Mine got stuck in STV with the same problem you had Solf, another phase zone?
Alright screw it, I'm making a horde one. Me and a friend will hook you guys up
6hrs each is doable in one day with our work schedule
Wish me luck.
Yeah i got it in stv aswell, i just picked it up by hand and deleted the stv from the profile.
It just stands still in Westfalls, tryed running down and taking the candy bucket and starting the profile over, but the same
This is made for people who have done quests
You will have issues in Westfall if you aren't phased - you'll need it manually edit Westfall out
Just saying there was a problem doesn't really help much. If you really want to help, post some details, where in STV and post your log:
<CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" AllowBotStop="True" SoundCue="Exclamation" SoundCueInterval="1" Text="This profile is currently not available for use" />
Some issues with forgotten markings in the xml.
Line 707 position 77, expected ;
Corrected one attached to this post.
May I ask what's the use of line 25:
Code:<CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" AllowBotStop="True" SoundCue="Exclamation" SoundCueInterval="1" Text="This profile is currently not available for use" />
Press Continue profile and it goes on so I don't really see a point for this to be here
I left it inside ofcourse in case I'm missing something important (the reason for it being in there where it is ^^)
[LEFT]Could not generate path from {6674.247, -202.4191, 950.8881} to {5809.509, 445.5536, 884.6756} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Once it has done frosthold it hangs on not being able to generate a path to the next place.
It mounts the groundmount and then gives error:
Code:[LEFT]Could not generate path from {6674.247, -202.4191, 950.8881} to {5809.509, 445.5536, 884.6756} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Looking at it, something is wrong with the double flightpath at frosthold to fly to in the first place.
And the next place to fly to is in frosthold itself looking at the coordinates (after it did the candybucket).
One copy too many?[/LEFT]