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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I haven't been able to find the option, but is there an option to skip quests when you get to "high lvl" due to full leveling gear most quests are green around lvl 23, wondering if it's built in or ?
some of the profiles simply need additional blackspots. Kick's awesome 15-58 subprofile for horde questing for example needed:
<!-- Alliance Flight Camp -->
<Blackspot X="3882.787" Y="635.3163" Z="8.180746" Radius="45.12229" />
<!-- Avoid the quest board in Org, everyone is watching! -->
<Blackspot X="1599.469" Y="-4368.895" Z="21.01753" Radius="5.53183" />
at lvl 5 tauren zone . on 4 toons so far, same thing
[23:51:24:715] Downloaded tilemap Kalimdor
[23:51:24:778] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[23:51:35:200] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[23:52:15:219] Loading Kalimdor_33_37
[23:52:15:359] Loading Kalimdor_33_38
[23:52:15:609] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[23:52:15:797] Successfully generated path from {-3014.971, -459.3994, 45.62123} to {-3085.667, -802.6667, 54.13964} in 196 milliseconds
[23:56:41:626] Unloading tiles!
[23:56:41:626] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[23:56:41:829] Loading Kalimdor_33_37
[23:59:41:262] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[23:59:41:481] Successfully generated path from {-3014.882, -468.8561, 44.51384} to {-3172, -313, 47.09477} in 217 milliseconds
[0:01:43:925] Unloading tiles!
[0:01:43:925] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[0:02:20:699] Loading Kalimdor_33_38
[0:02:20:855] Successfully generated path from {-3328.352, -489.0392, 43.63369} to {-3310, -428.3333, 53.00967} in 157 milliseconds
[0:04:50:498] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[0:06:45:912] Unloading tiles!
[0:06:45:912] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[0:09:25:834] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[0:11:47:868] Unloading tiles!
[0:11:47:868] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[0:19:05:200] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[0:19:49:099] Unloading tiles!
[0:19:49:099] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[0:19:49:240] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[0:19:49:349] Successfully generated path from {-3176.496, -312.1156, 46.47521} to {-2905.906, -246.2292, 59.80151} in 113 milliseconds
[0:21:47:423] Loading Kalimdor_31_37
[0:21:47:564] Loading Kalimdor_31_38
[0:21:47:736] Successfully generated path from {-3114.261, -44.42628, 47.08867} to {-2909.955, -256.526, 59.60505} in 318 milliseconds
[0:23:06:176] Loading Kalimdor_32_36
[0:23:06:270] Loading Kalimdor_33_37
[0:23:06:394] Loading Kalimdor_31_36
[0:23:06:504] Successfully generated path from {-2899.232, -265.6205, 59.62772} to {-2905.906, -246.2292, 59.80175} in 334 milliseconds
[0:23:41:904] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
I haven't been able to find the option, but is there an option to skip quests when you get to "high lvl" due to full leveling gear most quests are green around lvl 23, wondering if it's built in or ?

Sorry, there are no checkpoints.

at lvl 5 tauren zone . on 4 toons so far, same thing
[23:51:24:715] Downloaded tilemap Kalimdor
[23:51:24:778] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[23:51:35:200] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[23:52:15:219] Loading Kalimdor_33_37
[23:52:15:359] Loading Kalimdor_33_38
[23:52:15:609] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[23:52:15:797] Successfully generated path from {-3014.971, -459.3994, 45.62123} to {-3085.667, -802.6667, 54.13964} in 196 milliseconds
[23:56:41:626] Unloading tiles!
[23:56:41:626] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[23:56:41:829] Loading Kalimdor_33_37
[23:59:41:262] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[23:59:41:481] Successfully generated path from {-3014.882, -468.8561, 44.51384} to {-3172, -313, 47.09477} in 217 milliseconds
[0:01:43:925] Unloading tiles!
[0:01:43:925] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[0:02:20:699] Loading Kalimdor_33_38
[0:02:20:855] Successfully generated path from {-3328.352, -489.0392, 43.63369} to {-3310, -428.3333, 53.00967} in 157 milliseconds
[0:04:50:498] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[0:06:45:912] Unloading tiles!
[0:06:45:912] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[0:09:25:834] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[0:11:47:868] Unloading tiles!
[0:11:47:868] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[0:19:05:200] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[0:19:49:099] Unloading tiles!
[0:19:49:099] Loading Kalimdor_32_37
[0:19:49:240] Loading Kalimdor_32_38
[0:19:49:349] Successfully generated path from {-3176.496, -312.1156, 46.47521} to {-2905.906, -246.2292, 59.80151} in 113 milliseconds
[0:21:47:423] Loading Kalimdor_31_37
[0:21:47:564] Loading Kalimdor_31_38
[0:21:47:736] Successfully generated path from {-3114.261, -44.42628, 47.08867} to {-2909.955, -256.526, 59.60505} in 318 milliseconds
[0:23:06:176] Loading Kalimdor_32_36
[0:23:06:270] Loading Kalimdor_33_37
[0:23:06:394] Loading Kalimdor_31_36
[0:23:06:504] Successfully generated path from {-2899.232, -265.6205, 59.62772} to {-2905.906, -246.2292, 59.80175} in 334 milliseconds
[0:23:41:904] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True

Bugs are not to be posted here, see first page, post 2.

