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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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On quest "The battle for Andorhal" my toon was unable to get the portal for Andorhal.
My recomendation is that it uses POM every 10 seconds if the designated tank takes damage because the first bounce is the best heal, and this should be prio over casting heals as it's an instant.
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Could you do same with quests Zen'Kiki, the Druid and A Different Approach what with http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...[-quest]-human-1-58-[kick]-3.html#post332181?

aura name: Zen'Kiki Guardian Aura
ID: 83485

full info: Zen'Kiki Guardian Aura 83485 Zen'Kiki Guardian Aura (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: None, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0 PeriodicLeech 17379581095932164724 FirstEffect 0 0 00:00:00 0 0 False True False False

When HB loses him or is killed, HB is grinding for ages.

nothing i can do w/o a specialized plugin for 'loss of aura, go to npc to get another aura' ... make one for me and i'll be happy to do it
On quest "The battle for Andorhal" my toon was unable to get the portal for Andorhal.

wrong log

also, don't upload logs that huge. kill hb and restart it

make sure you're on the most updated SVN before making a bug report too... i fixed the portal issue 2 weeks ago or so
wrong log

also, don't upload logs that huge. kill hb and restart it

make sure you're on the most updated SVN before making a bug report too... i fixed the portal issue 2 weeks ago or so

Ok, reporting in 5 minutes

EDIT: Doesn't work, i downloaded the last profile version from your SVN.
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After updating to the latest revision (169), Its now correctly healing, but when not healing, its spamming power word fortitude.
POM is a very mana ineffective hal if you consider only the first heal. it couse rougly 3.3k for 6.6k heal when Heal cost 1.8k for 9k heal..
so she will cast POM but only if is not overwrithing an already jumping around POM
POM is a very mana ineffective hal if you consider only the first heal. it couse rougly 3.3k for 6.6k heal when Heal cost 1.8k for 9k heal..
so she will cast POM but only if is not overwrithing an already jumping around POM

this indeed, making an extra pom hit = losing mana.
Dear Gilderoy
just for your info I try the CC in arena(with Dk frost)...and look's like she does the job .
regards ^_^
With Morbent's bane quest, about 4 of 6 times I had issue (mainly melee) that I was staying too far from him and was doing nothing. Could you make that char go a little closer to him?
Ok, reporting in 5 minutes

EDIT: Doesn't work, i downloaded the last profile version from your SVN.

ah you know what, i had 2 sets of the quest (1 before the grind area, 1 after) ... and i forgot to fix 1 of them

fixed and svn'd
With Morbent's bane quest, about 4 of 6 times I had issue (mainly melee) that I was staying too far from him and was doing nothing. Could you make that char go a little closer to him?

<CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="26754" MobId="43761" ItemId="60212" MobHpPercentLeft="100" Range="10" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="200" X="-10278.32" Y="379.2517" Z="15.68398" />

i'll need a log - combat use item on means to use it at combat range
POM is a very mana ineffective hal if you consider only the first heal. it couse rougly 3.3k for 6.6k heal when Heal cost 1.8k for 9k heal..
so she will cast POM but only if is not overwrithing an already jumping around POM

But every guide that I read states that you always use it to bounce on tanks and the first heal is the best, just a thought anyway.
hey, delete the quest. call to arms for nortehern strangelthorn you picked maybe up in sw. casude the bot wants to pick up the qrust for NST from sister Elsington but he can't cause you got the quest from sw ;)
I would like some elements of the BGs to be tunable. Right now we only get to alter the profiles, which really only offer a default location, and then the bot does some silly things-- like leaves a flag empty to go running off somewhere, or bounces back and forth at some halfway point looking VERY bottish.

Suggested solutions:
a. Open the logic to people so we can see what's been done, or write/alter for ourselves (I would personally love to see the C# code to adapt for myself).
b. If that's not an option, open some weighting systems so we can set thresholds for moving to a new location.
c. For the bouncing issue... I'd like an option to "stick" a decision, at least for a while. Get to where you are going... don't jump back and forth every 3 seconds.

a. Add some randomness to the movement. Seeing 3 of my bots in a BG all run the exact same positions/waypoints is disturbing... even if they are your own, but even scarier when you see three other bots from other people doing exactly the same movements as your own. Can the waypoint generation be altered to provide a "range" for points that it uses to plot a path and "randomly" select from within that range, or even occasionally make certain spots "forbidden" to force a different path?

b. When the bots stop, need to add a little randomness as well to where they stop. (I know there are some random movement plugins but once the bot gets too far away from the BG-beta designated spot BG-beta logic forces it back). Again, seeing 4-5 characters in a BG all standing in the exact same place is asking to be banned.

c. Fix the portals issue as in "Strand of the Ancients" and "Isle of Conquest". In both cases the bot often just moves to the portal and stands there, OR even when a gate is open or the wall is "down", it uses the portal, which no sane player would do. Can the BG logic be "upgraded" to plot a path through the open gate/wall if it knows the door is open?

These are meant in the spirit of constructive criticism...
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would it be hard to do something like this for lightwell

/cast Lightwell
/stopmacro [nogroup]
/run local c=GetNumRaidMembers()>0 and "RAID" or "PARTY" SendChatMessage("Casting a "..GetSpellLink(724).."! Click it for big heals! (Lightwell breaks after damage >= 30% max health.)",c)

something to tell the people its there and USE IT
possible to ignore the checkpoints? Toon is in badlands, has 10 open Quests, now its 46 and wants to go to felwood and hb stops the Profile

Changing current profile to [QuestOrder]Worgen 13 - 58
[Profile Message]: Compiling Felwood Quests
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Aye, I've been having this too.

Alright good. Well not good, but I am glad that I am not the only one experiencing the issue.

Any idea if its a fault in the CustomBehavior or Honorbuddy itself? I don't think it has to do with the profile itself because it had always worked in the previous versions.
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