Level 27 Horde Druid. Questing.
Question is: Why in the world why this try to go through Astranaar on the way to a quest pickup? That's an alliance town. Really? So.. nice endless loop of res, die, repeat. This section probably needs to be looked over. In the meantime, guess I'll manually see if I can figure out how to get him out of the town alive and then try to figure out where he was trying to go by way of the worst path possible.
** well, that didn't work. Took him to the OTHER SIDE of Astranaar... and yep, you guessed it, he wanted to run right back in to town. You realize there are no Horde quests IN Astranaar. Now, I need to know how to tell it to forget this part of whatever quest chain it's programmed to do.**
** Looks as if he wants to go REPAIR in the ALLIANCE town. And I see no way to tell him not to. Guess my option is go find repair elsewhere, and then start it again?**
** Okay, fixed for now. Apparently it wanted to pickup a quest, but thot it needed to repair. Is my only guess. It said quest pickup originally and went to Astranaar. After moving him to the other side, it said "Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Shenara" And tried to go back to Astranaar. After taking him to Hellscream's Reach and repairing. It went to Zoram'gar and started to pick up quests again.
So, after looking at the entry in the file: <Vendor Name="Shenara" Entry="43625" Type="Repair" X="2989.99" Y="-483.747" Z="198.628" /> is correct. She is an NPC in Hellcream's Watch. No idea why HB wants to go to Astranaar to find this NPC.
So, from stonetalon mountains, this is it's next step" Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Gurt; Problem is, the file lists him under <!-- Eastern Plaguelands Vendors -->. That might prove to be a LONG haul to sell some stuff.
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Could not find file 'C:\Users\T\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\26058.cs'.
Shouldn't this be set to the default SVN folder \Quest Behaviors\ as opposed to the default HB \Quest Behaviors\ folder? I fixed this by moving the C:\...\Kick's Profiles\Quest Behaviors\*.* to 'C:\...\HB\Quest Behaviors\