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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Took the zeppelin to Howling fjord, looked like it was doing fine but it just flies south untili it dies to fatigue.
Max level herbing and mining is 450, Current 412herb 379 mining.
Horde toon.
here's a log
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Any suggestions to this little issue? I have latest HB and Re-SVN'ed, so it should be that.

<PickUp QuestName="What's Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?" QuestId="9960" GiverName="Tooki" GiverId="18447" />

drop any other 'what's wrong at cenarion thicket? quests that you have. i had a double expression in there by accident.

also, re-svn
@tozededao: what i think is that your config file get corrupted.
The error you are getting is in the loading of config file.
Try to delete your config folder pls and tell if that solve the issue :)

Which config file you mean? Anyways using a fresh HB fixes it.
Your pc will explode ;)

I think it will work for most of the things except the part were they used names for spells or items in the questbehaviors / Plugins they use

This. Some stuff in the plugin is based on strings. And for some quests I cannot use Id based things because HB does not allow me to. Example:
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(&quot;Electro-Shock Therapy&quot;) &amp;&amp; !IsObjectiveComplete(2, 10411)">
So I don't know how that would work on other clients.

If people want this to be available for other languages they'll have to chip in.
Is it just the plugin that needs tweaking? Because that would be easy if it was just the names of things, just look up the spell in wowhead and do the translate to another language.

I took your example and looked it up on wowhead and changed the spell to the German name. It would turn into:

<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(&quot;Elektroschocktherapie&quot;) &amp;&amp; !IsObjectiveComplete(2, 10411)">

If that works, then PM me if you like and I'd be glad to help out some.
Is it just the plugin that needs tweaking? Because that would be easy if it was just the names of things, just look up the spell in wowhead and do the translate to another language.

I took your example and looked it up on wowhead and changed the spell to the German name. It would turn into:

<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(&quot;Elektroschocktherapie&quot;) &amp;&amp; !IsObjectiveComplete(2, 10411)">

If that works, then PM me if you like and I'd be glad to help out some.

I could really, really use some help on the translation part. In fact, I need help overall. If someone is looking to do a lot of documentation and translation. Add me on Skype or MSN and contact me.

If you would, Faulen, or anyone else would like to help you'd have my ever-lasting gratitude. It's hard work though and if you're not prepared to spend several hours a day then PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME. I can't test if it works at the moment. I'll test once I reach a string-based code.

Thanks for the initiative.
Testing this part of the profile pack now. At 66, almost 67 now, and so far only one minor issue: the bot got stuck (probably a flightor issue though) once in the aldor inn after it went to try an sell--moved it out by hand and it's been going like a charm ever since!
Add this Blackspot:
<!-- Theramore Keep -->
<Blackspot X="-3705.923" Y="-4360.334" Z="8.478251" Radius="169.7969" />

Otherwise the quest "The Theramore Docks" will be painful. :)
To the creator of these profiles - I just wanted to say very well done. These are by far the best profiles I've ever used for HB. I'll donate some coin to you, thanks for your work.
Haven't checked update logs, but this doesn't resurrect dead party members. I also suggest adding a small combat action, so that the CC can fight back in emergencies. (I use mixed mode Archaeology + IB, and when the bot switches to AB, it encounters some enemy npcs and does not attack it.
Haven't checked update logs, but this doesn't resurrect dead party members. I also suggest adding a small combat action, so that the CC can fight back in emergencies. (I use mixed mode Archaeology + IB, and when the bot switches to AB, it encounters some enemy npcs and does not attack it.

Check the logs next time please there important. Also keep your SVN updated to the latest revision.

It has been said before, the CC currently only works as Healing Dungeons, no attack dmg or anything like that is in the cc YET.
We first build the basics in dungeons to heal and eleminate all possible bugs, then we move on to the next section in order to make it flawless.

ressurection should work. what revision are you on?
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