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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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i don't exactly have a log.. but.. toon stood their trying to pickup Guardians of Stratholme - Quest - World of Warcraft and he was at lights hope.. not the northern tower.. went there by hand.. and couldn't find the quest..

think something went wrong when i stopped and restarted the bot somewhere in EP.. :P i just removed the quest for now . starts working again..

sorry i didn't have the logs

bot wont interact with the port to andhoral and if i manually click it with bot running it takes the epl flightpath back to stv and stands there

View attachment 25500

this, still happening :(

Edit: looked thru the thing, cant find anywhere to remove it so it will skip that step either :(

heres a little more info , it seems its waiting for port to spawn, yet the portal is right infront of it
[3:32:54 PM:186] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 5495]: War-Mage Erallier
[3:32:55 PM:866] Activity: Interacting with - War-Mage Erallier
[3:32:56 PM:077] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 5495]: War-Mage Erallier
[3:32:56 PM:080] InteractDebug:264726632
[3:32:56 PM:090] Interact Done:264726632
[3:32:56 PM:297] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 5495]: War-Mage Erallier
[3:33:01 PM:024] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Buck0\Desktop\HB Druid\Quest Behaviors\WaitTimer.cs'
[3:33:01 PM:390] Goal: Waiting for 01s of 02s
[3:33:01 PM:390] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
[3:33:02 PM:459] Goal: Waiting for 00s of 02s
[3:33:02 PM:459] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
[3:33:03 PM:545] Goal: Interacting with Portal to Andorhal, Portal to Andorhal
[3:33:04 PM:366] Activity: Waiting for object to spawn
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Could you do same with quests Zen'Kiki, the Druid and A Different Approach what with http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...[-quest]-human-1-58-[kick]-3.html#post332181?

aura name: Zen'Kiki Guardian Aura
ID: 83485

full info: Zen'Kiki Guardian Aura 83485 Zen'Kiki Guardian Aura (), Range: 0-0, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: None, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0 PeriodicLeech 17379581095932164724 FirstEffect 0 0 00:00:00 0 0 False True False False

When HB loses him or is killed, HB is grinding for ages.
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Hello, I ran this a few times now and it always did well. I did have some issues this time though

During Fresh Bait - Quest - World of Warcraft the pull distance on the Core Hounds could be a little higher, as it was aimlessly running around while Core Hounds were in the background

Also, the bot would try to fly off after accepting the quest from Captain Irontree - NPC - World of Warcraft and then got stuck in the roof. My suggestion would be go outside first, and then mount.

And last a small suggestion, you can skip cinematics using

<CustomBehavior File="EjectVeh"/>
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Better unstuck logic. Sometimes bot stucks under trees\rocks, it tries to mount - gets instantly dismounted and tries to mount again, happens to me quite often :(
Thanks for this, Kick. It's more afkable than I thought a quest profile could be, let alone such an extended one.

I have a couple questions about the settings if you don't mind.

1. The profile seems to resist my efforts to enable flightpaths. In the last hour or so it ran my toon from Dustwallow to Thunderbluff (and back) to complete The Black Shield (27258), and ran it from the speedbarge in Thousand Needles to Orgrimmar to train riding. Are flightpaths too buggy to use for questing profiles?

2. I think there are a couple alliance quest hubs that haven't been blacklisted (or whatever.) While questing in Ashenvale the profile repeatedly ran my toon through Astranaar, and while questing in Stonetalon it ran my toon through Windshear Hold. Is this a profile issue, an HB mesh issue, or what?

Sorry, should I have submitted a log for these?
1. Fix meshes
4. Autouptdater for HB
1) is constantly done by raphus, but right now slowed down in favor of
4) AutoUpdater is already available in the latest test builts, and coming with the next release
@henesys: you are using an outdated revision, upgrade to rev 169 pls and the problem will be fixed
Im using 5104 and the version im experiencing error is the 166

Still experiencing this 165+ the log is on the quoted post. Happens with w/e botbase, I normally use combat bot, tested with lazy raider still same issue, tested with all the empty profiles, still same issue.
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I know I am supposed to post issues on the Google Code, but I was wondering if anyone else was having an issue with the 'UseItemOn' behavior. Whenever a quest requires it it never moves to the specified location and just waits until I move it to the correct location.

Any log I have seen of this shows nothing. Here is an example.

And the Info tab just says.


I didn't use the bug submitter because I think it is the behavior and not the profile.


Aye, I've been having this too.
@tozededao: what i think is that your config file get corrupted.
The error you are getting is in the loading of config file.
Try to delete your config folder pls and tell if that solve the issue :)
Using the lift in Fizzcrank Airstrip has stopped working. Displaying the following error:

[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Entry' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'WaitAtX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Entry' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
Using the lift in Fizzcrank Airstrip has stopped working. Displaying the following error:

[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Entry' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'WaitAtX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Entry' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')

well known issue, you'll have to simply help the bot out until the new version is released. nothing i can do :(
Level 27 Horde Druid. Questing.

Question is: Why in the world why this try to go through Astranaar on the way to a quest pickup? That's an alliance town. Really? So.. nice endless loop of res, die, repeat. This section probably needs to be looked over. In the meantime, guess I'll manually see if I can figure out how to get him out of the town alive and then try to figure out where he was trying to go by way of the worst path possible.

** well, that didn't work. Took him to the OTHER SIDE of Astranaar... and yep, you guessed it, he wanted to run right back in to town. You realize there are no Horde quests IN Astranaar. Now, I need to know how to tell it to forget this part of whatever quest chain it's programmed to do.**

** Looks as if he wants to go REPAIR in the ALLIANCE town. And I see no way to tell him not to. Guess my option is go find repair elsewhere, and then start it again?**

** Okay, fixed for now. Apparently it wanted to pickup a quest, but thot it needed to repair. Is my only guess. It said quest pickup originally and went to Astranaar. After moving him to the other side, it said "Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Shenara" And tried to go back to Astranaar. After taking him to Hellscream's Reach and repairing. It went to Zoram'gar and started to pick up quests again.

So, after looking at the entry in the file: <Vendor Name="Shenara" Entry="43625" Type="Repair" X="2989.99" Y="-483.747" Z="198.628" /> is correct. She is an NPC in Hellcream's Watch. No idea why HB wants to go to Astranaar to find this NPC.

So, from stonetalon mountains, this is it's next step" Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Gurt; Problem is, the file lists him under <!-- Eastern Plaguelands Vendors -->. That might prove to be a LONG haul to sell some stuff.

Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Could not find file 'C:\Users\T\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\26058.cs'.

Shouldn't this be set to the default SVN folder \Quest Behaviors\ as opposed to the default HB \Quest Behaviors\ folder? I fixed this by moving the C:\...\Kick's Profiles\Quest Behaviors\*.* to 'C:\...\HB\Quest Behaviors\
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I didn't on previous toon either :confused: It matter that it's not a "kill" quest even if Objective type = killmob?The quest is where you set a marker near a flag. Maybe an ID mixup:confused:

<Quest Id="10335" Name="Surveying the Ruins">
 <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="20473" KillCount="1">
  <Hotspot X="4694.384" Y="2609.611" Z="209.7877" />
 <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="20475" KillCount="1">
  <Hotspot X="4609.585" Y="2439.865" Z="195.5057" />
 <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="20476" KillCount="1">
  <Hotspot X="4717.813" Y="2370.131" Z="198.2431" />

you're using the old old old profile, re-svn.
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