190103" ObjectType="Gameobject" />

Kick is asleep (its that time of year again). I'm sure he'll fix it when he returns.


bogpaddle bucket fixed - i think it's probably a mesh issue so i added a couple of ctm's and dummy runto's for after you land; let me know if it bugs out
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Would you mind to tell me how to UseItem Arcane Cleanser it's an aoe item to clean Stink Bombs "I.E" Clean Up in Stormwind

P.S i had no idea where to ask.
Would you mind to tell me how to UseItem Arcane Cleanser it's an aoe item to clean Stink Bombs "I.E" Clean Up in Stormwind

P.S i had no idea where to ask.


there's various ways to use an item. The way I fancy most is this:

				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(#####)" WaitTime="1000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" />

or the smarter way

			<If Condition="(HasItem(#####))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(#####)" WaitTime="1000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" />

UseItemByName is actually ##### - not String (ie: item number, not the item name, haha)
Still running into the same problem it will "pick the item" but will no use, It's like a bomb rather

1.click bomb
2.use bomb

That's the problem i'am having
<TurnIn QuestName="To Conquest Hold, But Be Careful!" QuestId="12487" TurnInName="Conqueror Krenna" TurnInId="26860" />

Might happen that you were never at Venomspite (heirlooms) to pick up this quest and this is right after 74 level checkpoint. Throwing out errors and stopping bot.

Imo good way would be to pick it up just before turning in, right after the 74 level checkpoint.

Getting back to the Seismograph quest:

When running normally it will go to kill the thresher and pick up the Seismograph, then flies off to turn in the quest (Log 1 attached).

when's the last time you've svn'd? Unless there are more than 2 objectives it is literally impossible for the bot to go passed that quest w/o it being completed

			<If Condition="((HasQuest(12014)) &amp;&amp; (!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 12014)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Objective" X="4968.709" Y="-4672.719" Z="221.4541" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<Objective QuestName="Steady as a Rock?" QuestId="12014" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="35837" ItemName="Portable Seismograph" CollectCount="1" />
			<If Condition="((HasQuest(12014)) &amp;&amp; (!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 12014)))">
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Objective" Distance="1" X="5047.596" Y="-4815.183" Z="225.4905" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<RunTo X="5048.288" Y="-4819.783" Z="219.5013" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
				<RunTo X="5048.288" Y="-4819.783" Z="219.5013" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
			 <While Condition="((HasQuest(12014)) &amp;&amp; (!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 12014)))">
				<UseItem QuestName="Steady as a Rock?" QuestId="12014" ItemId="35837" X="5048.288" Y="-4819.783" Z="219.5013" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12014" MobId="188367" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="4" WaitForNpcs="False" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
				<!-- <Objective QuestName="Steady as a Rock?" QuestId="12014" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="35819" ItemName="Thor Modan Stability Profile" CollectCount="1" CollectFrom="188367" /> -->

[15:59:30:041] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(12014)) && (!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 12014)))' @ line 8135
[15:59:30:284] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(11993)) && (IsQuestCompleted(11993)))' @ line 8152
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Apparently you cannot loot a Hallowed Helm if there is one in your bank. I guess I had one from last year and my toon was stuck with the loot filled glove unable to open it to delete the new hallowed helm. The bot continued running and made it to all the next pumpkin hotspots but could never pick up another loot filled glove at them.
hey kickazz, thanks for your great profiles at first!
my char got stuck today, HB quitted. I did just end your profile "[A - Quest] EK 5-12 [Kick].xml"
this one ends with:

easy to understand, even for a newbie:
the following profile has the name [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick], not [A - Quest] EK 12-60 [Kick].
my folder is completely up to date.

Still running into the same problem it will "pick the item" but will no use, It's like a bomb rather

1.click bomb
2.use bomb

That's the problem i'am having

Oh, it's a use item on ground type of thing?

You'll have to use UseItemTargetLocation behavior

here's 1 example - but there are a few different types (open the behavior in notepad++ to see all of the attributes available)
				<CustomBehavior File="UseItemTargetLocation" QuestId="11982" ItemId="35734" UseType="PointToObject" WaitTime="1500" MinRange="30" Range="90" MobId1="26268" MobId2="26270" X="5007.596" Y="-4633.813" Z="292.1327" />
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