And thanks everyone for their feedback! =D
sry my bad. cc issue, paladin specific quest, but the cc didn't had the spell ticked on...
I'd like to be able to use Holy shock and WoG @ 3 stacks fo Holy Power in PVP ONLY, then only cast flash when its low and use infusion of light only on instant flash of lights. Then if it has to cast Flash of Light, cast aura mastery.

we aren't adding the pvp yet hold this for later
@dirtdog: where you in chakra:serenity when he tryed to spam HW:chastise? or you where in Chakra (simple)?
So.. man this CC is ment to work with LazyRaider and LazyRaider only.
I have never tryed InstanceBuddy and probably never will.
Do no use Instancedubby. Use LazyRaider. use it in dungeon but use it :D I need to repeat again? :D
If you are having issue I'll try to fix them up :)
For the power word fortitude buff, i suppose people on witch she was tryng to cast the buff already have the buff? something different in those runs that was not there in the previous run that worked good?

if you can fix it for lazyraider that would be lovely since instancebuddy sometimes an ass;)

so if you had issues with lazyraider post your logs if you havent already.
rev167 is online!
There is a try to fix the PW:F spam and a try to fix the hang up tryng to spam HW:S when not in the correct chakra.
Try her with LazyRaider and let me know if the problem are fixed :)
Didn't see a thread for the 58-68 part so here's a prob I got.

[7:32:03 PM:766] Could not generate any hotspots for quest Surveying the Ruins. Please place a quest override for this quest.
[7:32:03 PM:766] Stop called!

Log attached
Didn't see a thread for the 58-68 part so here's a prob I got.

[7:32:03 PM:766] Could not generate any hotspots for quest Surveying the Ruins. Please place a quest override for this quest.
[7:32:03 PM:766] Stop called!

Log attached

i never had this issue

get me some hotspots and give me the active quest list override (dev tools window, bottom right)
Questing in Zangarmarsh, seems to want to run back to shatt every start up to train. Gets stuck flying to hot spot for "Stealing back the mushrooms" high on the map, flies back and forth. Manually stopped and restarted, continues to do this.

*EDIT* manually completed quest and parked outside the cave. Bot hovered and didnt move. Stopped and manually handed in, parked in shatt. restarted bot, bot began questing terrokar with no issues.
Last edited:
rev169 is online!
Raid Healing in, both with selective healing that normal, selective healing is not usable until a gui will be made so is there just for the lulz :P
BTW, in raid will act as a tank healer, so change your Raid_healing_tank_priority in an according way (something like 60% i's say)
i never had this issue

get me some hotspots and give me the active quest list override (dev tools window, bottom right)

I didn't on previous toon either :confused: It matter that it's not a "kill" quest even if Objective type = killmob?The quest is where you set a marker near a flag. Maybe an ID mixup:confused:

<Quest Id="10335" Name="Surveying the Ruins">
 <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="20473" KillCount="1">
  <Hotspot X="4694.384" Y="2609.611" Z="209.7877" />
 <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="20475" KillCount="1">
  <Hotspot X="4609.585" Y="2439.865" Z="195.5057" />
 <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="20476" KillCount="1">
  <Hotspot X="4717.813" Y="2370.131" Z="198.2431" />
Also, the MobID for Tamed Kodo must be wrong. The quest "Kodo RoundUp" hangs. If you manually right click the Tamed Kodo while trying to deliver the Tamed Kodo, the quest continues.

<TurnIn QuestName="Kodo Roundup" QuestId="5561" TurnInName="Smeed Scrabblescrew" TurnInId="11596" />
			<While Condition="((HasQuest(14304)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(14304)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" MobId="35412" ItemId="49138" MobHpPercentLeft="95" X="-855.6693" Y="1776.336" Z="63.88691" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
				[B]<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="36059" WaitForNpcs="False" />[/B]
I know I am supposed to post issues on the Google Code, but I was wondering if anyone else was having an issue with the 'UseItemOn' behavior. Whenever a quest requires it it never moves to the specified location and just waits until I move it to the correct location.

Any log I have seen of this shows nothing. Here is an example.

[8:43:31 PM:934] [UseItemOn-v194(debug) @line 349]: Giant Ember Worg
[8:43:31 PM:934] Activity: Moving to use item on "Giant Ember Worg"

And the Info tab just says.


I didn't use the bug submitter because I think it is the behavior and not the profile.

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