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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hoping that horde one they are talking about comes soon!
Need to run it on several characters! :D
My main Alliance got the Hallowed last year :)
hey kickazz, thanks for your great profiles at first!
my char got stuck today, HB quitted. I did just end your profile "[A - Quest] EK 5-12 [Kick].xml"
this one ends with:
<GrindTo Level="11"/> <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="..\[A - Quest] EK 12-60 [Kick]"/>

easy to understand, even for a newbie:
the following profile has the name [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick], not [A - Quest] EK 12-60 [Kick].
my folder is completely up to date.
I get "Waiting for object to spawn" as well in Booty Bay. There really is nothing in the log and it just looks like a positioning error as my character is outside by the mailbox instead of inside the Inn

!! log snippet !!

Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
[Singular] Using Flask of Enhancement
[UserDialog-v184(user response) @line 15]: Continuing profile due to User request
[Singular] Casting Fear Ward on Myself

!! end snippet !!
I have completed 19 quests in hellfire, and even though I changed <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > to ="False", it still tries to pick up a quest, which I already completed? I'm level 59 mage. I also tried to go with "True", but it still tries to pick up that quest instead of continuing.
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Experiencing some problems with the Cenarion Expedition.
Started the bot at the encampment (already donethe whole DEHTA chain).
The bot is just "loading tiles", tryed to reset it etc but nothing seem to work.

How can i fix this?
Bad coords at Swamp of Sorrows (Bogpaddle) as well. Character misses the entrance and even after manually walking him inside the profile is able to use the pumpkin but after that he just exits the inn and sits there. Nothing in the log.
Bad coords at Swamp of Sorrows (Bogpaddle) as well. Character misses the entrance and even after manually walking him inside the profile is able to use the pumpkin but after that he just exits the inn and sits there. Nothing in the log.
Then give him the information that is needed to get it working. He spent 12hrs+ making this, he could use some help perfecting it.
I had the same problem at Bogpaddle. He couldnt get inside... then after i helped it, it stood outside the inn and didn't do anything.

Said it was blacklisting the flightpath guy, Skeezie, because it couldnt generate a path... I lead it over there, and it just stood there.
Turn off learn new flight paths, use flight paths, autolearn new vendors, and learn new skills.
Should completely ignore flight masters then.
All that stuff was off for me when I tried. I am in the process of trying to figure out how profiles work. I am new to HonorBuddy and want to help out, so I am taking a quick read through the wiki. The Booty Bay and Swamp of Sorrows issues should be easily fixable with changing coords I think.
[3:24:38 PM:917] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 184]: Flying to 'Bogpaddle - SoS': <-9786.74, -3880.393, 21.65485>.
[3:24:39 PM:447] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [12]
[3:25:30 PM:064] Goal: Dismounting
[3:25:30 PM:088] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 185]: Cancelling Flight Form
[3:25:30 PM:120] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 185]: Dismounting
[3:25:30 PM:121] Stop and dismount...
[3:25:30 PM:954] Goal: Interacting with 
[3:25:30 PM:991] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 187]: Candy Bucket
[3:25:31 PM:061] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[3:25:31 PM:089] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 187]: Candy Bucket
[3:25:31 PM:090] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[3:25:31 PM:090] Loading Azeroth_39_50
[3:25:31 PM:290] Loading Azeroth_38_50
[3:25:31 PM:467] Loading Azeroth_39_49
[3:25:31 PM:539] Loading Azeroth_39_51
[3:25:31 PM:728] Loading Azeroth_38_51
[3:25:31 PM:971] Loading Azeroth_40_50
[3:25:32 PM:022] Loading Azeroth_40_51
[3:25:32 PM:052] Loading Azeroth_38_49
[3:25:32 PM:225] Loading Azeroth_40_49
[3:25:32 PM:249] Loading Azeroth_37_50
[3:25:32 PM:412] Loading Azeroth_37_51
[3:25:32 PM:658] Loading Azeroth_39_48
[3:25:32 PM:687] Loading Azeroth_38_48
[3:25:32 PM:822] Loading Azeroth_39_52
[3:25:33 PM:022] Loading Azeroth_41_50
[3:25:33 PM:039] Loading Azeroth_40_52
[3:25:33 PM:060] Loading Azeroth_41_51
[3:25:33 PM:066] Loading Azeroth_40_48
[3:25:33 PM:078] Loading Azeroth_41_49
[3:25:33 PM:091] Could not generate full path from {-9788.233, -3880.64, 21.65626} to {-9771.268, -3878.373, 21.89049} (time used: 1.803 seconds)
[3:25:33 PM:390] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 187]: Candy Bucket
[3:25:33 PM:449] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[3:25:33 PM:479] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 187]: Candy Bucket
bogpaddle part >< above

booty bay log bro.. its waiting for object to spawn on the upper level entrance to the inn, when in fact the bucket is at the very bottom...

edit # 2 : bc profile -
[5:09:32 PM:516] Goal: Flying to Wildhammer Stronghold - SMV
[5:09:32 PM:516] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 467]: Flying to 'Wildhammer Stronghold - SMV': <-4045.212, 2191.051, 110.2128>.
[5:09:32 PM:884] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [17]
[5:10:57 PM:251] Goal: Dismounting
[5:10:57 PM:263] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 468]: Cancelling Flight Form
[5:10:57 PM:298] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 468]: Dismounting
[5:10:57 PM:298] Stop and dismount...
[5:10:58 PM:316] Goal: Interacting with 
[5:10:58 PM:348] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 470]: Candy Bucket
[5:10:58 PM:427] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[5:10:58 PM:449] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 470]: Candy Bucket
[5:10:58 PM:449] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
[5:11:00 PM:590] Downloaded Expansion01_27_39
[5:11:00 PM:591] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[5:11:00 PM:591] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[5:11:00 PM:591] Loading Expansion01_27_39
[5:11:00 PM:818] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
[5:11:02 PM:657] Downloaded Expansion01_28_39
[5:11:02 PM:658] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[5:11:02 PM:658] Loading Expansion01_28_39
[5:11:02 PM:820] Successfully generated path from {-4043.778, 2193.427, 110.3347} to {-4085.193, 2189.316, 107.5018} in 2.02 seconds
[5:11:03 PM:499] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 470]: Candy Bucket
[5:11:03 PM:564] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[5:11:03 PM:595] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 470]: Candy Bucket
my character trying to interact with item in the basement of the inn... but its upstairs
this is smv wildhammer believe the quest id is wrong and the i checked the profile altar quest id might be wrong as well
Wildhammer id should be 12351 and Altar 12409 -- i might edit it for next character and test it ill let ya know.

kalm profile couldnt fly to darn or exodar so it started to circle the continent... not sure how you have that implemented

still havent test northerend, will after raid.


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You said hen you moved it next the pumpkin it would do the quest? Or is it not selecting it at all?
If it's not doing anything at all, get the ID of the bucket and put it in the proper place in the profile file. See if that fixes it. Probably just a bad ID.
im sort of new to this myself. which folder is this in, in the profiles? dont see it under holidays when i loaded the trunk. or maybe i used the svn wrong :/
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